Medicine 2024, October

Electrocoagulation of papilloma: description of the procedure, effectiveness, recommendations for skin care after cauterization

Electrocoagulation of papilloma: description of the procedure, effectiveness, recommendations for skin care after cauterization

Many people have papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes. Electrocoagulation of papillomas is an effective weapon to get rid of these formations

How can papilloma be removed

How can papilloma be removed

Most people in their lives at one age or another are faced with the formation of papillomas on the body, which are benign skin growths caused by the papilloma virus. We offer you to find out in what ways you can get rid of these unpleasant neoplasms

Antibodies are the body's defenses

Antibodies are the body's defenses

Their special properties include the ability to connect with the antigen that caused their formation, as well as ensuring the protection of the body from the effects of infectious pathogens. Antibodies are neutralizers of infectious agents that reduce the susceptibility of the latter to the effects of complement or phagocytes

What is an Ambu bag and how to use it?

What is an Ambu bag and how to use it?

Surely few people know what an Ambu bag is. This device is not intended for home use

Immunoglobulin E: what shows, the norm and the reasons for the deviation

Immunoglobulin E: what shows, the norm and the reasons for the deviation

What is immunoglobulin E? How is it related to allergic reactions? The reasons for the appointment of such an analysis are symptoms and diseases. How to take the analysis? Normal indicators for a child and an adult. Causes of deviations up and down in children and adults. How to lower the level of immunoglobulin E in the blood?

What is an action potential?

What is an action potential?

The action potential is an important electrophysiological phenomenon observed in many cells (especially in the nervous and cardiovascular systems). What is it and why is this potential needed?

Cholinergic synapses: structure, functions

Cholinergic synapses: structure, functions

Cholinergic synapses are the place where two neurons, or a neuron and an effector cell that receives a signal, come into contact. The synapse consists of two membranes - the presynaptic and postsynaptic, as well as the synaptic cleft. The transmission of a nerve impulse is carried out through a mediator, that is, a transmitter substance

Recombinant erythropoietin. Recombinant human erythropoietin

Recombinant erythropoietin. Recombinant human erythropoietin

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a glycoprotein hormone that controls the rate of erythropoiesis in the human body. The presented substance is synthesized mainly in the kidneys, a small amount (about 10 percent) is formed in the liver. Recombinant human erythropoietin is identical in amino acid and carbohydrate composition to the natural hormone, increases the number of red blood cells, reticulocytes, activates hemoglobin biosynthesis in cells

Laser coagulation of the retina

Laser coagulation of the retina

Laser coagulation is used for vascular lesions of the eye, tumors, as well as for retinal dystrophies. This method of treatment helps prevent the development of dystrophies, retinal detachment

Cardioneurosis: symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Cardioneurosis: symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Cardioneurosis is understood as a mental disorder that occurs when the cardiovascular system malfunctions, which causes the patient to panic, anxiety and fear for his own life, although doctors fail to detect the presence of any serious pathology. The disease itself is characterized by disorders of the nervous system, which affect the appearance of the patient's thoughts that his heart beats very quickly and unevenly, it froze or "clamped in a vise"

Consequences of knee injuries. Prosthetics and rehabilitation

Consequences of knee injuries. Prosthetics and rehabilitation

The knee joint is the largest in the human body, as it is formed by the patella, femur and tibia, and is reinforced by strong ligaments. The normal functioning of the leg when running and walking depends on the ligaments, muscles and menisci - intra-articular lamellar bodies. With excessive loads, the knee joint is injured, which entails a long treatment and rehabilitation period

Where is the vasomotor center located? Its meaning

Where is the vasomotor center located? Its meaning

The regulation of blood pressure is carried out by the vasomotor center. It is a complex mechanism that includes neurons in the brain and spinal cord. In addition to influencing blood vessels, the center regulates cardiac activity

Iodine deficiency in the body: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Iodine deficiency in the body: symptoms, treatment and consequences

In the modern world, almost a quarter of the entire population of the planet suffers from iodine deficiency and does not even know about it, since the signals of an extremely neglected state of iodine deficiency - a change in the size of the thyroid gland and the complications that follow - are observed in only one individual from several thousand

Reference values - what is it? What does "reference value" mean?

Reference values - what is it? What does "reference value" mean?

When carrying out any diagnostic measures, the results of the research are considered comprehensively. In this case, all indicators are taken into account: the general condition of the patient, the nature of the course of the pathology, symptoms

Zinc Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Replenishment

Zinc Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Replenishment

Zinc is found in all human tissues, fluids and organs, but its internal reserves are small. Every day it is excreted from the human body, so the lack of this component affects the general condition of the body. And if it is not enough to come with food, then this leads to a deficiency of this substance. The causes, symptoms of zinc deficiency are described in the article

Pressure in athletes: normal blood pressure, causes of deviations from the norm and methods of treatment

Pressure in athletes: normal blood pressure, causes of deviations from the norm and methods of treatment

Sport is he alth, and this statement is indisputable. But regular classes with intense physical activity also have the flip side of the coin - the appearance of many pathologies and functional disorders of organs and systems, even among young athletes. The most common example is increased pressure. There is simply no training without hypertension

Bacteriological examination of feces: doctor's prescription, features of conduction, methods of conduction, indications, contraindications, detected diseases and their treatment

Bacteriological examination of feces: doctor's prescription, features of conduction, methods of conduction, indications, contraindications, detected diseases and their treatment

To determine the state of a person's he alth, experts prescribe a stool sample for bacteriological examination. Such an analysis is most often included in mandatory preventive examinations, as well as in narrow-profile diagnostic procedures. The collected biological material is processed using a special technology that helps to determine the state of human he alth, for example, to identify the presence of intestinal dysbacteriosis or the presence of an infection

Yekaterinburg: Where can I get an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity?

Yekaterinburg: Where can I get an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity?

Today we will tell you what an ultrasound is when this procedure is prescribed. In addition, it will be indicated where in Yekaterinburg to undergo this examination

What is serotonin and why is it needed? Serotonin tablets: instructions, preparations

What is serotonin and why is it needed? Serotonin tablets: instructions, preparations

How does serotonin affect the human body? What drugs to increase serotonin are there? What side effects do they have? Is it possible to increase the level of the hormone without pills?

Plastic - what is it? What operations are called plastic surgery?

Plastic - what is it? What operations are called plastic surgery?

What is plastic surgery? Types of plastic surgeries. "For" and "against" plastics. Is plastic surgery worth it?

What to do when the pudendal nerve is pinched or inflamed? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

What to do when the pudendal nerve is pinched or inflamed? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

The pudendal nerve, also known as the genital nerve, is a common cause of chronic pelvic pain in adults. The reason for this in most cases is a pinched nerve, which is called compressive neuropathy. The pudendal nerve is pinched more often in women. In men, this happens three times less often

Pelvic ultrasound in men: what is included?

Pelvic ultrasound in men: what is included?

Ultrasound of the small pelvis in men helps to diagnose various diseases and pathologies, starting from the first stage of development. This research method is one of the most informative, safe and non-invasive. To undergo an ultrasound examination, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist

The volume of circulating blood: the concept, what it depends on, the amount

The volume of circulating blood: the concept, what it depends on, the amount

Blood, tissue fluid and lymph are the internal environments of the body in which the vital activity of cells, tissues and organs is carried out. The internal environment of a person ensures the performance of all organs and tissues of the human body. Blood, circulating throughout the body, delivers nutrients, oxygen, hormones and various types of enzymes to the tissues, taking decay products and delivering them to the excretory organs

Gymnastics for diabetics: a set of effective exercises, advice and recommendations from doctors

Gymnastics for diabetics: a set of effective exercises, advice and recommendations from doctors

Gymnastics for diabetics must be accompanied by a dietary adjustment. In type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to fight excess weight and improve the sensitivity of peripheral tissues. Type 1 diabetes requires a slightly different approach. This is primarily due to the fact that physical activity can increase blood sugar levels

Femoral artery: aneurysm and thrombosis. Thromboembolism of the femoral artery

Femoral artery: aneurysm and thrombosis. Thromboembolism of the femoral artery

Not every person knows where the femoral artery is located and what diseases it can be exposed to. The most common leg diseases are thrombosis and aneurysm

Neurological status. Neurological status examination

Neurological status. Neurological status examination

You can determine the neurological status at any neurology center. Such an examination is very important after various injuries, in the presence of congenital pathologies of the nervous system

Creatinine and urea in the blood: the norm, reasons for the increase, decoding of the tests

Creatinine and urea in the blood: the norm, reasons for the increase, decoding of the tests

In many diseases, when it is necessary to take a biochemical blood test, among the indicators you can see creatinine and urea. Their values for the most part show the state of the kidneys in the human body. The article describes the norms of indicators, the reasons for their changes and decoding options

Biochemistry of urine: collection rules and norm indicators

Biochemistry of urine: collection rules and norm indicators

Using a biochemical analysis of urine, you can get information about the state of the whole organism and each organ separately. So the early stage of the disease is detected, and the diagnosis is also specified. For timely and effective treatment, you need to know how urine biochemistry is performed correctly. In addition, knowledge of deciphering its indicators will be required. It may be necessary for the patient himself. But basically the decoding is needed by the attending physician

Basic indicators and decoding of biochemistry in adults and children

Basic indicators and decoding of biochemistry in adults and children

Sooner or later, any person has to donate blood for biochemistry. The norms and interpretation of the results are of interest to everyone who receives the results of the screening, because this is how you can assess how good your he alth is. It is better to entrust the reading of the results to a specialist with a medical education. However, at least out of simple curiosity, it will not be superfluous to figure out the information on your own

How to treat hanging warts?

How to treat hanging warts?

How to treat hanging warts? Diagnostics and removal. Causes of the appearance of papillomas. Danger of hanging warts. How to remove a hanging wart yourself?

How to remove papilloma on the face: ways and means

How to remove papilloma on the face: ways and means

There are many ways to remove papillomas, from folk remedies to surgery. But in order to solve this cosmetic problem, you first need to find out the root causes of its occurrence. Consider what papilloma is, its varieties, causes and methods of removal. We will also give recommendations for prevention so that unpleasant and ugly growths no longer occur

Epithelial tumor: types, classification, description, symptoms, causes, treatment

Epithelial tumor: types, classification, description, symptoms, causes, treatment

What is cancer and what are tumors of epithelial origin? What is the difference between benign and malignant neoplasms and what are they? The term "cancer" is used in medicine as a general name for oncological diseases. This disease is characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation

Ethmoid bone: structure (photo)

Ethmoid bone: structure (photo)

The skull is a skeletal element of the head. It distinguishes the facial (visceral) and brain sections. The ethmoid bone serves to separate the cranial and nasal cavities. The segment has a shape close to cubic

Hepatic lobule: structure and function

Hepatic lobule: structure and function

The liver is the largest gland, a vital human organ, without which our existence is impossible. Like all other body systems, it consists of smaller components. In this organ, such an element is the hepatic lobule. We will analyze it in detail in this article

Viral hepatitis: markers, preparation for research, decoding of analyzes

Viral hepatitis: markers, preparation for research, decoding of analyzes

The main danger of hepatitis is that it is difficult to detect. A reliable method for determining hepatitis in humans is the presence of markers of viral hepatitis in the patient's blood. Thanks to their presence, the doctor can determine the type of hepatitis and the stage of the course of the disease, prescribe the appropriate treatment. From the article you will learn everything about the types of hepatitis, serological markers of viral hepatitis, features of the interpretation of test results

Swollen foot: causes and types of swelling, treatment features, recommendations and prevention

Swollen foot: causes and types of swelling, treatment features, recommendations and prevention

Complaints that the foot is swollen (swollen) can often be heard from women and men. This phenomenon is caused by an increased content of fluid, which accumulates in the body and makes the tissues looser. As a result of this process, an increase in the volume of the lower limb occurs, which brings a lot of discomfort to a person

Atrophic scar on the face: causes, features and methods of treatment

Atrophic scar on the face: causes, features and methods of treatment

Any atrophic scar on the face, even if it does not pull on nearby tissues and does not disrupt the function of their movement, is subject to treatment, as it is located on a visible part of the body and delivers a lot of feelings to a person. Modern methods of correction, including polishing of atrophic scars, allow not only to reduce, but also to eliminate these aesthetic defects

Diffuse peritonitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, recovery period

Diffuse peritonitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, recovery period

What is diffuse peritonitis? Causes of aseptic and bacterial forms, primary and secondary ways of development. Classification of the disease. Symptoms of reactive toxic, terminal phase. Diagnostic measures, treatment of the disease, postoperative recovery, preventive measures

How leg lengthening is performed and in what cases

How leg lengthening is performed and in what cases

Leg lengthening is an operation that people require not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for medical reasons

What brings down the temperature? Effective Tips

What brings down the temperature? Effective Tips

There are many reasons why the temperature may rise. What are these reasons and how can you effectively deal with poor he alth?