How to remove papilloma on the face: ways and means

How to remove papilloma on the face: ways and means
How to remove papilloma on the face: ways and means

Papilloma is a wart that occurs as a result of exposure to a specific virus. Today, there are more than 70 types of human papillomaviruses, some of which lead to the development of oncology. According to statistics, about 90% of people on the planet are carriers of the virus, but most of the time it "sleeps" and does not manifest itself in everyone.

There are many ways to remove papillomas - from folk remedies to surgery. But in order to solve this cosmetic problem, you first need to find out the root causes of its occurrence. Consider what papilloma is, its types and causes. And also find out if it is possible to remove papillomas on the face, and in what way it is better to do it so that there are no ugly scars and scars.

Causes of papillomas

How to remove a wart on the face?
How to remove a wart on the face?

Warts most often appear on the face, the area around the eyes, in the armpits, in the areamammary glands, as well as on the mucous membrane (nose, growth, gastrointestinal tract and genital organs).

Human papillomavirus is quite common. And despite the fact that in most cases it is transmitted sexually, it can also be infected in everyday life. At first glance, such a small cosmetic procedure looks completely innocent, but the danger lies in the fact that growths can turn into oncology. For example, 60% of women who develop a genital wart eventually develop cervical cancer.

Before moving on to ways to remove papilloma on the face, it is worth understanding the root causes of its appearance. It is known that when infected with a virus, it goes through an incubation period for some time, lasting from 14 days to two years. Often it does not manifest itself at all, since the human immunity is strong enough and heals itself.

How you can get HPV:

  • sexual contact (including oral-genital contact);
  • domestic way (touching, non-observance of hygiene rules, especially in public places);
  • infection during hair removal;
  • with reduced immunity during childbearing;
  • during puberty, when there is a complete restructuring of the whole organism;
  • when stressed or hypothermia.

Varieties of papillomas

Before discovering the best way to remove papilloma on the face without scars, it is worth finding out its type.

Growths on the human body are classified by:

  • flow form - good and malignant;
  • the ability to regenerate and change - non-oncogenic, low-oncogenic and oncogenic with a high risk of developing oncology;
  • color - pink (no danger), gray (diagnosis needed), white (disturbed pigmentation), brown or dark red (as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation);
  • in shape and structure - flat (may cause scarring after removal), spherical (easiest to remove with surgery or laser), pedunculated thread-like (easily treatable), spiky (high chance of rebirth).

Ways to remove papillomas

Laser removal of warts
Laser removal of warts

Don't know if papillomas on the face can be removed? It is worth consulting with a doctor who will select the most gentle method of treatment. There are many ways to deal with warts or growths, regardless of the place of occurrence, the main thing here is to choose the right therapy so that the problem does not occur again and again.

Ways to deal with warts:

Folk methods. This is the most famous and popular type of removal of papillomas, but with an incorrect diagnosis or an unidentified root cause of the growth, it can only aggravate the situation. Often burning a wart is done with salicylic acid. But answering the question, it is possible to remove papillomas on the face with this remedy, doctors say a categorical "no". On delicate and sensitive facial skin, acid can cause a burn that will heal and leave an unpleasant mark

Surgical way. Surgery is an effective method, since the growth is completely removed with a scalpel. In addition, the doctor pre-examines this wart so that it does not reappear. But few people want to go under the knife, in particular, they avoid surgical interventions on the face, since there are more gentle methods of removal

Cryodestruction. This is a method of burning growths with liquid nitrogen. But, for example, it is impossible to remove papillomas on the face near the eyes in this way, since it is impossible to accurately control the depth of exposure to liquid nitrogen. It can penetrate both deeply, which is not very good for this sensitive and thin area, or act superficially, as a result of which the wart will reappear over time

Electrocoagulation. High-frequency current acts pointwise. It can be used on any part of the body, but not on the face, as scars may form

Radioknife. This is a modern removal method that is only gaining momentum. Its advantage lies in the fact that the device removes neoplasms, while not affecting neighboring he althy tissues. According to the principle of action, it is similar to a laser

Laser removal. A painless method that is not associated with significant blood loss. The impact of the laser does not leave marks on the body, in addition, the wart is burned out all pointwise and does not form again. But it should be understood that in order to remove papilloma on the face with a laser, it is worth undergoing mandatory special training, which begins a few weeks before the procedure, and a long rehabilitation period after

There are also medications for removing warts that can be found in every pharmacy, but their effectiveness depends on the type of wart and its localization zone.

How to remove papilloma on the face at home?

Causes of warts on the face?
Causes of warts on the face?

When a wart or papilloma appears, almost every person first decides to overcome this problem on their own. To do this, you can use pharmaceuticals, but you should carefully study the instructions.

The most popular are such products as Ferezol, Cryopharm, Verrukatsid and Super-celandine. Their principle of operation is based on burning or freezing by cryodestruction. As a result of the impact of the components, the build-up is destroyed and dies off.

The crust falls off within a week, then you need to carefully monitor so as not to tear it off yourself. Is it possible to remove papillomas on the face with such means? It is possible, but it is worth remembering that exposure to drugs can disrupt the integrity of the tissue and lead to scarring if the rules specified in the instructions are not followed. Also, when self-medicating, you should pay attention to how effective it is. If no positive changes occur within a week or two, you should consult a doctor and choose a different method of removal.

When removing a wart on your own, there is a high risk of developing a growth again. Additionally, it is worth taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs to increase immunity. They are prescribed by a doctor. It should be understood that the virusdoes not disappear, it continues to live in a person, but in a state of sleep.

Folk remedies

The most common ways to remove papilloma on the face at home, x are folk remedies. They have been known since ancient times, when medicine was not yet at such a level of development.

papilloma on the lip
papilloma on the lip

Most popular folk wart removal methods:

  • Lubrication with ammonia, sour apple or celandine (these products are not recommended for use on sensitive skin on the face, as the likelihood of burns is high).
  • When a papilloma forms on the neck, you can wrap it with cotton wool previously moistened with Kalanchoe juice (bandages are applied for seven days).
  • The onion, soaked in vinegar, is applied to the wart overnight (repeat several procedures).
  • Grated potato compresses (a gentle method that is the answer to the question of how to remove a papilloma on a child's face - the potato does not have an unpleasant odor and does not irritate the baby's sensitive skin, therefore it does not cause consequences).

You can also smear the wart with castor oil, which contains components that destroy the structure of the neoplasm from the inside. The use of just such folk remedies is more preferable and effective than drugs, but it is worth using them on the face with caution, as scars often remain.

Safe wart removal plants to use on the face area:

  • Aloe - a fresh leaf is cut andthe pulp is applied to the wart for several hours (the procedure should be carried out every day for up to two weeks, if there are no changes, you should consult a doctor).
  • Banana - you will need the inside of the peel, which is applied to the papilloma (this is the most gentle method of how best to remove the papilloma on the face, but it will take about 3-4 weeks to achieve the result).
  • Dandelion - an alcohol solution is prepared for 14 days, then the wart is smeared with it every four hours until it disappears completely.
  • Garlic - squeezed out and mixed with cream, then the mixture is applied to the problem area every day (preferably at night), you need to cook it just before application, otherwise the product will lose its healing properties.

What to buy at the pharmacy to get rid of papillomas?

How to remove a wart on a child's face?
How to remove a wart on a child's face?

Drug treatment of how to remove papilloma on the face may consist of injections, tablets and topical ointments. The therapy is quite effective in conjunction with the surgical removal of warts. In the process of rehabilitation, when drugs are used, the risk of recurrence of the problem is significantly reduced.

Medicines for wart removal:

  • "Allokin-Alpha" (injections) - the course consists of two injections every other day, but is contraindicated for use during the bearing of the baby and breastfeeding, as well as with severe autoimmune pathologies
  • "Likopid" (tablets) - an immunomodulatory agent that is well-behavedrecommended during use on sensitive skin, since the fight against the virus comes from the inside, without affecting the skin (to remove flat papillomas on the face, doctors often prescribe these pills, the course lasts 10 days).
  • "Vinefron" (ointment for external use) is an antiviral drug that is applied to the affected area in a thick layer up to four times a day, the course is a week.
  • "Verrukacid" - an oil solution that is used one-time for small growths (up to 2 mm) or up to four times for large warts, but allergic reactions are possible due to the potent components of the drug.

What kind of growths does not recommend removing at home?

Knowing how to remove papilloma on the face at home, it is worth remembering when this is not recommended. In some cases, self-medication can lead to the exact opposite result and significantly aggravate the situation.

Not always a person himself can determine the structure and types of neoplasms on the skin or mucous membrane. To find out, you need to consult a doctor who will evaluate the growth according to various indicators and select the most effective method of therapy.

When is it better not to remove papilloma on the face at home:

  • rapid increase in build-up in a short time;
  • changes in the color of the wart (it can either darken or lighten);
  • pain in this area;
  • redness or swelling of the area near the papilloma (this indicates the development of an inflammatoryprocess);
  • ichorus or pus secreted from the problem area;
  • cracks or changes in the contours and structure of the wart;
  • white halo around papilloma.

Such symptoms require immediate medical attention for advice. Only he can determine why this is happening and remove the papilloma in the most effective way. In modern clinics, this can be done in just one session.

Folk remedies for the fight against papilloma
Folk remedies for the fight against papilloma

You can remove papilloma on the face in Yekaterinburg at 133 medical centers. Most often, clinics use methods of laser removal and electrocoagulation, each specific case is considered separately. In general, the cost of removal is from 3.5 thousand rubles, the procedure takes place quite quickly on the latest high-tech devices.

Why can't pick or cut warts?

How to remove papilloma around the eyes?
How to remove papilloma around the eyes?

When the question arises of how to remove papilloma on the face, some resort to such drastic measures as cutting or tearing off growths. It is worth noting right away that these methods can only aggravate the situation. First you need to find out if the growth has a benign character, since cutting it out in this way with improvised means can lead to reproduction and spread over a large area.

The consequences of cutting or plucking warts:

  • bleeding - a wart is closely connected with blood vessels and capillaries, when it is cut or torn off, trauma occurs and, accordinglybleeding;
  • formation of scars and scars at the site of growth;
  • infection of the wound and the development of the inflammatory process.

It also happens that a person accidentally touched a wart and broke its structure. In this case, you first need to disinfect the wound so that the infection does not get there. If possible, cover the area with sterile gauze so that the virus does not infect neighboring he althy tissues. Having damaged the papilloma, you need to immediately contact a specialist who will either carve it in the most appropriate way, or inform you about what to do, but only after the examination.

Many people are interested in the question, where can I remove papillomas on my face? This can be done in any family or aesthetic medicine clinic, which is available in almost every city. You can also go to the local hospital to see a dermatologist, if he has the appropriate equipment, he will treat or prescribe therapy.

When is surgery needed?

In some cases, it is impossible to remove a wart with folk remedies or medication, so surgery is indicated. This is considered the most radical method of how to remove papillomas on the face, and refers to delicate and painstaking work, since the result should not be scars and scars.

In this case, the root of the growth itself is excised with a scalpel. Surgical intervention has been used less and less recently, since every year newer and more effective methods of treatment with the help of high-precision and high-techequipment. Surgical excision may cause side effects in the form of spread of infection to neighboring tissues.


In order to avoid the development, spread or reappearance of problems such as warts or papillomas, it is worth adhering to the rules of personal hygiene in the first place. You can also get vaccinated as a preventive measure against HPV. Preparations "Cervicalis" or "Gardasil" are actively used as a prophylaxis against papillomavirus on the face and other parts of the body. Vaccinations with drugs should be done regularly at regular intervals (on average once a year).

General preventive methods include the following: protected sexual intercourse, a varied diet, moderate physical activity, hardening, taking all the vitamins and minerals the body needs, and avoiding stress, depression and hypothermia.
