The human body is especially already in that by exercising and stretching the muscles, it can do unthinkable things. Proper nutrition helps strengthen bone tissue and form the correct physiological curves of the spine.
What are the physiological curves of the spine?
To walk on two legs, the skeleton must have a center of gravity shifted forward. To do this, the column of the spine shifts with age in the direction that is most convenient.
But shifting is not always correct and painless. If there is any discomfort, pain or heaviness, poor mobility - there is a pathological deviation from the norm. Such changes can occur already in the womb, and subsequently poor nutrition, lack of exercise on the muscles lead to the curvature of the vertebrae in the position that is most comfortable for the owner.
The spine has four physiological curves - two lordosis and two kyphosis. Formed by the rightnaturally, the curves protrude slightly in the neck, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions. All curves larger than one centimeter can be considered pathological.

How do curves form?
The beginning of the formation of physiological curves of the spine occurs during development in the mother's abdomen and continues throughout life.
The first physiological curvature of the spine is called kyphosis, it is laid down genetically and is a bend of the sacral vertebrae. The first acquired change is the cervical bend. The physiological curvature of the spine anteriorly is called lordosis. It is formed in the first six to eight weeks from birth.

The more the baby adapts to life (moves, rolls over, lies on his stomach, learns to walk), the faster the other two bends appear. The formation of physiological curves of the spine occurs gradually.
What is kyphosis?
The first natural bending of the body, obtained in the womb, is called kyphosis. It is located in the sacral region. With age and the development of various functions of the body, a second physiological curvature of the spine arises with a bulge upwards.
Kyphosis is most often called a hump, a round back. Anyone can diagnose this anomaly, because a fairly strong roundness of the back can be seen with the naked eye.

Causethe appearance of kyphosis in the first place can be considered a genetic predisposition. The presence of such a "feature" of development in several generations of members of the same family. There is no cure for this type of kyphosis.
In addition, often the causes of various deviations from the norm in development are poor nutrition, lack of calcium, minerals and vitamin D3. Rickets, which occurs against the background of beriberi, weakens not only the immune system, but also the muscular apparatus, which leads to a decrease in muscle tone, softening of the intervertebral discs.
A large role in the curvature of the spine is played by the load that the vertebrae and intervertebral discs receive daily.
Injuries to the spine, fractures of the vertebral bodies and their displacement can cause spinal deformity. It can be not only arcuate, but also angular. From the injury, the vertebra bends in front. Most often there is a protrusion of the top backwards in the form of an angle.
What is lordosis?
The physiological anterior curvature of the spine is called lordosis. It is the second physiological curve that is formed in the baby after birth.
Lordosis is divided into:
- Physiological (developmental norm).
- Pathological (deviation associated with an injury to the hip joint during childbirth, an inflammatory disease or fusion of the cartilage tissue of the joint).

Injuries to the joints, diseases of the spine that disrupt the normal functioning of the skeleton, cause the deflection of the spineto a more comfortable position. Excess weight is the second reason for the appearance of lordosis. A large amount of fat deposits in the abdomen give a strong load, forcing the lower back to bend into a more comfortable position.
As previously mentioned, the physiological curves of the spine are formed in the womb. After birth, the baby gradually explores the world, receiving new information and using the instincts laid down by nature. New skills acquired by the child help to form not only reflexes, but also posture.
The baby spends the first weeks on his back, shaking his arms, pulling up his bent legs. In this, he is helped by kyphosis of the sacral region, which is formed in the fetus even in the embryo. Its presence helps adults to carefully care for the baby, supporting under the ass during motion sickness.
The second cervical lordosis is formed at the age of four to six weeks. This is facilitated by rolling the child on the tummy and trying to raise his head. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck, teaches the intervertebral discs to be mobile and elastic.
Thoracic kyphosis appears at the age of six to seven months, when the baby learns to sit. It is not in vain that neuropathologists and pediatricians warn parents about the consequences of early planting babies in “pillows”. A weak muscle frame does not cope well with such loads. These children often develop pathological curvature associated with such activities. The child will be able to sit independently when his body is sufficiently "trained" for such actions.
Last to appearlumbar lordosis. His formation is connected with the ability to stand and walk. It is formed at the age of 1-2 years.
Physiological curves of the spine of children are formed within two to three years.
How to identify pathological changes?
Changes in the skeleton begin in childhood. The first ones who can see and prevent deviations are parents and close people. The doubts that have arisen should push mom and dad to show the baby to a specialist.
Or you can do a little test at home. It is enough to ask the child to lean back against the wall, so that the back of the head, shoulder blades, shoulders and buttocks touch a flat surface. If there are no pathologies, the palm cannot move freely between the wall and the lower back. Free movement already indicates that the child has lordosis of the spine.
A complete diagnosis can be made by an orthopedic surgeon after an X-ray and a complete examination. The images clearly show the physiological curves of the spine and the developed anomalies.
In the twentieth century, a new pathology, scoliosis, became a problem. This disease has three types:
- Post-traumatic.
- Purchased.
- Innate.
Although most people perceive any curvature as a scoliotic disease. It is it that occurs only in children from 6 and in adolescents under 16.
The spine with scoliosis bends to the side. With age, the vertebrae are deformed and even more curved. Each curvature has its own name, depending on the number of arcs:
C -one, S - two, Z - three. Be sure to note the angle of bends and changes with age. Abroad, they note the age when scoliosis manifested itself.

The causes of scoliosis are still not clear. But, it is assumed that the pathological formation of the spine is influenced by:
- Carrying heavy bags on one shoulder.
- Wrong posture at a desk or desk.
- Diseases of connective and muscular tissue.
- Sharp growth of bone tissue.
- Congenital deformity.
Pathology and pregnancy
Physiological curves of the spine, which have pathological changes, may suffer during pregnancy. This is due to the increase in the woman's weight, which affects not only the joints of the legs, but also the lumbar region.
Increasing the load can lead to even more curvature of the lumbar lordosis.

But the presence of scoliosis can have a bad effect on expectant mothers under the age of 30. During this period, bone tissue is still growing, which affects the increase in the angle of the axes.
Prevention and treatment
Physiological curves of the spine are difficult to treat. Influencing further development is possible only at the initial stages.
For the prevention of kyphosis and scoliosis, specialized bandages are used that fix the upper body in the correct position. Such a device prevents the deflection of the back in the thoracic region and the stoop of the shoulders.
Therapeutic exercises according to the method of Katarina Schroth helps to keep the intercostal muscles in good shape. This method is based on physical and breathing exercises.

Treatment of pathologies does not guarantee 100% recovery. It all depends on the "neglect" of the patient. For patients with scoliosis with multiple axes, a special corset is used that can, at least slightly, but reduce the angle of bending.
In the most difficult cases, when physical education and a corset are useless, they resort to surgical intervention. Patients are "aligned" by the installation of metal rods, which immobilize the part of the spine in which they were installed.
Such a barbaric method can guarantee a slight reduction in bending. And also stop the deformation of the vertebrae. The only caveat is age: such operations are optimal for adolescents aged 13-15.