In the article we will consider what constitutes a donor certificate. The highest value on earth is human life. Each person has the opportunity to save someone's life without making any special efforts - you just need to contact a specialized medical organization to donate blood. The legislation provides for the provision of a number of compensations and various benefits for donation. The main benefits for donors are:
- meals on donation day;
- providing a day off on the day of blood donation, as well as the next day or any other day convenient for the donor;
- providing a day off for a medical examination.

The order of privileges is regulated by legislative norms, namely the Labor Code, article 186. The most significant benefit for the donor is the provision of days off at the place of employment. Labor legislation establishes the period during which the donor certificate is valid - one year from the date of its issuance. For example, February 20In 2019, a person donated blood and received an appropriate document. It will be valid until February 20, 2020. This means that a citizen has the right to ask for a day off from his employer on any day from this period. You can choose a day of rest at your discretion, you can also extend your annual vacation on this day. The validity of this document is precisely regulated by the law.
Order of receipt
To get such a certificate, it is obvious that you need to donate blood. All adults, citizens of the Russian Federation, who do not have contraindications, have the right to this. But practice shows that not everything is so simple. Firstly, there may be no need for the blood of a certain group, respectively, its reception may be temporarily closed. Secondly, they can refuse to receive blood due to a recent illness, visits to countries where the epidemiological threshold is raised, or the presence of a tattoo.
In all other cases, if a person has donated blood, he will definitely be issued a certificate.
How to use
The donor must submit the received donor certificates to the personnel department at their place of employment in order to receive time off. This is the name of a medical document that indicates the fact of blood donation. The employee, providing his employer with such a certificate, documented that not attending work by him is not absenteeism. Nevertheless, it is recommended to coordinate the choice of the day of the visit to the blood transfusion station with the management of the organization,where the donor works.
A sample donor certificate is shown below.

Donation certificates have approved forms. So, a certificate confirming the passage of a medical examination before blood donation is filled in according to the established form 401 / y, and a document confirming the fact of donation has a form 402 / y. If the donor undergoes a medical examination and donates blood on the same day, then a certificate with the form 402/y must be completed and issued.
When receiving a donor certificate at a medical institution, you should pay attention to certain details of the document:
- availability of reference number;
- correct spelling of the full name of the person who became the donor;
- corresponds to the date specified in the document;
- presence of the signature of the head physician of the blood transfusion station;
- presence of the seal of the institution.

If any of the specified details is missing in the certificate, it may be invalidated, that is, it will not be possible to receive a day off and payment of average earnings on it. The date indicated in the document must exactly match the actual date, as it affects the validity of the certificate. The law allows the use of donor documents not immediately - they can be collected and stored until a certain time. A citizen who donated blood 40 times or plasma 60 times receives the title of an honorary donor. The validity of the certificates used to calculate the facts of donation in order to obtain the title does not matter.
The honorary donor has certain benefits. For example, he will receive an annual cash allowance. At the beginning of 2019, the amount of the allowance is 12,373 rubles. In addition, an honorary donor has the opportunity to choose the time of his vacation, as well as the right to priority medical care and vouchers for spa treatment. These preferences for honorary donors do not expire, they are awarded for life. Blood donation certificates may also be provided by the donor's place of study to confirm that the absence from class was reasonable. In this case, the document is also valid for a year.

Validity period
Donor certificate is valid for 1 year, that is 365 calendar days. If the year turned out to be a leap year, then the validity period of the certificate, respectively, will be 366 days. It should be noted that this period is not applicable, as practice shows, when applying for a new job. However, this issue has not yet been resolved by law.
Number of days provided for rest
You can get two days off on a donor certificate: the first - on the day of the actual blood donation, and the second - the next day after the donation or on any day convenient for the citizen during the validity of the document. It is important to note that if the donor undergoes a medical examination and donates blood on more than one day, then he is en titled to another day off. That is, for one blood donation, you can get a maximum of three days off.
Payment procedure
Donor paymentcertificates are carried out by the accounting department at the place of employment. A day off according to such a medical certificate is paid within the period established by the enterprise, with the employee retaining the average salary.

Drawing up an application for time off in accordance with this certificate
In order to receive the required days off for a donor certificate after the day of blood donation, the employee needs to draw up an appropriate application addressed to his supervisor. Such a request must be made exactly within the period of validity of the medical certificate confirming the donation. The application must always be made in writing. At the beginning of the document, you must indicate the full name of the head, the name of the enterprise, the full name of the employee and the name of the position he occupies. Then you should write the text of the application itself, outlining the request for an additional day off due to blood donation. The application must indicate the exact date of the desired day off. Also, the text should indicate the presence of an application and attach to it a donor certificate containing the date of issue of the document and the name of the institution that issued it. At the end of the application must contain the signature of the employee and the date of compilation. It is important that the appeal be dated by the period that refers to the validity period of the certificate.

Nuances of drawing up an application for a donor certificate
Declaration of the desire to receive an additional day off in connection withblood donation can be omitted in certain cases:
- If the employee is on annual paid leave.
- If the expected day of blood donation falls on a holiday or an employee's day off.
Moreover, the donor has the right to receive an additional day off at another time.