Medicine 2024, October

Blood thickening: causes, symptoms and treatments

Blood thickening: causes, symptoms and treatments

Blood is one of the main biological fluids in the human body, human he alth depends on its composition, viscosity and consistency. Today, more and more often you can hear that the blood is too thick, that is, its viscosity is increased, this is evidenced by an increased indicator called D-dimer

Many bacteria cause infectious diseases

Many bacteria cause infectious diseases

It's no secret that many bacteria cause disease. However, they often lead to the development of a large number of complications

Nucleic acids: structure and functions. The biological role of nucleic acids

Nucleic acids: structure and functions. The biological role of nucleic acids

This article discusses the nucleic acids that are found in the nuclei of cells of organisms of all known life forms. Like genes and chromosomes, they have concentrated in themselves the totality of the genetic information of a biological species - its genotype

What is paraproctitis? Symptoms of the disease

What is paraproctitis? Symptoms of the disease

Paraproctitis is a fairly common disease, expressed in the form of inflammatory processes of pararectal tissue near the rectum. Usually occurs in adults

Breast ultrasound: what day of the cycle is prescribed?

Breast ultrasound: what day of the cycle is prescribed?

Many women need to have a breast ultrasound, especially if they feel any discomfort. You need to check with a mammologist every year. Find out how to prepare for your exam below

Girls urinal: how to use?

Girls urinal: how to use?

Every mother at least once in her life faced with the fact that she had to take tests for her child. What is the best way to do this? When to collect urine? What to use for this? Try a urinal - make the collection process easier

Otorhinolaryngologist - who is it? What kind of work does it do?

Otorhinolaryngologist - who is it? What kind of work does it do?

When a child is sick, parents want him to get well soon and take him to the doctor for a checkup. Pediatricians often recommend going to an otolaryngologist. Read more about this in the article

When is the best time to conceive a baby so that pregnancy is easy?

When is the best time to conceive a baby so that pregnancy is easy?

You and your husband have decided it's time to have a baby. When is the best time to conceive a child, how to prepare for a future pregnancy? Answers in this article

Spine massage technique for scoliosis

Spine massage technique for scoliosis

Back massage for scoliosis is the most important part of the complex of measures to combat the insidious disease. This article will tell you how to organize the treatment process, what is a therapeutic massage, which massage specialist to choose, what contraindications there may be

Tick forest. Tick bite - treatment. How to deal with forest ticks

Tick forest. Tick bite - treatment. How to deal with forest ticks

One of the dangers that a person can be exposed to when going for a walk in the forest is a tick bite. In itself, an unpleasant meeting with this insect does not cause harm. But you should not forget that the forest tick is a carrier of such a dangerous disease as encephalitis

Reception ward. Reception department. Children's reception

Reception ward. Reception department. Children's reception

Why is emergency room needed in medical institutions? You will learn the answer to the question posed from the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you about what functions such a department performs, what are the duties of the staff, etc

The Complement System: An Overview

The Complement System: An Overview

In immunology, the complement system is a group of vertebrate blood serum proteins that exhibit bactericidal properties, which is an innate mechanism of the body's humoral defense against pathogens. What are the functions and effects of complement. What are the ways to activate it

Laboratory analysis: types, conduct, goals. medical laboratory

Laboratory analysis: types, conduct, goals. medical laboratory

For any, even a minor disease, it is necessary to take tests in special medical laboratories, because this is the only way to avoid complications in the future. But what types of laboratory tests exist and what is the purpose of their conduct, you can find out by reading the article

Insulin test: norm, interpretation, how to take it?

Insulin test: norm, interpretation, how to take it?

An analysis of insulin is recommended not only for a sick person, but also for a he althy one. The fact is that if this study is carried out in time, then its results will help prevent serious diseases if there is any deviation from the norm

Hartmann operation: description, stages, technique

Hartmann operation: description, stages, technique

Hartmann's operation is performed as a treatment for colon cancer. In most cases, it is the surgical method of treating the disease that is not only the most effective, but also the only one, since chemotherapy for cancer that progresses in this particular area does not give proper results

The myelin sheath of the nerve fiber: functions, recovery

The myelin sheath of the nerve fiber: functions, recovery

The nervous system of humans and vertebrates has a single structural plan and is represented by the central part - the brain and spinal cord, as well as the peripheral section - nerves extending from the central organs, which are processes of nerve cells - neurons

Glucometer "Accu Chek Active": instructions for use, characteristics, error, photos and reviews

Glucometer "Accu Chek Active": instructions for use, characteristics, error, photos and reviews

According to statistics, the number of people with diabetes in our country is constantly growing. Some scientists talk about a figure of 10 million people. With this pathology, one cannot do without a glucometer, for example, Accu Chek Active. This device has the maximum number of positive reviews and almost zero error

Pulmonary artery pressure: norm and deviations, possible pathologies

Pulmonary artery pressure: norm and deviations, possible pathologies

The main symptom of pulmonary hypertension is an increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery (the norm in some cases is exceeded two or more times). In most cases, this pathology is a secondary condition. However, if experts are unable to determine the cause of its development, pulmonary hypertension is considered primary. With this type of disease, narrowing of the vessels with their subsequent hypertrophy is characteristic

What is included in the DTP vaccine?

What is included in the DTP vaccine?

It is done by introducing a pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine to the patient, which contains dead pertussis microbes and tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, which are sorbed on an aluminum hydroxide gel

Hyaline cartilage: causes of thinning, how to restore

Hyaline cartilage: causes of thinning, how to restore

Quite often people are faced with thinning of the hyaline cartilage of the knee joint. Such a process can be caused with age or in the presence of regular physical overstrain. This article describes the main causes of this disease, as well as how to restore this cartilage

Vaccination room equipment standard, work organization requirements

Vaccination room equipment standard, work organization requirements

A vaccination room is one of the necessary treatment rooms that should be organized within any children's clinic, as well as on the basis of preschool and school institutions. Also, vaccination bases are equipped in sanatoriums, military units, hospitals - in a word, any medical institutions that carry out activities related to the provision of procedural medical care to the population

How is newborn audiological screening performed?

How is newborn audiological screening performed?

Any newborn child still in the maternity hospital must undergo a comprehensive examination by certain specialists and a number of important tests. Such measures are necessary in order to exclude the presence of any pathologies in the child. Quite recently, audiological screening has been mandated by the Ministry of He alth

ELISA for helminths: doctor's appointment, preparation, rules for delivery and interpretation of the analysis

ELISA for helminths: doctor's appointment, preparation, rules for delivery and interpretation of the analysis

Helminths or worms are parasites that, in the course of their life in the body, can provoke the development of serious pathologies that pose a danger not only to he alth, but also to human life. Currently, there are several methods for detecting invasion. The most informative is the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for helminths

Glandular tissue and its structure

Glandular tissue and its structure

As you know, the entire human body consists of cellular structures. They, in turn, form tissues. Despite the fact that the structure of the cells is almost the same, there are differences between them in appearance and function. With microscopy of a section of an organ, it is possible to assess what tissue this biopsy consists of, and whether there is any pathology

Gregersen's reaction: what kind of analysis and why is it prescribed?

Gregersen's reaction: what kind of analysis and why is it prescribed?

Gregersen's reaction (benzidine test) is an analysis of feces aimed at detecting latent blood in it from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. For what diseases can this study be prescribed? How to prepare for it and what can affect the result? How to decipher the received analysis of feces? Let's take a closer look in this article

Laser device "Matrix-VLOK": characteristics and purpose of the device

Laser device "Matrix-VLOK": characteristics and purpose of the device

Laser device "Matrix-VLOK": main technical characteristics, types of equipment. The principle of operation of the device and the therapeutic effect. The order of the procedure. Indications and contraindications, patient reviews

Female hormones: progesterone and estrogen

Female hormones: progesterone and estrogen

Progesterone and estrogen are female sex hormones produced by the ovaries. Their synthesis is directly influenced by the pituitary gland through its own gonadotropic chemicals. The work of the reproductive system, that is, growth, reproduction, development, appetite, sexual desire, and even mood, directly depends on the amount of progesterone and estrogen in the female body

Delayed type hypersensitivity: mechanism of development

Delayed type hypersensitivity: mechanism of development

Change in the body's susceptibility or reactivity to a foreign substance is called allergy (from the Greek. "reaction to someone else"). The name "allergy" was coined by the Austrian scientist Clemens Pirke in 1906. He also proposed to use this term to describe the effect of various factors from the external environment on the body, and to call the substances that cause these allergic reactions allergens. American allergist R. A. Cook in 1947 created the first classification of allergies

Vestibular human analyzer. Structure and functions

Vestibular human analyzer. Structure and functions

The vestibular analyzer is a system of nervous structures and mechanoreceptors that allows a person to perceive and correctly orient the position of his body in space. Mechanoreceptor stimuli are various kinds of accelerations

The human intestine and its anatomy

The human intestine and its anatomy

The human intestine is part of the gastrointestinal tract and begins at the pylorus itself and ends with the back opening. In such an organ, a thorough digestion of food and the absorption of all its elements takes place. It is also worth noting that the intestinal organ plays a huge role in the body's immune system

What is post-op rehabilitation?

What is post-op rehabilitation?

Surgery for patients involves not only physical but also emotional difficulties. The feeling of helplessness is more difficult for many than other difficulties. The fact is that the solution of medical problems depends more on doctors, and postoperative rehabilitation largely depends on the efforts of the patient himself. In order to properly organize the recovery period, interaction between the doctor and the convalescent is necessary

Head areas. Human head anatomy

Head areas. Human head anatomy

In this article, you can find out what the areas of the head are, how this part of the body is arranged and why did it even appear during evolution? The article begins with the simplest - basic information about the organization. What is meant by the skeleton of the head or, more simply, the skull? This is a collection of many bones, paired or not, spongy or mixed

Postoperative self-adhesive bandage: a variety of products in this category

Postoperative self-adhesive bandage: a variety of products in this category

Until recently, the treatment of various kinds of skin disorders was carried out with the help of numerous dressings: cotton wool, bandages, tampons or gauze. Modern medicine involves the use of more modern and technological methods - sterile postoperative dressings. In the article you will find information about popular products in this category and their features

Hernia: surgery, indications, symptoms, treatment and features

Hernia: surgery, indications, symptoms, treatment and features

In modern surgery, one of the most common problems is a hernia. For many people, this name remains incomprehensible and they do not even know what they are dealing with when they hear such a diagnosis. According to medical statistics, with timely admission to the hospital for hernia surgery, approximately 99% of cases can completely cure the disease

Inguinal hernia surgery: preparation and rehabilitation

Inguinal hernia surgery: preparation and rehabilitation

Inguinal hernia is one of the most common types of hernias that appear in the abdominal wall. This disease mainly develops among the male part of the population. And this is due to the fact that men have a special structure of the inguinal canal. To get rid of this disease, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove the inguinal hernia. If you ignore this disease, then some complications may arise that require urgent prompt assistance

Hip brace: instructions. Fixatives and bandages on the thigh

Hip brace: instructions. Fixatives and bandages on the thigh

The hip fixator is a necessary medical thing that is necessary for the restoration of a bone after a fracture, dislocation or bruise. On sale there is a huge number of varieties of bandages and clamps that are adapted to any problem

Cross-trochanteric fractures: classification, symptoms and surgical treatment

Cross-trochanteric fractures: classification, symptoms and surgical treatment

A trochanteric fracture can be detected in a patient by a doctor only after a thorough examination of the patient. X-ray, blood test, MRI will help the specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. Most often, treatment is performed surgically, but there are exceptions

Clinical anatomy of the ears. The structure of the human ear

Clinical anatomy of the ears. The structure of the human ear

The article discusses the structure of the human ear, the anatomy and features of the blood supply and functioning of the hearing organ

Transcranial electrical stimulation: indications, contraindications, what does it treat? Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain: reviews

Transcranial electrical stimulation: indications, contraindications, what does it treat? Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain: reviews

Transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain is one of the new methods of treatment of many pathologies. To obtain the desired effect, it must be carried out only under the guidance of a specialist

Pattern of sensations. Types and properties of sensations

Pattern of sensations. Types and properties of sensations

The sensitivity threshold for each analyzer is different. Sensations arising under the influence of environmental factors have their own properties that depend on several parameters