Efficiency how to improve? Means and products that increase efficiency and activity

Efficiency how to improve? Means and products that increase efficiency and activity
Efficiency how to improve? Means and products that increase efficiency and activity

In order to live, you need energy or life force. A person is able to extract energy from various sources, such as atom, coal, water, and so on. But there is still no such way that would help to accumulate the energy necessary for human life. It cannot be artificially synthesized, poured into a bottle and used if necessary. No goals and dreams will ever come true if a person does not have the energy to do something. So let's find out how to recharge your batteries and increase your efficiency.

What is life energy

Harmonious development of a person is possible only with the combination of muscle strength and nervous strength. This combination can be called life force. Muscles are given to us for the implementation of various movements, the coordination of which is handled by the nervous system.

how to improve performance
how to improve performance

The coordinated work of the nervous and muscular systems provides a balance between physical, mental and emotional processes. It turns out that if the vital force decreases, then the work of the whole organism is disrupted.

Where do we draw our life force from

For example, when a person's sleep is disturbed, this is an example of disordered workmuscular and nervous systems. The muscles are relaxed, and the brain cannot shut down. Lack of vitality weakens the human body, which is the cause of the development of various pathologies.

When there is no strength, then all interest in life disappears, all plans go aside, you don’t want anything, emotional exhaustion sets in.

To restore vitality, the body must receive various types of energy, such as the air that fills our lungs during breathing. It is simply necessary for the functioning of all organ systems.

A certain supply of vitality can be accumulated in the human body, in order to accumulate it, you can use all kinds of practices:

  • Full sleep.
  • Meditations.
  • Breathing practices.
  • Relaxation.
life force
life force

As soon as you have a question about how to recharge your batteries, try doing some breathing exercises first, and then you can move on to other methods.

Reasons for performance degradation

Our modern life is such that we are constantly surrounded by stressful situations and often experience overload. This applies to both muscular work and mental work. Often, monotonous and monotonous activity leads to a decrease in efficiency, how to increase it is of concern to many. Before talking about its increase, let's look at the reasons for the decline in performance:

  1. Great physical activity, especially when you need to do such work for a long time.
  2. Physical ailments and various diseases in which the functioning of systems is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in efficiency.
  3. Repetitive work for a long time also leads to fatigue.
  4. If the regime is violated, the performance is not able to remain at a high level.
  5. The abuse of artificial stimulants leads to a short-term effect, for example, when drinking strong coffee, tea, a person initially feels cheerful and energized, but this does not happen for long.
  6. Bad habits can also be classified as the enemy of efficiency.
  7. Lack of interest in life, personal growth leads to the fading of previously acquired skills and abilities, and this cannot but negatively affect performance.
  8. Stressful situations in the family, at work, personal problems can plunge a person into a deep depression, which completely deprives any performance.
how to improve human performance
how to improve human performance

If performance has decreased, how to improve it - that's the problem. Let's deal with it.

Popular Vitality Boosters

There are many ways in which you can restore your mental and physical strength. They can be divided into several groups:

  1. Drugs.
  2. Physiotherapy treatments.
  3. Traditional medicine.

Let's take a closer look at each group.

Fatigue drugs

If you visita doctor, then, most likely, he will recommend increasing his activity, working capacity with the help of medications. These include:

  1. Means-energy. They are able to quickly make up for the lack of energy, they include: "Asparkam", "Papashin", "Methionine" and others.
  2. Preparations of plastic action accelerate the processes of protein synthesis. Cellular structures are restored faster, metabolic processes are activated, which means that working capacity is restored. This group of funds includes: "Riboxin", "Carnitine".
  3. Vitamins. Everyone is advised to take vitamin preparations, they just help to avoid loss of efficiency. Well proven: Aerovit, Undevit, Dekamevit.
  4. how to recharge your batteries
    how to recharge your batteries
  5. Adaptogens improve well-being, tone up, improve both mental and physical performance. This category of drugs includes "Ginseng tincture", "Eleutherococcus", preparations based on aralia, Chinese magnolia vine.

For those who do not wish to use drugs to cope with their increased fatigue and low performance, there are other remedies.

Water treatments to give strength

All procedures related to water tone the body, relieve fatigue, increase the body's efficiency. The following baths can be recommended for severe fatigue and when it seems that there is no strength at all:

  • Take a bath with the addition of coniferous extract. She isperfectly restores after increased physical exertion.
  • Familiar sea s alt can also work wonders. A bath with its addition relaxes, helps the body to rest and restore vitality.

Workability suffers, how to improve - don't know? Start by taking a relaxing and revitalizing bath. Strength will certainly increase, overall well-being will improve significantly.

Familiar ways to improve performance

Currently, many scientists and researchers who study a person have proven that there are ways to improve performance available to absolutely everyone, you only need a desire.

  1. First of all, you need to normalize your daily routine. Regularly, the required amount of time should be allocated to sleep, preferably going to bed at the same time. Lack of sleep immediately affects performance.
  2. You need to pay attention to your diet. An excess of fatty and starchy foods leads to the development of fatigue, and mental performance also decreases.
  3. body performance
    body performance
  4. You can turn to the help of vitamin preparations if the diet does not allow you to make up for the lack of certain substances.
  5. You need to plan your day in advance, then you don’t have to rush from one thing to another when in the end nothing is finished. To get started, you can just start a notebook or a diary where you write down important things that need to be done that day.
  6. If you feel normal at home, and fatigue overtakesyou only in the workplace, then reconsider it. It should be well lit, all the necessary things and objects should be in direct reach and in their place. Then you won't have to spend a lot of time, wasting your energy, looking for what you need.
  7. Don't be a homebody: visit public places, theaters and exhibitions, lead an active life, find a hobby for yourself, then you will never even have a question about how to increase a person's performance.

Our brain gets tired too

One can feel not only physical fatigue, but also the loss of mental performance is not at all uncommon. The brain was given to a person not in vain, it not only controls the work of the whole organism, but also must constantly solve any problems in order to be in good shape. Scientists have found that we use the capabilities of our brain by only 15 percent, almost everyone can make this percentage increase significantly. This will provide great opportunities. How many important problems a human could solve!

mental capacity
mental capacity

Scientists are sure that just as muscles need constant training in order to be in good shape and maintain a beautiful body shape, so the brain needs to be trained. Previously, it was believed that he was not amenable to training, but now all this has already been refuted by numerous studies. If we train the brain, then the loss of mental performance is out of the question. Daily routine work is quite tiring for the brain, it does not receive food for development.

Let's find out how we canincrease the capacity of our brain.

Ways to improve mental performance

Almost all recommendations are not out of the ordinary. Most of us practically know all this, but for some reason we are in no hurry to comply, and then complain that our brains do not want to work at all.

  1. The indisputable truth is that a person should sleep at night and stay awake during the day.
  2. Even in the workplace, it is necessary to allocate time for rest, but not with a cigarette in hand or a cup of coffee, but take a short walk in the fresh air, just relax or do gymnastics.
  3. After work, many rush to their favorite sofa or computer monitor to view the feed on social networks, but is this a vacation? For our brain, this is a real punishment, it needs active rest - walking in the fresh air, cycling, outdoor games, communicating with friends and children.
  4. Smoking and alcohol are the main enemies of our brain, give them up and see how much more efficient it has become.
  5. We train the brain, for this, try to count not on a calculator, but in your mind, we remember information, and do not write it down on a piece of paper. The route to work should be periodically changed so that new connections form between neurons.
  6. Feed your memory with vitamin preparations, and even better, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  7. Mastering breathing exercises will help you saturate your brain with the oxygen it needs.
  8. Massage of the neck and head will also help to significantly improve blood circulation in the headbrain.
  9. Constant stress and anxious thoughts tire the brain, learn to relax, you can learn yoga techniques or learn to meditate.
  10. Learn to think positively, everyone has failures, but a pessimist gets hung up on them, and an optimist goes further and believes that everything will be fine.
  11. We solve all cases gradually and one by one, you should not scatter your attention.
  12. Train your brain by solving puzzles, logic puzzles, rebuses.
train the brain
train the brain

The methods are quite simple and quite doable, but effective enough, you just have to try.

Traditional medicine against fatigue

How to improve a person's efficiency, the recipes of folk healers will prompt. Here are some of them:

  • Take the beets and grate them, put in a jar about three-quarters and pour vodka. Steep in a dark place for about 2 weeks, then take a tablespoon before each meal.
  • Buy Icelandic moss at the pharmacy, take 2 teaspoons and pour 400 ml of cool water, put on fire and remove immediately after boiling. After cooling, strain and drink the entire amount throughout the day.

If you look at herbalists, you can find many more recipes that will help increase your efficiency.


From all of the above, it becomes obvious that the loss of mental and physical performance is most often to blame for the person himself, and not the surrounding factors. If you properly organize your working day and rest after it, you will not have to sufferdue to decreased performance. There is no need to figure out how to increase it in various ways.

Keep a he althy lifestyle, enjoy life, be glad that you live on this beautiful earth, and then no fatigue will defeat you.
