The knee joint is considered the largest in the human body, as it is formed by the patella, femur and tibia, and is also strengthened by strong ligaments. Smooth sliding of the joint is provided by synovial fluid, which is located in a special bag. The normal functioning of the leg when running and walking depends on the ligaments, muscles and menisci - intra-articular lamellar bodies. The basis of the knee joints is formed by the quadriceps muscle, which passes into the patella, as well as the lateral and cruciate ligaments. All this allows a person to move and feel easy and comfortable.

Frequent damage to the knee joints occurs due to the fact that they are located superficially. If you fix the foot and turn the body sharply, there will be an excessive load on the knee ligaments, as a result of which they will tear. Such injuries are often observed in athletes whoplay football, gymnastics, skiing, athletics and wrestling.

Indications for knee replacements
This includes:
- post-traumatic arthrosis;
- development of knee tumors;
- aseptic necrosis;
- intra-articular fracture of the femur or tibia;
- diseases of the patella;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- joint damage in psoriasis, arthritis, gout;
- degenerative-dystrophic pathologies;
- improper fusion of knee joints after fractures;
- changes in the bones or damage to the ligamentous apparatus;
- Ankylosing spondylitis, accompanied by osteoarthritis.
Prosthetics of the knee joint is the only way to restore the lost functions of the lower extremities. Such an operation is highly accurate, due to which the diseased joint returns to he alth. Procedures of this kind are more often prescribed for older people, since they lead a less active lifestyle than younger people. It should be noted that implanted joints can last more than twenty years.
Rehabilitation of the knee joint after injuries

A large role in the elimination and prevention of post-traumatic consequences is played by special physical exercises, which are the main factors supporting the vital activity of he althy people and stimulatingrecovery processesin patients. In the complex treatment of diseases of the knee joints, he alth-improving physical education is necessarily prescribed, which has a beneficial versatile effect on the body, controls venous outflow, prevents blood stasis, normalizes microcirculation and prevents degenerative changes. When choosing the necessary set of exercises, first of all, one should take into account the severity and nature of the injury, the mental state of the patient, as well as the degree of his physical fitness.
In diseases of the musculoskeletal system, physiotherapy methods such as magnetotherapy, UHF and ultrasound are widely used. These procedures help reduce swelling and reduce pain. Also, for rehabilitation purposes, laser therapy, muscle electrical stimulation, as well as phonophoresis with the use of various drugs can be prescribed. In addition, manual therapy is used to strengthen muscles and correct imbalances that occur after prolonged limb immobilization.