The state of the liver greatly affects the overall well-being of a person. This body is entrusted with a huge number of functions. The liver works as a filter and blood protein synthesizer, it accumulates and breaks down glucose, participates in the production of bile, neutralizes toxic substances. Every moment of time, an unimaginable number of chemical reactions take place in this organ. This means that if you experience pain, increased fatigue, or a change in skin color, you should urgently consult a doctor, take the prescribed tests and undergo an MRI of the liver.

Modern diagnostic method
Many patients tend to be wary of incomprehensible terms, and just in case refuse the procedure. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a modern method for diagnosing internal organs. During the process, the doctor receives a layer-by-layer image of the necessary part or the whole organism. As a result, he can visually assess the state of the organ, consider its features and pathologies. For example, neoplasms that are invisible with other methods of examination can be examined with MRI of the liver, which shows the maximum effectiveness of the method, which allows timely assistance to the patient.
WhenIs it advisable to order an MRI of the liver?
Liver tomography helps to make or confirm the diagnosis, and in some cases serves to refute the erroneous diagnosis. This procedure recognizes many diseases at a very early stage, when ultrasound and x-rays are powerless.

When you see a doctor, you will get an appointment for a liver MRI if you suspect:
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- organ abscess;
- appearance of neoplasms;
- tissue rebirths;
- dystrophy;
- various injuries;
- formation of stones in the gallbladder or ducts;
- hepatitis.
For example, by detecting a tumor, the doctor will be able not only to determine its size, but also to get an accurate description, as well as to identify metastases. The layered image allows you to examine the vessels during liver MRI, which shows their patency, the presence or absence of congenital anomalies.
The patient is referred for an MRI if it is necessary to determine the suitability and suitability of the liver for transplantation or to evaluate the effect of the chosen treatment method.
How to prepare for the procedure?
In the case of scheduled diagnostics, preparation takes 2-3 days. To obtain accurate, undistorted results, a carbohydrate-free diet is prescribed. 24 hours before the diagnosis, you should not eat fiber, dairy products and soda. This also applies to mineral waters and sweet drinks. Before an MRI of the liver, there should be a break in the meal for at least fivehours.

An urgent procedure, for example, if an organ injury is suspected, is performed without prior preparation.
How is the procedure?
The patient is removed without exception, all metal jewelry. Clothing should be loose, comfortable and without iron fittings. Removable metal dentures and hearing aids must be removed.
The patient is placed on a special retractable table that slides into the tunnel of the diagnostic apparatus. MRI of the liver takes about 30 minutes. In some cases, the procedure lasts much longer, and all this time it is necessary to remain motionless. However, you should not worry, the device is equipped with internal lighting and an air supply system. The patient is completely safe.
MRI with contrast
To increase the accuracy of diagnosis, an MRI of the liver with contrast may be recommended. A special contrast agent is injected into a vein. It spreads through an extensive network of blood vessels and capillaries, allowing you to clearly detail the tissues. An MRI with contrast may be ordered to detect blocked or narrowed veins, detect tissue changes, and identify injuries and neoplasms (tumors).

Which diagnosis is safer - MRI or CT?
Sometimes the doctor prescribes not an MRI, but a CT scan of the liver. What is the difference? MRI is based on determining the electromagnetic response of atomic nuclei when they are in a strong magnetic field. Computed tomography (abbreviation CT) ison measuring the difference of X-ray radiation passing through tissues of different densities. Both of these methods scan organs in layers and display high-resolution images on the screen. These methods are non-invasive and painless. The dose of x-ray radiation from a CT scan of the liver is minimal compared to a simple x-ray. With a one-time scan, both methods are safe. However, frequent and prolonged CT scans increase the radiation dose, which can cause an unwanted reaction in the body.
The choice of diagnostic method can only be made by a doctor, based on the individual needs of the patient. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to prescribe several different methods of examination.
Both methods have a number of relative and absolute contraindications. Contraindications for MRI include:
- overweight, exceeding the allowable limits for the machine;
- presence of metal pins, implants, splinters;
- heart pacemaker and artificial heart valve;
- claustrophobia;
- kidney failure;
- allergic reaction to contrast.

Liver CT scan can be performed in the presence of metal particles in the body. Contraindications are:
- pregnancy;
- diabetes mellitus;
- kidney failure;
- thyroid lesions;
- myeloma.
No diagnostics for overweight and allergic reactions to contrast.
When diagnosing, the doctorshould take into account that some patients are not able to pay for expensive procedures. In this case, instead of an MRI of the liver, the price of which starts from 5,500 rubles, it is advisable to prescribe a CT scan (the cost of the procedure in different clinics ranges from 4,000 to 8,500 rubles).