Unfortunately, high body temperature is not uncommon in our time, and it can be one of the manifestations of symptoms of various diseases. This causes a lot of trouble. In order not to start your bad state and not wait for the most unpredictable consequences, you need to find out what brings down the temperature and improves well-being. If the temperature lasts for more than one day, fear and panic are quite normal. In horror, we can pounce on all available modern means, seek help from doctors, and look for what brings down the temperature in our case. Keep your balance! Of course, in no case should you delay it, but you should not rush to shoot down either. The thing is that up to a certain value, the temperature is not life-threatening. On the contrary, its increase indicates the effective functioning of the immune system. This fact, of course, pleases a little and can even reassure. But still, how to determine the state when you need to start sounding the alarm and use everything that brings down the temperature? And why can body temperature rise dramatically?

Causes of high temperature
There may be many reasonswhy the temperature can rise both in an infant and in an adult. True, unlike babies, whose immune system is just beginning to form, adults have a different mechanism of the immune system: it is able to control any process that occurs in the body, and, in accordance with the changes, “turn on” certain indicators. Such a reaction can be caused, for example, by the presence of any bacterial or viral infection, inflammation in the joints and tissues, various allergic reactions, or the action of natural hormones. These are just a few common reasons when you simply cannot do without something that brings down the temperature. Do not avoid the intervention of doctors if the body temperature exceeds 38 ° C. If you or your loved ones find themselves in a similar situation, then knowing what temperature can be brought down, it is worth starting to use effective means. What methods can be used?

Folk methods
Before you start taking numerous antipyretics, try to adopt a few folk tips. Such methods are especially effective when the temperature does not go down when taking modern drugs and, apart from financial costs, no other changes are observed. First of all, you need to try to cool down, and also start drinking more fluids. After all, at a temperature, the amount of fluid in the body is significantly reduced, and dehydration leads to an even greater increase in it. At the same time, you can drink not only water, but also juices, tea, fruit drinks, boldly addinghoney, lemon, raspberries and currants. After a while, perspiration will appear on the patient’s forehead, and this is a very good sign: the temperature slowly began to subside. After that, you need to undress and rub well with vodka or alcohol, while you should not cover yourself with a blanket. It will be cold, of course, but this effective method is already used in many clinics. Cold compresses are also one of the most popular and effective methods. Put water in plastic bottles in the refrigerator, and when you take it out, put it in your armpits and under your knees. You can put a towel soaked in cold water on your forehead. A few more minutes of a warm shower can also provide very good relief. The methods are simple, but very effective!