Human lower leg: the possibilities of prosthetics

Human lower leg: the possibilities of prosthetics
Human lower leg: the possibilities of prosthetics

The lower leg of a person is a part of the lower limb, which is located between the thigh and the foot. Nature has created this segment in such a way that it can withstand the enormous loads caused by the upright posture of homo sapiens. Two very strong bones: outside - the fibula, inside - the tibia - form the lower leg. The photo shows the relative position and structure of these bones.

The muscular apparatus of this part of the body is classically divided into 3 groups: the extensors of the foot and fingers (anterior group), then the muscles that flex, abduct and penetrate the foot (external, or lateral, group), and, finally, the flexors (posterior group).

Sometimes situations arise when, due to various pathological processes and injuries, the only option for salvation is amputation of a person's lower leg. The patient loses his leg, and with it the ability to move independently. Medicine offers a way out of this situation - prosthetics.

This procedure is the replacement of a missing segment or entire limb with the help of special devices in order to restore the anatomical shape and function of this area of the body as much as possible. Devices in this case include prostheses, corsets, orthoses (orthopedic devices), as well asspecial orthopedic shoes.

Such devices return partially or completely the supporting and motor function of the damaged segment, help create the best conditions for rehabilitation, and minimize the risk of complications.

shin photo
shin photo

The lower leg prosthesis is one of the most common types of prosthetics. A small amount of muscle tissue, bony protrusions on the anterior surface of the tibia, as well as frequent malnutrition in this area make it incredibly difficult to create a comfortable and effective design.

In terms of anatomy and physiology, the ability of the stump to withstand the load on the lower leg of a person varies significantly at different levels of amputation. The main principle says: in relation to he althy tissues, the more the artificial prosthesis is loaded, the more physiological the design will be. That is why surgeons choose such a high level of lower leg amputation: a large number of muscles will help to cover the edges of the bones, the stump is completely immersed in the receiving capsule of the prosthesis, and the load is distributed with a maximum on the artificial part.

leg prosthesis
leg prosthesis

Prosthetic leg of a person, adhere to the following principles. The stump must fully comply with the receiving capsule. Then the load should be evenly distributed on all anatomical formations on the surface of the stump. In addition, the projections of the axes of the knee and ankle joints must completely match.

No one is able to comfortably exist without the opportunitymove freely. The human shin is an integral part of the musculoskeletal system. The loss of this segment makes a person disabled, deprives the ability to move. The possibilities of medicine in general and prosthetics in particular in this case cannot be overestimated.
