Medicine 2024, October

Negative T waves on an ECG: what does the indicator mean?

Negative T waves on an ECG: what does the indicator mean?

What is a T wave? What are the norms for this indicator in adults, children, newborns? What are the main types of indicator deviations? What does a negative T wave on an ECG indicate? We will determine the value of other deviations - two-phase, smoothed, flat tooth, inversion, high rates, etc

Crocodile exercise: get rid of back pain

Crocodile exercise: get rid of back pain

This technique is available to people of any age and physical fitness, is easy to perform, does not require large space or special equipment: a thin blanket or blanket laid on the floor is enough

Hivamat therapy: what is it, indications and contraindications

Hivamat therapy: what is it, indications and contraindications

What is hivamat therapy? Features of the procedure, indications and contraindications for this type of physiotherapy

Echocardiography with Doppler analysis and color flow: how to prepare, how it is done and why

Echocardiography with Doppler analysis and color flow: how to prepare, how it is done and why

The heart is the most necessary and, most importantly, irreplaceable part of the human body. It knows no rest and works tirelessly throughout human life, without stopping the movement of blood through the vessels. Applied to the heart, the phrase that movement is life is not an idiom, but a very real fact

HIA - what is it? Raising children with disabilities

HIA - what is it? Raising children with disabilities

Increasingly, teachers of preschool and school educational institutions in their practice are faced with children who, due to some of their characteristics, stand out in the society of their peers. As a rule, such children hardly learn the educational program, they work more slowly in the classroom and lessons. Not so long ago, the definition of "children with disabilities" was added to the pedagogical dictionary, but today the education and upbringing of these kids has become an urgent problem

What is the brain: its structure and functions

What is the brain: its structure and functions

The human nervous system (including the brain) is the regulator of the functions of a living organism. Thanks to her, he can react to events and make certain decisions. The brain plays an important role in all of this

What is a bruise and how to get rid of it quickly?

What is a bruise and how to get rid of it quickly?

What is a bruise? Bruises or hematomas are subcutaneous extravasations of blood that occur most often after mechanical injuries, after a blow. Formed when small blood capillaries break. They do not cause serious he alth effects, they are rather a cosmetic defect. They disappear a few days after the injury

ECHO of the head: where to do what shows? How are ECHO heads made?

ECHO of the head: where to do what shows? How are ECHO heads made?

For many of his patients, a neurologist prescribes an ECHO of the head. It stands for echoencephalography and is a non-invasive procedure during which the brain is examined and it is determined how much of its parts are sensitive to ultrasound

What is an individual dressing pack

What is an individual dressing pack

To provide first aid for wounds and burns, an individual dressing bag is used. Weighing just 70 grams, this small envelope helps stop bleeding and protect the wound from infection

Dressing material. Elastic bandage. Sterile gauze wipes

Dressing material. Elastic bandage. Sterile gauze wipes

Dressing material - first aid. The history of its origin can be traced back to very ancient times. Approximately in 460-377. BC e. (at the time of Hippocrates) in order to firmly fix the dressing, they used an adhesive plaster, various resins and canvas. And in 130-200 years. BC e. Roman physician Galen created a special manual. In it, he described various bandaging techniques

Hemoglobin 70 in women: what is dangerous, causes and treatment

Hemoglobin 70 in women: what is dangerous, causes and treatment

Such a chemical element as iron, penetrating into the human body, combines with proteins that are present in special blood cells - erythrocytes. This is how hemoglobin is formed. What is the danger of low iron levels in the body?

The norm of hemoglobin in adolescents. What does hemoglobin depend on?

The norm of hemoglobin in adolescents. What does hemoglobin depend on?

Each cell of the human body needs oxygen to live. The most important role in saturating the body with this compound is played by hemoglobin, a complex protein that enters into the structure of red blood cells. Its main task is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to all tissues, as well as the transfer of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction

How to cure green snot: causes and methods of treatment, an overview of remedies

How to cure green snot: causes and methods of treatment, an overview of remedies

Snot is made up of proteins, s alts and water. They stand out from the nose, have the consistency of mucus, their tone and intensity can be different. These secretions may include microimpurities of blood, pus. The appearance of a small number of snot is natural for a perfectly he althy person. They prevent water loss, dehydration of the respiratory tract, and also guarantee protection against dust, microorganisms

Hypocoagulation is Definition, types, causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences for the body

Hypocoagulation is Definition, types, causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences for the body

Hemorrhagic syndrome is expressed by a tendency to secondary hemorrhages and bleeding that appear after a minor injury or independently in the absence of a cause that is quite visible to the patient himself. In conditions of hypocoagulation, even minor surgical operations (tooth extraction, etc.) can be deadly

Sciatic nerve neuropathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Sciatic nerve neuropathy: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Neuropathy of the sciatic nerve is a lesion of the longest nerve in the human body, which runs from the sacral spine along the back of the leg to the toes. The old name of the disease "sciatica" is known to almost everyone. For ease of understanding between the doctor and the patient, it is still used. The disease, if not cured, threatens with the loss of the ability to work, in some cases leads to disability

Ear bandage - overlay technique, features and recommendations

Ear bandage - overlay technique, features and recommendations

In diseases of the auricles and passages, the main treatment with medicines is supplemented by applying a bandage to the ear. This method accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes recovery and in most cases eliminates the possibility of complications

Using wound dressings in first aid

Using wound dressings in first aid

When external damage to areas of human skin and tissues forms a wound. To speed up its healing without serious complications, it is necessary to apply the correct treatment to the wound. First of all, clean the debris, remove the torn edges, sew them together if necessary and apply a wound dressing. Next, consider the types of overlays, their functions and methods of application

Urethral dilator: purpose, device, application

Urethral dilator: purpose, device, application

Disturbances in the structure of the urethra occur due to the influence of negative factors (infections, diseases, stress and hypothermia). Most often, the channel is narrowed, and a technique called "bougienage" is used to expand it. Consider the features of the procedure, what tools exist, when they are used and whether there are contraindications

Nail phalanx: structure and features, appearance, photo

Nail phalanx: structure and features, appearance, photo

Fractures of fingers and other bones of the body have been and will be present in life. How to behave after a fracture, every person should know. This can make life easier for the victim and help a loved one

Children's clinic No. 1 in Brest: address, features of functioning

Children's clinic No. 1 in Brest: address, features of functioning

Children's Polyclinic No. 1 in Brest was opened in 1968 and at that time was merged with the city hospital for children. In 1989, the polyclinic separated into an independent medical structure, in connection with the reorganization of the honey. institution in the city. Since its opening, it has changed its location several times

Brest Regional Polyclinic - areas of activity and features of work

Brest Regional Polyclinic - areas of activity and features of work

Usually, the regional polyclinic is contacted when it is necessary to receive specialized medical care in the regional hospital. On the spot in the district polyclinics, patients are referred for counseling to the Brest Regional Polyclinic. This work is carried out by primary he alth care facilities: outpatient clinics, hospitals or regional dispensaries. Without a referral, the polyclinic also accepts patients on a settlement (fee) basis by appointment. You can make an appointment at the reception

Brest Children's Regional Hospital: history and activities today

Brest Children's Regional Hospital: history and activities today

The history of the development of the children's hospital of the region begins in 1968, when, according to the order of the city he alth department, the children's department was closed as part of the regional hospital and a separate city institution for children was created. By the end of this year, a hospital and three departments were opened. After 2 years, another children's department was opened. In 1975, the city hospital was renamed into the regional one

The structure of human leukocytes. Features of the structure of leukocytes

The structure of human leukocytes. Features of the structure of leukocytes

Blood continuously circulates in the system of blood vessels. It performs very important functions in the body: respiratory, transport, protective and regulatory, ensuring the constancy of the internal environment of our body

Traditional medicine. Treatment of gallstones without surgery

Traditional medicine. Treatment of gallstones without surgery

I would like to talk today about the treatment of gallstones without surgery. Gallstone disease (GSD) is one of the most common diseases of modern man, which is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder. The goal of self-treatment will be to dissolve gallstones with folk remedies. Experts from different countries in the diagnosis of this disease agree that it is possible

Rash on the buttocks: types of rashes, causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures

Rash on the buttocks: types of rashes, causes, symptoms of the disease, treatment and preventive measures

Rash on buttocks is common. It comes in the form of spots, papules, pustules, nodules, etc. If these elements occupy an area of 5 cm², this is called a rash. Rashes are not only aesthetic discomfort, they are accompanied by itching, soreness, which causes a lot of inconvenience

Electron microscopy - nanotechnology tool

Electron microscopy - nanotechnology tool

The article describes electron microscopy as an informative method for studying the microstructures of solids, and also describes the essence of transmission and scanning microscopy

Peptide hormone LH as a regulator of the proper functioning of the gonads, as well as a participant in the production of progesterone and testosterone

Peptide hormone LH as a regulator of the proper functioning of the gonads, as well as a participant in the production of progesterone and testosterone

It will be about all known hormones. About those hormones, without which not a single person on Earth can do

Lactic acid streptococci: useful properties and characteristics of the main representatives, types and classification

Lactic acid streptococci: useful properties and characteristics of the main representatives, types and classification

People have known about the benefits of fermented milk products for a long time. The scientific justification and isolation of the bacteria that are responsible for their formation belongs to the Russian microbiologist Ilya Mechnikov. A group of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli and lactic streptococci) are microorganisms that organize the processes of fermentation of carbohydrates with the formation of lactic acid. Today, their abilities are widely used in the food industry, in agriculture and even in gas generation

Transplantation of organs and tissues. Organ transplantation in Russia

Transplantation of organs and tissues. Organ transplantation in Russia

Organ transplantation shows great promise for the future, allowing hopelessly ill people to be brought back to life. The lack of donors is a global problem in transplantation, leading to the death of thousands of people every year

What is the periphery in different fields of knowledge

What is the periphery in different fields of knowledge

In Russian, there are enough words that have several completely different meanings. In this article, we will briefly look at what kind of peripherals are, and give each of them a definition

Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms: signs, symptoms and consequences

Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms: signs, symptoms and consequences

Many people eat wild berries and mushrooms. In this case, poisoning often develops, since there are many poisonous plants. According to statistics, approximately 4% of all cases of food poisoning are poisoning by poisonous mushrooms. In this case, the patient's condition is especially severe and it is difficult to cure it. Some remain disabled due to damage to the liver, kidneys and other important organs

JSC "Gedeon Richter": drugs, company history

JSC "Gedeon Richter": drugs, company history

JSC Gedeon Richter is one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in Eastern Europe. The company has mastered the production of 140 types of drugs, a fifth of which are its own unique developments

Structure and functions of the heart. How does the human heart work?

Structure and functions of the heart. How does the human heart work?

Heart function is a very important topic. After all, this organ is the most important in our body. And its most important function is to ensure blood circulation. However, there are plenty of other features to talk about

Cleansing of the gallbladder: home and medicinal methods of cleansing, folk recipes, rules and recommendations of doctors

Cleansing of the gallbladder: home and medicinal methods of cleansing, folk recipes, rules and recommendations of doctors

Cleansing of the liver and gallbladder is relevant for one simple reason: the accumulation of stones and the development of polyps in the bile ducts occur imperceptibly to humans. And when the first symptoms of inflammation appear, it is usually too late to treat the blockage of the lumen of the ducts with stones

Islet of Langerhans of the pancreas. Antibodies to cells of the islets of Langerhans

Islet of Langerhans of the pancreas. Antibodies to cells of the islets of Langerhans

The Islets of Langerhans were discovered in the 19th century. Their accumulation is located in the pancreas and performs an extremely important function for the whole organism

First aid: instructions, rules, types

First aid: instructions, rules, types

First aid is often the determining factor on which a person's life depends. There are no general rules on how to provide it, because it may be required in completely different situations. Examples: sunstroke and frostbite, burns and drowning, intoxication and injury. Consider how to provide first aid in the most common incidents that happen to people

What is the danger of a wasp bite and how to prevent its negative consequences

What is the danger of a wasp bite and how to prevent its negative consequences

Wasps are familiar to everyone since childhood. These insects are feared, disliked and always try to avoid contact with them. Often a wasp sticks a sting into a person's skin for no reason, as it seems to him. Such an attack ends in most cases with painful edema, and sometimes even a call for an ambulance. Therefore, people need to be prepared for such a turn of events, especially in the summer, when trips to nature, gardens and summer cottages begin

Corpus callosum of the brain: structure, functions

Corpus callosum of the brain: structure, functions

The doctors did the first operations on the corpus callosum to cure epilepsy. Communication between the hemispheres was broken, and patients were actually cured of seizures. Over time, scientists began to notice some side effects in these patients - their abilities changed, behavioral reactions were disturbed

Why do we need cord blood?

Why do we need cord blood?

Today, if not everyone, then very many have heard about stem cells. The topic is of particular interest to future parents who are on the way to making a decision about saving blood from the umbilical cord of their newborn baby. The he alth of the child can directly depend on the correctness of their choice

What role does arterial blood play in the body?

What role does arterial blood play in the body?

Arterial blood in humans flows in the arteries, it is rich in oxygen, so it has a bright red color. Oxygen is necessary for tissues, it is involved in energy metabolism, which results in the formation of carbon dioxide. The main carrier of gases in the body are red blood cells, which contain hemoglobin, it is he who is responsible for the transport of oxygen. Arteries are vessels in which arterial blood flows, they come from the heart, but in the pulmonary circulation, the opposite is true