Immunoglobulin E: what shows, the norm and the reasons for the deviation

Immunoglobulin E: what shows, the norm and the reasons for the deviation
Immunoglobulin E: what shows, the norm and the reasons for the deviation

Immunoglobulins are the main guardians of our he alth. Why is an analysis for lg E (immunoglobulin E) prescribed? The study is necessary for the diagnosis of inflammatory processes, all kinds of allergic reactions. An important fact is that the analysis shows results almost instantly after the action of the stimulus. From here, it helps to identify allergens, the nature of such serious diseases as bronchial asthma, urticaria, and so on. What else it shows, in what cases it can be appointed, what are the norms and reasons for deviations up and down, we will tell you further.

immunoglobulin chains
immunoglobulin chains

What is this?

Immunoglobulins, as we said, are the guards of our body. Their number is theoretically equal to the number of infections that the body can be exposed to. What exactly is the role of immunoglobulin E?

This "guard" is responsible for protecting the outer covers of tissues in contact with the environment. In particular, for the protection of the skin, mucous membranes of the respiratory system, tonsils, gastrointestinal organstract. At the same time, immunoglobulin E will be contained in the blood of a he althy person in small quantities.

Lg E begins to form in human blood as early as the eleventh week of intrauterine life. If the level of immunoglobulin E in a child is high from birth, this may indicate a high susceptibility to various forms of allergies.

immunoglobulin e level
immunoglobulin e level

Lg E and allergic reactions

It is important to note that type E is also a specific indicator of the presence of allergic reactions. An allergen that penetrates or somehow comes into contact with the outer integument of the skin or mucosa enters into a "fight" with immunoglobulin E. As a result, it binds into a complex, and the result of the "battle" is one of the body's allergic reactions:

  • Rhinitis. Manifested by nasal congestion, runny nose, frequent sneezing, increased sensitivity of the olfactory organ.
  • Rash. Some areas of the skin, mucous membranes change their shape, shade.
  • Bronchitis. This refers to a cough, which is caused precisely by inflammation of the bronchi.
  • Asthma. The patient has wheezing when breathing, shortness of breath, it is physically difficult for a person to breathe. All this is caused by a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi, most often occurs in a chronic form.
  • Anaphylactic shock. The most dangerous lightning reaction to an irritant can be fatal for a person.

Reason for ordering analysis

Indicators of immunoglobulin E indicate the absence or occurrence of various allergic reactions. However, these data are not enough for a specialist to establish the very fact of an allergy. It is important to identify a specific irritant - an allergen.

The reason for the appointment of an analysis for immunoglobulin E will be the following symptoms:

  • Itchy skin.
  • Eruptions on the mucous membrane or skin.
itching with allergies
itching with allergies

Causes of changes in the norm of immunoglobulin type E in the blood

These symptoms may indicate the development of a number of diseases in the patient. Therefore, an analysis for immunoglobulin E is prescribed for diagnosis. In particular, the specialist suspects the following in the applicant:

  • Asthma.
  • Quincke's edema. This is a widespread allergic reaction, most often diagnosed in young women.
  • Allergic bronchitis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Pollinosis is an allergic reaction to plant pollen, characteristic of a certain time of the year.
  • Hay fever (allergic rhinitis).
  • Lyell's syndrome is a severe allergic reaction that extensively affects the mucous membranes and skin of a person. Requires immediate resuscitation medical care, as it is fraught with a high probability of death.
  • Infection with parasitic organisms.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis is a tumor that affects the lymphatic system. It begins its progression from the lymph nodes, then affecting all organs of the living system.
immunoglobulin e elevated causes
immunoglobulin e elevated causes

How to take the test correctly?

If you are scheduled to study immunoglobulin E, then prepare forhe needs according to the rules characteristic of preparing for any biochemical blood test. In particular, these are the following simple prescriptions:

  • Blood is donated only in the morning.
  • Blood sampling is done on an empty stomach only - at least 10 hours must have passed since the last meal.
  • Before taking the test, you should avoid stress - not only physical, but also emotional.
  • You are not limited in the amount of water consumed before the procedure.
  • Experts advise not to eat fatty foods and alcoholic beverages before analysis.
  • The day before the test, do not expose yourself to ultrasound, fluorography, x-ray procedures.

Norm of immunoglobulin type E for a child

Unlike other types of antibodies, the norm of immunoglobulin E in the blood is practically zero. After all, this "defender" is produced by the body only for immediate protection against infectious lesions, with acute allergic reactions. Hence, high rates will speak primarily about the tendency of an adult or child's body to allergic atopy and reactions.

The norm of immunoglobulin E in the blood is not the same for people of different ages. In adolescence, for example, it increases. And in older people, the amount of these antibodies is already declining.

immunoglobulin e in a child
immunoglobulin e in a child

Let's give the norm for children (in kU/l):

  • 15-18 years - 20-100.
  • 5-15 years - 15-60.
  • 2-5 years - 10-50.
  • 1 year - 10-20.
  • 3-6 months - 3-10.
  • Babies under 2 months - 0-2.

Norm of immunoglobulin type E for an adult

The norm for a he althy adult is 20-100 kU/l.

Note that the norms of immunoglobulin E given by us in a child and an adult may vary depending on the season in which the analysis is scheduled. Its highest concentration in human blood will be observed in the spring. The peak point is May, when forest and urban plants are actively blooming. During this period, the norm of total immunoglobulin E in an adult ranges from 30-250 kU / l. But the lowest rates are typical for winter, in particular December.

High rates in children

Analysis in children, which is important, is more accurate and sensitive than in adults. What does immunoglobulin E show if its level in a child is too high? The exact answer here can only be given by the attending specialist.

Possible causes include the following:

  • Intolerance to certain foods, categories of food.
  • Development of hay fever.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Infection of the body with worms.
  • Allergic to certain medications.
  • Allergic dermatitis.
  • Asthma.
immunoglobulin e test
immunoglobulin e test

Dangerous causes of high rates in children

Immunoglobulin E increased. The reasons for this may be more serious:

  • Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome. Genetic disease of infants. Its characteristic signs are eczema, secondary infections of the skin, bloody stools, pneumonia,damage to the visual organs, otitis. An effective treatment is platelet transfusion.
  • DiGeorge Syndrome. Immunodeficiency in a newborn that was transmitted to him from biological parents. Its cause is an underdeveloped or even completely absent thymus. The result - the immune system does not cope with its task, does not work as it should. Complications are manifested by tumor processes, developmental delay. The child needs complex therapy.
  • Myeloma. This is the name of cancerous tumors of plasma cells.
  • Hyper lgE syndrome. A genetic pathology, which is manifested not only by an increased level of immunoglobulin type E in a child. It is also detected by the following symptoms: frequent sinusitis, rhinitis, scoliosis, pneumonia, many cases of bone fractures in history, abscesses of mucous membranes and skin, autoimmune diseases (in particular, systemic lupus erythematosus).

Low scores in children

What does immunoglobulin E show if its level is low in a child? The reasons for this fact are usually as follows:

  • Hereditary deviations.
  • Development of tumor processes.
  • Louis-Barr syndrome.

Deviation from the norm in adults in a big way

The causes of deviation from the norm in patients over 18 years of age are almost the same as in children. But here there are some peculiarities. So, even a strong allergic reaction of an adult's body will not cause a significant increase in immunoglobulin E in the blood. The reason is that the adult immunethe system is already less sensitive than a child's.

If an adult patient has an increased level of type E immunoglobulin, it means that, in addition to an allergic reaction, he also develops a side disease-complication, pathology. For example, bronchial asthma.

The second most common cause of deviation from the norm in a large direction in an adult is the defeat of the body by parasites, in particular, helminths (worms). They irritate the mucous membranes of the internal organs, to which the body immediately responds with increased production of immunoglobulins-defenders of the E group.

immunoglobulin e norm
immunoglobulin e norm

The causes of deviation from the norm in adults can be no less dangerous than in children:

  • Hyper lgE syndrome.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Aspergillosis bronchopulmonary.
  • LgE-myeloma.

Deviation from the norm in adults in the smaller direction

But low rates in adults are extremely rare. The reasons for this can be very diverse - only a specialist can determine the specific one. Among the most likely are:

  • Allergic rhinitis.
  • Immunodeficiency - acquired or congenital.
  • LgE-myeloma.
  • Ataxia (due to T-cell damage or telangiectasia).
immunoglobulin e
immunoglobulin e

Decrease in blood levels of lg E

If a patient has an elevated content of immunoglobulin E, then the attending physician prescribes additional studies aimed at identifying the irritant. Oftentests are carried out with typical groups of allergens - pollen, household dust and mites, certain foods, animal hair, fungi, etc. However, such tests are not carried out in relation to patients with chronic diseases in the acute stage, suffering from infections, undergoing hormonal therapy.

Similar studies are not done on babies under 6 months, as babies' immune systems are still poorly developed. But for older children and for adults, measures to reduce immunoglobulin E are already the same.

If an irritant is identified, sensitivity to it is reduced with the help of various drugs. In seasons of exacerbations, an allergic person is prescribed antihistamine tablets and ointments. Eliminate the consequences with the help of complex treatment.

So, the analysis for immunoglobulin E is a rather serious study for both small and adult patients. It helps to identify not only the fact of allergy to a particular irritant, but also to identify serious problems associated with the protective function of the body.
