Symptoms of bartholinitis in women

Symptoms of bartholinitis in women
Symptoms of bartholinitis in women

A disease of the genital area in women, manifested as an inflammation of the gland located in front of the vagina - this is bartholinitis. Photos, symptoms and causes of its occurrence will be considered in this article.

symptoms of bartholinitis
symptoms of bartholinitis

So, we are talking about Bartholin's gland, which is a paired organ located at the base of the labia in the subcutaneous fat. The main function of this gland is the production of a viscous substance, which is released through its excretory ducts during intercourse, lubricating the entrance to the vagina.

What are the causes and symptoms of bartholinitis? If we talk about the reasons, then there are several of them. Firstly, it is the penetration into the gland of the infection. Its causative agents are usually staphylococcus aureus, gonococcus, Trichomonas, and in some cases - Escherichia coli. Often this leads to promiscuity, leading to sexually transmitted diseases, after which the symptoms of bartholinitis appear. The second reason is non-compliance with personal hygiene, especiallyincreases the risk of disease if you have sex during menstruation. Also, the disease can provoke a decrease in immunity, stress, hypothermia or vitamin deficiency. In the Bartholin gland, the infection can get from other organs through the bloodstream. This is a consequence of chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries and pyelonephritis. During pregnancy, symptoms of bartholinitis may also appear. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes are taking place in the body and immunity is sharply reduced.

bartholinitis photo symptoms
bartholinitis photo symptoms

What is this disease? Pus begins to accumulate in the gland. And due to inflammation, the flow channel can close, which does not allow it to go outside. Sometimes the inflammation disappears without purulent discharge, then a dense formation simply appears, and the gland increases slightly in size.

For some time the symptoms of bartholinitis may not appear. Most often, the disease makes itself felt during a secondary infection. The first sign is the appearance of a red roller near one of the passages in the Bartholin gland. When pressing on the hole, purulent discharge occurs. Further development of the disease entails the appearance of a pseudoabscess, it already accumulates a large amount of purulent mass. The woman has a general weakness, she feels weak and unwell. The temperature rises and performance decreases. Education causes severe pain in the labia and interferes with walking. If the gland itself rots, then the lymph nodes in the groin area increase, and whenthe temperature may rise up to 40ºC. In addition, bartholinitis is accompanied by general intoxication, nausea and headache.

bartholinitis antibiotic treatment
bartholinitis antibiotic treatment

You can not self-medicate this disease, as surgery is often required. If you ignore doctors, then bartholinitis will turn from a mild form into an abscess of the gland. Treatment with antibiotics combined with herbal baths, vitamins and immune boosting drugs will all help you get rid of this disease, but only a specialist should prescribe.
