Why do flat-valgus feet develop in children and how to treat them?

Why do flat-valgus feet develop in children and how to treat them?
Why do flat-valgus feet develop in children and how to treat them?

Flat feet is the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system. It is possible to determine such a pathology in a child only after the age of six, since up to this point the bone apparatus is still very weak, it is a fragile structure of cartilage, as well as muscles and ligaments prone to sprains. Valgus feet are usually diagnosed a little later and require immediate correction.

Factors of pathological foot development:

Valgus feet
Valgus feet


- wrong selection of shoes;

- excessive load on the lower limbs;

- increased joint flexibility;

- rickets;

- equinism;

- muscular paralysis of the ankle;

- foot injuries.

What is the danger of foot deformity?

Valgus feet in children
Valgus feet in children

Valgusfeet are characterized by a decrease in the height of the arches, as well as a curvature of the axis of the foot. At the same time, the heel and fingers are turned outward, and the middle section collapses inward and resembles the letter X from above, in fact, this is why the disease got its name. Differences in the flat-valgus setting of the feet can be noticed at the stage when the baby is learning to walk, so orthopedic doctors recommend more frequent examinations, which will identify the disease at the earliest stages of development. Many parents do not attach much importance to this problem, but such a delusion often leads to very sad consequences. It should be noted that flat-valgus feet in children violate the spring functions of the lower extremities, while depreciation almost completely disappears, and all the recoil during walking goes to the hip joint and lower leg, which can provoke arthrosis. Therefore, flat feet must be treated, while observing all the preventive instructions of the doctor.

Treatment of hallux valgus

Flat valgus feet in children
Flat valgus feet in children

Valgus feet in children are treated with gentle methods such as physiotherapy, special massages and exercise therapy. Such activities are aimed at quickly strengthening the muscles that hold and pulling the arch of the foot, and improving the blood supply to the legs. In addition, such procedures gently affect the ligamentous apparatus and joints, and also correct the resulting deformation of the ankle and feet. If a child has valgus feet, you need to pay attention to the he alth of the spine andmusculoskeletal system, as the disease often provokes the development of scoliosis. It is very important to choose special shoes made of natural materials for the baby, which will be of the appropriate size, have a hard back, a small heel and be well fixed on the leg. Insoles should be selected individually, taking into account the shape of the foot.

Ways to prevent hallux valgus disorders

In order to prevent the development of this serious disease, it is necessary to provide a child under one year with a minimum load on the lower limbs. It is important to take the necessary measures in time to prevent possible rickets and regularly undergo an examination by an orthopedist. Valgus feet are much more difficult to cure than to prevent this pathology, so parents are advised to purchase exclusively natural orthopedic shoes for their children.
