Today, each of us can go to the laboratory and donate blood to see if there are any serious deviations in he alth, and if there are any, take up treatment in time. If, after receiving the results of the analysis, it is found that all indicators are more or less normal, but AST in the blood is elevated, then questions immediately arise: how dangerous is it, what do the three capital mysterious letters mean and many other related questions. Our article will help you get answers to them.
What is AST
Aspartate aminotransferase, or AST for short, is the name of an enzyme that is part of absolutely all cellular structures of our body. But the largest amount of aspartate aminotransferase is found in the myocardium and skeletal muscles, then in the liver cells, in the nervous tissue, and in the kidneys. If the body is normal, then the indicators of AST activity in the blood are quite low.

But when various organs or systems of the body are damaged, the enzyme begins to be released and enter the bloodstream. Thus, in a biochemical analysis, it becomes clear that AST is elevated in the blood - this gives the doctor reason to suspect the onset of destructive processes in cells. The enzyme aspartate aminotransferase is essential for proper cell function. It performs transport functions, delivering groups of atoms to various amino acids.
Normal ACT readings
Normal indicators for the optical method of determination (in IU) look like this:
- women - up to 35 IU;
- for men - up to 41 IU;
- in children - up to 50 IU.
Reitman-Frenkel reaction (µmol/h/ml):
- for women - up to 0.35;
- for men - up to 0.45;
- in children - up to 0.5.
If blood biochemistry showed AST not exceeding the indicated values, this indicates that the enzyme systems of the heart, liver, kidneys are functioning normally, and the cellular composition of the organs is not damaged. If there are deviations in the analyzes and it is found that AST is elevated in the blood, other specific markers (troponins, creatine phosphokinase, ALT, etc.) should also be checked.
It must be said that different laboratories may use different reagents and research methods. Therefore, the results obtained in different places may differ slightly from each other.
Increased AST in the blood: causes
If the level of the enzyme in the blood is elevated, then this may indicate the presence of any of the following diseaseslist:
- myocardial infarction is one of the most common causes of too high AST levels, and the more extensive the area of myocardial damage, the higher the concentration of the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase in the blood;
- open or closed heart injury;
- rheumatic heart disease;
- angina;
- autoimmune or infectious myocarditis;
- bile duct cancer;
- liver cancer;
- liver metastases;
- cholestasis;
- alcoholic hepatosis;
- fatty hepatosis;
- viral hepatitis;
- toxic liver damage;
- heart failure;
- extensive destruction of muscle tissue (crash syndrome, generalized myositis, myodystrophy);
- acute pancreatitis.

Also, if AST is elevated in the blood, this can be observed with trauma to the skeletal muscles, with severe alcohol intoxication, burns, heat stroke, embolism in the vessels and poisoning with poisonous mushrooms.
Slight increase in AST levels occurs with intense physical exertion and while taking certain pharmacological drugs (sedatives, antibiotics, etc.).
What can be learned by determining the level of aspartate aminotransferase in the blood
In the event that AST in the blood is slightly elevated (about 5 times), then this may be due to fatty hepatosis, taking certain medications (barbiturates, statins, antibiotics, drugs, chemotherapy drugs, etc.).
Moderate, average increaseenzyme (up to ten times higher than normal) can be caused by chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, myocardial infarction, myocardiostrophy, processes that occur with damage to kidney and lung cells, mononucleosis, cancer.
If AST is greatly increased in the blood (10 times or more) - this tells the doctor that the patient may have viral hepatitis in the acute stage, toxic damage to the liver structures, drug-induced hepatitis (acute), and it may also indicate the occurrence of processes in the body, accompanied by tissue necrosis (for example, with tumors).

At the onset of the disease, in its acute stage, when the process of tissue destruction is the fastest, there is the highest level of aspartate aminotransferase. A decrease in AST in the blood serum means the beginning of regenerative processes in the cells of the organs and the recovery of the patient. Slight excesses are not a sign of destruction in the tissues.
What can distort the results of the analysis
Sometimes a doctor, seeing that AST in the blood is elevated, but not finding any visible signs of illness in the patient, recommends that he donate blood again, and this additional analysis shows a normal level of the enzyme. Upon detailed questioning, it turns out that the patient took medications on the eve of the first blood donation, which affected the correctness of the indicators. To avoid such situations, you need to know what can distort the result:
- Taking some pharmaceuticals. It is important to let your doctor know about all medications you are taking. doctor mayprohibit taking certain medications a few days before donating blood.
- Use herbal remedies: echinacea or valerian.
- Intake of large doses of vitamin A.
- Pregnancy.
- Severe allergy.
- Catheterization or recent heart surgery.

If AST in the blood is elevated, the reasons may be different, sometimes even unexpected. In order not to worry later due to incorrect results, it is not recommended to donate blood for research for several hours after undergoing the following procedures:
- fluorography;
- rectal examination;
- ultrasound;
- physiotherapy;
- radiography.
How a blood test for AST is done
A blood test, whether the level of the enzyme is elevated or not, is done in the following sequence: a biochemical study is necessary to determine the content of aspartate aminotransferase in the blood. Material is taken from a vein only in the morning and only on an empty stomach.
First, the nurse puts a tourniquet on the arm above the elbow, then a needle is inserted into the vein and about 15-20 ml of blood is taken. The tourniquet is then removed and a cotton swab is applied to the injection site. The patient is instructed to bend the arm at the elbow and hold the injection site firmly to stop the bleeding. You can sit for a few minutes and then go home.

And in the taken blood with the help of a centrifuge is separatedplasma, the necessary chem. reactions and AST activity is determined. The results are usually ready the very next day. It is better not to engage in self-interpretation of the results handed out, this should be done by a doctor.
Increased aspartate aminotransferase: what is the treatment?
It is important to understand that if an analysis was made and it was confirmed that AST in the blood was greatly elevated, then this could not happen just like that, by itself. This can be associated with the presence of any pathology in the body, with the destruction of the structures of the liver, heart muscle or other tissues. And this means that it is impossible to lower AST without treating the disease that caused the jump in the concentration of the enzyme.
Therefore, the main task of the attending physician will be to find, in the case when AST in the blood is elevated, the reasons for this. That is, the early diagnosis comes to the fore, and then the appointment of treatment. After the disease is eliminated, the level of aspartate aminotransferase will also decrease.
How to properly prepare for the AST analysis
To make the test results more reliable, donate blood on an empty stomach. Moreover, at least 8 hours should pass after the last meal. It is very important one day before going to the laboratory to give up alcohol, fatty and fried foods, as well as avoid both physical and emotional or mental overload. In the morning before the analysis, you can drink only pure water, but in no case should you drink coffee, juices or teas - this can adversely affect the blood test.

AST increased or not, find out no earlier than seven days after being sent for analysis, so that there is time for preparation. One, and preferably two weeks before the study, experts strongly recommend that you stop taking medication. In the event that it is not possible to fulfill this requirement, it is imperative to notify your doctor about this so that he, when deciphering the analysis data, makes the necessary corrections or schedules the procedure for another day. If there is an allergy or pregnancy, then this should also be reported to the doctor.
Indications for analysis
The described analysis is prescribed for certain diseases:
- Acute or chronic heart disease.
- All liver diseases.
- Diseases of the circulatory system.
- Infections.
- Kidney failure.
- Autoimmune diseases.
- Encephalopathy of unknown etiology.
- Disorders of bilirubin metabolism and various types of jaundice.
- Purulent-septic pathologies.
- Chronic pancreatitis.
- Cholelithiasis and violation of the outflow of bile.
- Malignant tumors.
- Endocrine diseases.
- Skin diseases caused by allergies.
- Preparing for major surgery.
- Injuries to the chest or abdomen.
In addition, it is prescribed to assess the dynamics in the treatment of cardiac and hepatic pathologies and while taking antibiotics (long-term), various toxic drugs, as well as chemotherapy drugs.
About ALT
What is elevated AST in the blood, we found out the reasons for this phenomenon. Now let's talk about an equally important indicator. Usually, when prescribing a biochemical blood test, the doctor wants to see not only the level of AST, but also the content of another enzyme - ALT.
This is an alanine aminotransferase, which, like AST, is present in the cells of all organs, but its largest amount is found in the liver and kidneys. When problems arise in the liver, ALT enters the bloodstream. Its increase allows diagnosing serious liver diseases even before the onset of jaundice, a characteristic symptom of various hepatitis. Therefore, the increased content of ALT in the blood is interpreted by doctors as an indication of damage to the named organ.

If a person passed a blood test for a biochemical analysis, AST and ALT are elevated, then this may mean that serious destructive processes are taking place in the body. Recall that both enzymes enter the blood in increased quantities only if there is a destruction of cellular structures. This does not necessarily indicate the presence of a disease. Correct conclusions can only be made by a doctor, after additional diagnostic procedures. There is no need to panic, but it is also not worth delaying a visit to the doctor.
Closing word
Increased ALT and AST in the blood is not yet a sentence, even if these figures are much higher than normal. The main thing is a timely diagnosis and treatment under the guidance of an experienced specialist. We wish you all good tests and good he alth!