Medicine 2024, October

Adipose tissue and its types

Adipose tissue and its types

Adipose tissue is a special connective tissue that functions as the main storage for fat in the form of triglycerides. In humans, it is present in two different forms: white and brown. Its quantity and distribution is individual for each

Adaptation-trophic function

Adaptation-trophic function

One of the departments of the central nervous system, called the autonomic, consists of several parts. One of them is the sympathetic nervous system. Functional and morphological features allow us to conditionally divide it into several departments. Another division of the autonomic nervous system is the parasympathetic nervous system. In this article, we will consider what a trophic function is

Neurologist is a profession for experienced professionals

Neurologist is a profession for experienced professionals

Neurology is the destiny of those doctors who are truly in love with their profession. The fact is that it requires a huge amount of knowledge in a variety of medical disciplines

How to speed up metabolism at home: folk recipes, vitamins, drugs

How to speed up metabolism at home: folk recipes, vitamins, drugs

Metabolism is a vital process that occurs in the body of every person. However, as practice shows, in different people it is observed at different speeds. Its effectiveness is also affected by the state of he alth, gender and, of course, age. What it is? What should it be and how to regulate this process? More on this later

Non-surgical rhinoplasty: reviews, photos. Non-surgical rhinoplasty of the nose

Non-surgical rhinoplasty: reviews, photos. Non-surgical rhinoplasty of the nose

Today, rhinoplasty occupies the first place in demand among plastic surgeries. But if a person is not ready to go under the surgeon's scalpel, can he be offered any alternative? Is non-surgical rhinoplasty possible? Let's try to figure this out

X-ray spectroscopy: procedure description

X-ray spectroscopy: procedure description

X-ray spectroscopy is the most versatile method for analyzing the surface composition of particles in various chemical media. X-ray spectroscopy can detect almost all elements in the surface layer with a sensitivity that does not change by two orders of magnitude and provide information about the chemical bond. X-ray spectroscopy is practically non-destructive even for materials with high susceptibility

Tick bite: photo, symptoms, first aid

Tick bite: photo, symptoms, first aid

With the onset of spring, closer to its middle, a person rushes to nature. Here he is in danger. You can easily become a victim of a forest tick. The greatest activity of parasites is observed from April to July. On the territory of Russia, the highest concentration of arachnids was noted in the taiga regions and Karelia. Outbreaks of diseases caused by the bites of these insects have been noted in the central regions and in the south of the country

Medical property and its accounting. Provision of medical equipment. Medical property: classification and characteristics

Medical property and its accounting. Provision of medical equipment. Medical property: classification and characteristics

Medical property is a complex of special material resources. They are designed to provide assistance, treatment, diagnosis, prevention of pathologies and lesions, the implementation of anti-epidemic, as well as various sanitary and hygienic measures. This category also includes the equipment of disaster service institutions, units and formations

What happens if you eat 3 tablespoons of s alt, and what does its constant excessive consumption lead to

What happens if you eat 3 tablespoons of s alt, and what does its constant excessive consumption lead to

On the net, questions often arise about the benefits and dangers of s alt, about the norms for its consumption, or about, for example, what happens if you eat 3 tablespoons of s alt. To begin with, let's figure out what this compound is from the point of view of chemistry, accessible to an ordinary person with a secondary education

How to donate blood for sugar? Preparation for the delivery of the analysis, its interpretation and methods used

How to donate blood for sugar? Preparation for the delivery of the analysis, its interpretation and methods used

One of the main methods that can detect various deviations in the work of the human body is a blood test for the total amount of sugar. In particular, it allows diagnosing such a serious disease as diabetes mellitus. And today we’ll talk about how to donate blood for sugar

Types of insulin and their action. Table

Types of insulin and their action. Table

Modern pharmacology offers patients with diabetes a huge selection of insulin preparations. And today we will talk about what types of insulin are

Mole on the skin: varieties. Which moles are dangerous?

Mole on the skin: varieties. Which moles are dangerous?

Moles (nevi) are spots that appear on the skin and cause changes in pigmentation. Some spots are present from the moment we are born, but they can also form during our lifetime

Emergency care for hyperglycemic coma: an algorithm of actions

Emergency care for hyperglycemic coma: an algorithm of actions

Hyperglycemic coma occurs in diabetic people with an increase in blood glucose levels. Properly rendered emergency care can save the life of the patient, it is about it that we will talk in this article

First aid for emergencies. First aid

First aid for emergencies. First aid

There are situations in which first aid is required. In this article, we will look at common emergency cases and first aid rules

Hydromassage: contraindications and indications, benefits

Hydromassage: contraindications and indications, benefits

Warm bath - a place to relax and unwind. Water relaxes the body and calms the mind, relieves fatigue and stress. As it turned out, taking a bath can be not only pleasant, but also a useful procedure. Hydromassage is a wellness practice that is gaining more and more popularity

What is a chest MRI?

What is a chest MRI?

When a chest MRI is performed - what does the diagnosis show? The method is a reliable way to graphically display the modification of various tissues: inflammation, damage to the structure of organs, neoplasms. Chest MRI is most often used for suspected serious illnesses, since the procedure is quite expensive for a preventive examination of the body

Snoring devices and devices: an overview, tips for choosing

Snoring devices and devices: an overview, tips for choosing

Scientists have long proven that such a problem as snoring can have a very negative impact on the patient's he alth. To our great relief, it can be argued that today the pharmaceutical industry offers to choose the most suitable device for snoring for its consumers with a designated problem

Excimer lasers: device, application in medicine

Excimer lasers: device, application in medicine

In this article, we will consider the advantages of excimer lasers. Today, medicine has a wide range of all kinds of laser equipment for the treatment of complex diseases in hard-to-reach areas of the human body. Laser surgeries help to achieve the effect of minimally invasive and painless

Soy in the blood is increased. What does it mean?

Soy in the blood is increased. What does it mean?

In a routine blood test, many indicators are revealed. One of them is SOE. This term is used to refer to the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Some patients who do not understand medical concepts may hear the word "soy" instead of "ESR". There are cases when "soy" in the blood is increased or decreased

Obstetric pessaries: description and indications for use

Obstetric pessaries: description and indications for use

In medicine, obstetric pessaries are used to maintain the uterus and bladder in a normal state during pregnancy. Pessaries are made of biologically pure elastic material. The edges of the product are smoothed, so it does not injure internal tissues

Telebrain: structure and functions

Telebrain: structure and functions

The large (final) brain in the course of evolution appeared later than other departments. Its size and mass are much larger than other segments. The human brain is associated with the most complex manifestations of intellectual and mental activity

Glycemic index of foods - what is it?

Glycemic index of foods - what is it?

The glycemic index of a product is important for formulating a diet. Particular attention should be paid to those who suffer from diabetes. After all, if you eat fast carbohydrates, your blood sugar level will rise

The best nutritionist in St. Petersburg: reviews. Who are the best nutritionists in St. Petersburg?

The best nutritionist in St. Petersburg: reviews. Who are the best nutritionists in St. Petersburg?

Often people write: "Advise, we urgently need a good nutritionist in St. Petersburg." Reviews will immediately be filled with the names of "cool" doctors, masters and advanced bloggers. But not all specialists involved in counseling on balanced nutrition and weight loss have higher education

Ideal proportions of the human body - beauty through time

Ideal proportions of the human body - beauty through time

Each person has his own ideas about the beauty of the body. For some, curvaceous forms are the standard, others prefer clear lines. At the same time, the proportions of the body of all people are different and even the greatest minds of all mankind have not yet been able to find the exact formula. Along with the changes in the world, the views about the ideal also change. Let's try to trace how these ideas have changed over the course of history

Adam's apple in men and women

Adam's apple in men and women

Adam's apple in men, according to some experts, is considered a secondary sexual sign of the strong half of humanity. But does this mean that women do not have it? Where did the name Adam's apple come from?

Description, symptoms and treatment of Asperger's syndrome

Description, symptoms and treatment of Asperger's syndrome

The main symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome are mental or physical personality disorders. What is this disease? What are the symptoms observed in such patients? And what are the treatments for this disorder?

How to increase progesterone and why is it needed at all?

How to increase progesterone and why is it needed at all?

Why do many experts only keep saying that for a successful conception and a normal pregnancy, it is necessary to increase progesterone if it is not enough? Why is this needed and how to do it? Let's look at these questions in more detail

Skin peeling on legs, arms, body, face

Skin peeling on legs, arms, body, face

Noticing peeling skin on your legs, arms, torso or anywhere else? Do not despair! To eliminate this ailment, a few tips and recommendations will help, which will be discussed in this article

Allergies in the spring and factors that cause it

Allergies in the spring and factors that cause it

The cold days are over, and the joyful time has come - spring. For some, this is true, but for allergy sufferers - flour. Allergies in the spring are very common and everywhere. This article will be about her

Medical thermometer. Pros and cons of different types

Medical thermometer. Pros and cons of different types

Today there are a large number of different medical devices. Some are suitable for children, others are not. A medical thermometer is one of the most common devices available in various versions. Let's figure out what kind of thermometer your family and especially your child needs

Ant oil. How to use it?

Ant oil. How to use it?

Slowing down the growth of unwanted hair (on the legs, arms, etc.) is a problem that is not so easy to solve. It is one thing to simply remove these hairs, another thing is to stop their growth. Ant oil (or rather, the oil of their eggs) is one of the few remedies that will help solve this problem

Smoker's lungs are the most vulnerable organ

Smoker's lungs are the most vulnerable organ

Smokers hardly think about how their lungs look, which are daily exposed to toxins. But in vain … It is on this organ that cigarettes deal a deadly blow

Preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. Deciphering the results

Preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. Deciphering the results

The use of ultrasound in kidney disease is useful and informative in many aspects of diagnosis and treatment. Since the results are not always specific for many diseases, the clinical picture is important for the interpretation of the ultrasound results, which is an important factor for a comprehensive urological and nephrological examination

Anatomy: the lumbar plexus and its branches

Anatomy: the lumbar plexus and its branches

In our body, the lumbar plexus, as well as the entire nervous system, deserves close attention from our side. Unfortunately, not all people are fully aware of this, and when pains begin, they remember how neglected they were about their own he alth

Massage technique. Classic therapeutic massage. Children's massage

Massage technique. Classic therapeutic massage. Children's massage

The term "massage" has French roots. It came from the verb "masser". This word is translated as "to rub". Descriptions of massage techniques have been found in Egyptian papyri. The ancient Greeks borrowed this procedure from this people

Soloviev index for determining body type

Soloviev index for determining body type

Measurement of the Solovyov index helps to accurately and correctly determine the norms of weight, taking into account the three types of human physique. To calculate this index, you need to measure the circumference at the thinnest point of the wrist, in centimeters. The girth of this place indicates the size of the bone. This indicator allows you to establish the type of physique, the parameters of the human body, its proportionality and constitution. Solovyov's index must be taken into account when analyzing the physical condition of a person

Allergocenter in Saratov: address, reviews, how to get there

Allergocenter in Saratov: address, reviews, how to get there

The Allergy Center in Saratov is located on Proviantskaya Street, 22. The clinic provides a full range of medical services: from diagnostics with modern methods to treatment. Medical personnel have the highest degree of qualification, and many employees and scientific degrees

Critical human body temperature

Critical human body temperature

Normal body temperature is considered to be 36.6. But on the thermometer you can see other values, which in some cases are called the critical temperature

Heart veins: description, types of branching, name and structure

Heart veins: description, types of branching, name and structure

The human heart is a 4-chamber muscular hollow organ that receives venous blood from all organs and tissues and drives fresh, oxygenated blood into the arteries. The chambers of the heart are 2 atria and 2 ventricles. For brevity, they are called, for example, in deciphering the ECG, LV and RV, and the atria, respectively, LP and PP

Regulation of blood circulation: meaning, system, functions performed, mechanisms of work, norm and pathology for human physiology

Regulation of blood circulation: meaning, system, functions performed, mechanisms of work, norm and pathology for human physiology

Every organ of our body feeds on blood. Without this, its proper functioning becomes impossible. Organs need a certain amount of blood at any given time. Therefore, its delivery to the tissues is not the same. This is made possible by the regulation of blood circulation. What is this process, its features will be discussed in the article