Zinc is found in all human tissues, fluids and organs, but its internal reserves are small. Every day it is excreted from the human body, so the lack of this component affects the general condition of the body. And if it is not enough to come with food, then this leads to a deficiency of this substance. The reasons, symptoms of zinc deficiency are described in the article.
Functions of matter
The variety of functions of zinc is associated with the fact that it is an important substance of cell membranes and enzymes. This component provides:
- normal rate of cell division;
- formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
- adequate action of hormones;
- immunity performance;
- lipotropic effect;
- protein synthesis;
- nucleic acid exchange;
- neutralize the toxic effect of alcohol;
- quick tissue healing;
- inflammation reduction;
- integrity of bones and teeth;
- stabilitytransmission of nerve impulses;
- normal delivery.

To ensure all these functions, it is important that about 12-15 mg of zinc enter the body every day. This rate increases in vegetarians, athletes, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Daily Value
When replenishing the daily intake of zinc, it will be possible to restore and support many processes in the body. It should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, the need for a trace element increases. With a lack of a component during this period, atonic bleeding is likely to occur, the risk of premature birth and other problems increases. To cover your daily allowance, you need to take:
- children up to 6 months - 2-3 mg;
- from six months to 3 years - 3-5 mg;
- 3 to 8 years 6-8mg;
- 8 to 13 years - 10-11 mg;
- 13-18 years - 12-15mg;
- men - 16-20mg;
- women - 12-15mg;
- pregnancy and lactation - 22-25 mg or more.

These norms are generally accepted, adhering to them, problems associated with zinc deficiency will not arise. And you can check the level of this component only with a doctor.
Why does zinc deficiency occur? This phenomenon is associated with:
- serious injuries (especially burns);
- starvation;
- vegetarianism;
- taking medicines;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- consequences of operations;
- progressive diabetes;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- excessive sweating;
- alcoholism;
- cancer;
- excessive consumption of coffee, sweets and pickles;
- psycho-emotional overstrain;
- aging.
At the same time, isolated zinc deficiency is almost not observed. Usually, a deficiency is also detected in other components that are no less important for the body.
How does it manifest?
What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body? There is a defeat of different tissues, organs and systems. You can recognize this phenomenon by:
- changes in the skin - various rashes near natural openings and on the limbs, deterioration in the healing of scratches, abrasions and other defects, dry skin;
- changes in hair (focal loss, appearance of a reddish tint or decrease in pigmentation) and striated surface of the nails (transverse white stripes appear);
- eye damage (corneal edema, conjunctival inflammation, cataract);
- changing the perception of tastes and smells;
- loss of appetite;
- neurological disorders (trembling limbs, changes in gait, speech, dementia, impaired attention and learning);
- violation of behavior (unreasonable irritability, low mood, drowsiness);
- protracted or premature labor, atonic bleeding during childbirth;
- cessation or delay in the growth and puberty of the child;
- long-healing ulcers on mucous membranes;
- tendency to partsinfectious diseases;
- impotence;
- infertility.

Several signs of zinc deficiency in the body may appear at once. In any case, this leads to malfunctions in the normal functioning of the human body. With the manifestation of at least some signs of zinc deficiency, an urgent replenishment of this substance is required.
Detecting zinc deficiency will be based on determining the level of the component in blood serum, erythrocytes, urine, hair. Informative is the study of zinc in serum. The concentration is considered to be less than 13 µmol/L. is a deficient state. And with an indicator less than 8, 2 µmol / l. considered a negative prognostic sign.
But not always the concentration of zinc correlates with clinical manifestations. The substance changes throughout the day depending on meals, stress, infection, with disturbances in the collection and storage of blood. Therefore, when diagnosing zinc deficiency, it is necessary to take into account both the concentration of the substance in the blood serum and a positive change in symptoms, and the increase in zinc concentration as a response to zinc therapy.
Features of diet therapy
Zinc deficiency is provided through food. Food differs in the amount of this component. With a suspected or detected lack of a substance, foods that are its sources should be included in the diet. Zinc is in:
- red meat (beef);
- offal (kidneys, lungs, tongue,liver);
- seafood (oysters, squid, shrimp);
- eggs (yolks);
- bran;
- cereal germs;
- soy;
- cheese;
- sesame;
- pumpkin seeds;
- legumes;
- nuts;
- mushrooms;
- brown rice;
- yeast.

Histidine and cysteine present in meat, seafood, offal and eggs lead to the stimulation of zinc absorption functions. Therefore, these products are optimal. When processing cereals with grinding, a loss of up to 80% of zinc occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose bread products made from whole grains and with bran.
Zinc cannot be properly absorbed without vitamins A and B6. From animal food, this component is absorbed better compared to plant food. This is due to the presence of phytic acid in plant foods, a component that prevents the absorption of zinc, calcium and magnesium.
Zinc deficiency in the body of women and men is the same. The bioavailability of the component from the products is low, therefore, with a deficiency, doctors prescribe the use of pharmacological agents:
- Zincite.
- Zincteral.
- "Zinc sulfate".
- Zinc Picolinate.

During treatment, you need to exclude alcohol and limit coffee consumption. In the presence of a skin rash, ointments, pastes (“Zinc-naphthalan”, “Zinc-ichthyol”), powders, creams with zinc (its oxide) are used. For the treatment of eye diseases, drops with zinc sulfate are effective.
To avoid the occurrence of zinc deficiency, for example, during vegetarianism, pregnancy, in old age, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures:
- Include foods rich in zinc in your diet.
- Requires periodic intake of balanced multivitamin-mineral complexes (Centrum, Multitabs).
Who should I contact?
Usually, people visit a specialized specialist, who, after the examination, reveals a lack of zinc and writes a referral to a nutritionist. It is necessary to treat the disease that led to the deficiency of the component, so it is necessary to undergo an examination with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, oncologist. Depending on the manifestations of deficiency, treatment can be performed by a dermatologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, gynecologist. If you suspect a zinc deficiency, you should visit a general practitioner or family doctor.

Danger of excess
The lack of this component leads to negative consequences. But not only deficiency is dangerous, but also excess. In this case, the appearance is likely:
- weakened immune system;
- nausea and vomiting;
- gastrointestinal problems;
- secondary copper shortage;
- pathology of hair, skin, nails;
- failures in the work of the prostate, liver and pancreas.

The causes of excess zinc in the human body lie in:
- excessive consumption of foods rich in zinc, as well as drugs with this component;
- violation of the process of zinc metabolism;
Both deficiency and excess of zinc adversely affect human he alth. It is important to adhere to the norms established for the normal state of the body. And if there is a shortage, then it is required to fill it with food and medicine. The main thing is to first consult with a specialist.