Why did the raised hand turn pale, and the lowered hand turned red? Causes of a disturbing phenomenon

Why did the raised hand turn pale, and the lowered hand turned red? Causes of a disturbing phenomenon
Why did the raised hand turn pale, and the lowered hand turned red? Causes of a disturbing phenomenon

Our body is a complex system where each organ performs its own function. But all the components of the human body function only thanks to one, the most important element - the heart. This muscle is responsible for supplying blood to tissues and organs, without it there is no life, its “breakage” leads to serious diseases. Knowing how the heart works helps a person to coordinate life activities as efficiently as possible. It will also help to find out and understand why in some situations the limbs of the body turn pale or redden. For example, why did the raised hand turn pale and the lowered turn red? The obvious answer lies in a basic knowledge of how the heart works and the laws of physics. Having understood the functioning of the heart muscle, a person will understand why this happens and whether this is normal. A brief biological digression will be useful for both children and adults.

The heart is the pump of the human body

The work of the heart is very similar to the function of a pump that pumps blood and distributes it throughout the body. Blood nourishes the vitalorgans, tissues. It supplies them with oxygen and necessary substances. Without this, human life is impossible. The heart consists of four muscle compartments: the right atrium and the corresponding ventricle (right), the left atrium and the corresponding ventricle (left).

Each side of the heart involves pumping blood through certain arteries, veins and vessels. The course of blood through the body is usually divided into a small and a large circle. Blood enters the lungs, enriched with oxygen and continues its way throughout the body. After that, it will again fall into the pulmonary arteries, and the circle will repeat. Continuous flow is ensured by the strong heart muscle pumping fluid throughout the life cycle of the individual. Knowing the physiology of the heart rhythm, one can understand why the raised hand turned pale, and the lowered turned red.

why the raised hand turned pale and the lowered turned red
why the raised hand turned pale and the lowered turned red

Influence of Newton's law

Everything on Earth is under the influence of gravity. The human circulatory system is no exception. If the body did not have special heart valves, blood would simply accumulate in its lower part due to gravitational attraction. The presence of special jumpers and muscles contributes to the uniform distribution of blood. This fact and knowledge of the anatomical structure of the heart make it possible to understand why the raised hand turned pale, and the lowered turned red. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? Newton's law.

the raised hand turned pale and the lowered turned red
the raised hand turned pale and the lowered turned red

Why a raised handturned pale, and the lowered one turned red?

When a person lifts a limb up, blood cannot flow to its upper part at the same speed. Its flow slows down due to the force of gravity. If the hand is kept raised for a long time, it will not only turn pale, but also become numb. The lowered limb, on the contrary, will begin to receive an excess of blood. For this reason, the veins in the arm may swell, and the skin may turn red. The laws of physics and the work of the heart explain this simple phenomenon. There is no panic to worry about. This is a completely normal condition of the limbs in the position of the hands up or down.

Knowing the basic functions of the heart and how the gravitational forces of the Earth act, now everyone can understand why the raised hand turned pale and the lowered turned red.
