Hepatitis C - carrier, description and features of treatment

Hepatitis C - carrier, description and features of treatment
Hepatitis C - carrier, description and features of treatment

Hepatitis is an infection of liver cells, followed by intoxication of the whole organism. Initially, it is believed that this disease came from bats, which are carriers of the hepatitis C virus. To date, many reject this theory, but this is of no use. After all, hepatitis is one of the most terrible diseases of mankind. The number of infected people is growing every year. Left untreated, it can lead to a chronic stage or even death. According to statistics, about 400,000 people die from it every year. And this is just the official data.

Causes of hepatitis C

Man is the main carrier of hepatitis C. What does this mean? Without knowing it, he can infect people around him. This happens because at the very beginning of development, the disease is asymptomatic, because of this, it often becomes chronic. Infection can occur through blood or fluids. More than half of the cases are recorded from the repeated use of syringes and instruments. Frequent carriers of hepatitis C are drug addicts. Slightly less often, infection can occur in a nail salon or hairdresser, with poorprocessing of special devices. Therefore, you should be careful when visiting such establishments. Even less often, infection occurs when going to the dentist. Not all clinics, especially private ones, comply with the established standards. The risk of contracting hepatitis C is present through unprotected intercourse or frequent changes of partners, as well as through blood transfusions. From this follows the conclusion that even a quite decent and accurate person is able to suffer from this disease. Therefore, you should never relax.

Hepatitis C developmental stages

carrier of hepatitis C virus
carrier of hepatitis C virus

In the early stages of hepatitis C, a person does not feel any changes in his body. Can a carrier of hepatitis infect other people? This question is asked by many people. Hepatitis C is a contagious disease throughout, which is a very dangerous factor, because in the early stages a person cannot understand that he can pose a threat to life and he alth to others.

After that, there is an acute stage in which a person begins to feel some symptoms of hepatitis. In rare cases, its appearance is not felt in any way. It's getting harder to get rid of him.

Chronic degree of hepatitis C manifests itself in the absence of the necessary treatment, as well as aggravation of lifestyle. Drinking alcohol in large quantities adversely affects the liver, and also helps hepatitis to become an incurable disease.

Next, a carrier of chronic hepatitis will experience severe liver damage called cirrhosis. This is a serious illnesswhich turns liver cells into connective tissue and often results in death as the liver stops working.

Hepatitis C symptoms

hepatitis C carrier
hepatitis C carrier
  1. Feverish condition. There is a high temperature, chills or fever. The person may become delusional or hallucinate.
  2. Discomfort in muscles and bones. Exactly the same condition occurs with the flu, so you should not be guided by this symptom. A person cannot work as before.
  3. Loss of appetite. Nausea and vomiting occur, the body rejects all food and water.
  4. Pain in the liver. The pain is cramping and cutting. The liver also enlarges. This is felt when examining a person.
  5. Yellowness of the skin. This symptom is one of the main ones for confirming the disease for a carrier of hepatitis C. First, the skin acquires a yellowish tint, then the eyeballs. They are affected in severe cases of the disease.
  6. Dark urine and light stool. Constipation or diarrhea may occur. Periodic aching pains appear in the abdomen.
  7. Vascular stars. They appear on the legs and stomach.
  8. Sharp change of mood. A person becomes irritable, periodically able to become depressed.
  9. Feeling bad. A person constantly begins to fall asleep, there is a strong weakness and fatigue, even in the absence of physical activity.

Can a child get hepatitis C

child carrier of hepatitis B
child carrier of hepatitis B

KUnfortunately, the answer to this question is yes. A child is a carrier of hepatitis when his mother is sick. This disease is transmitted during pregnancy, and there is no way to protect the baby from it. After birth, a child can immediately be diagnosed with a chronic form of hepatitis C. He may immediately develop yellowness of the skin and eyes. It will not be possible to completely cure the baby, but you can maintain the condition of the body and prevent deterioration. If you let everything take its course, then most likely the child will soon expect a fatal outcome.

Hepatitis C treatment

carrier of hepatitis c what does it mean
carrier of hepatitis c what does it mean

Hepatitis must be treated in a hospital. Doctor's appointments will depend on the degree of damage to the body. To begin with, all tests are given and an examination is carried out that will show whether a person is a carrier of hepatitis C antibodies. During treatment, strict bed rest must be observed. In order to maintain liver function, enzyme preparations are prescribed. They also use drugs that can restore liver cells. When this disease is detected, a person should no longer drink alcohol. It is worth giving up spicy, s alty and junk food. It is good to eat fruits and vegetables, as well as take vitamins and minerals.

In case of exacerbation of chronic hepatitis C, a person is temporarily transferred to a hospital. The treatment is exactly the same as at the onset of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

hepatitis C antibody carrier
hepatitis C antibody carrier

Neither inin which case it is impossible to independently make a decision on the treatment of folk remedies, because this can significantly aggravate a person's condition. Therefore, you should consult a doctor, and use this method only with his permission.

It is believed that daily consumption of carrot juice will benefit the liver. A carrier of hepatitis C can use mumiyo. It must be mixed with milk and drunk twice a day, before meals. A decoction of blueberry leaves is useful for the liver. It should not be boiled for a long time, as you can lose all the useful elements. In order to gradually remove the intoxication of the body, you can make a decoction of oatmeal. To do this, a handful of cereals is poured with one liter of water, boiled for about 30 minutes and taken several times a day, after filtering through gauze or a sieve.

Prevention of hepatitis C

carrier of chronic hepatitis
carrier of chronic hepatitis

In order not to provoke the occurrence of hepatitis C, you must carefully monitor your lifestyle. It is worth giving up bad habits. Do not come into contact with people who have wounds on the skin. Before going to the dentist or to the manicurist, you need to carefully check everything, and even better, visit only familiar masters and medical workers. Don't have unprotected sex. Every six months, you need to take tests and be examined in order to identify the disease at an early stage and cure it.

Hepatitis is a deadly disease that affects not only the lower strata of the population, but also quite normal people. Therefore, you need to be carefulfollow certain rules, and then this disease can bypass!
