Medicine 2024, October

The blood does not stop: what to do, why this happens and the recommendations of doctors

The blood does not stop: what to do, why this happens and the recommendations of doctors

Cuts always occur very unexpectedly and even minor wounds can lead to serious complications: infection or large blood loss. That is why it is necessary to take timely measures and stop the blood when the harm from the cut has not yet occurred

Kyiv, Institute of Endocrinology – the best research center

Kyiv, Institute of Endocrinology – the best research center

For many people, the city of Kyiv is the center of scientific and advanced medical practice. The Institute of Endocrinology, which is located in the capital of Ukraine, has become the best scientific advisory center and medical institution for people who have pathological changes in the thyroid gland, suffer from diabetes mellitus or other pathologies of the endocrine system

Dnepropetrovsk, Institute of Gastroenterology - a professional solution for any form of gastrointestinal diseases

Dnepropetrovsk, Institute of Gastroenterology - a professional solution for any form of gastrointestinal diseases

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract worldwide are ranked 4th in terms of frequency of manifestations. Many of these diseases cause oncology, which leads to death

Nursing in pediatrics and surgery

Nursing in pediatrics and surgery

Nursing is an essential part of the process of treating patients of all categories. A nurse must have medical knowledge and skills, as well as be a good psychologist, in order to help patients overcome the difficulties associated with their illness, and thereby contribute to a speedy recovery. Read more about the work of nurses and the organization of nursing in this article

Almazov Institute in St. Petersburg

Almazov Institute in St. Petersburg

Many heart diseases today can be treated, the main thing is to seek help from a highly qualified specialist. Such specialist doctors work at the Almazov Institute, which was established in 1980

Medicinal provision of the population. Free medicines. Network of social pharmacies

Medicinal provision of the population. Free medicines. Network of social pharmacies

Today, unfortunately, the concept of "unprotected segments of the population" is still relevant. Due to low incomes coupled with high prices, many cannot even afford to buy the medicines they need. The state program of preferential drug provision is a real salvation for such citizens

Vladimir Student Hospital: location, innovations and anniversary

Vladimir Student Hospital: location, innovations and anniversary

440th anniversary this year is celebrated by Polyclinic No. 2 in the city of Vladimir, better known among the residents of the city as the “student hospital”. Vladimir was not the first city where a polyclinic institution for students and pupils of the city was opened in 1976. But he is one of the few who managed to save the student clinic to this day, expand it and turn it into a modern medical institution for young people

Medical and social expertise. Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

Medical and social expertise. Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

Medical and social expertise is quite important, as it is designed to solve the most serious problems. Before being sent to it, a person goes through a large number of preparatory activities

What is iodine made of? Processing of natural iodine accumulators

What is iodine made of? Processing of natural iodine accumulators

Many adults know that iodine is a very important micronutrient. It affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and is involved in the metabolic process. Iodine-containing drugs will have a price an order of magnitude higher than a vial for treating wounds. What is iodine made from? And why is the price so different?

How to use a mechanical blood pressure monitor: instructions, recommendations and reviews

How to use a mechanical blood pressure monitor: instructions, recommendations and reviews

The use of an electronic blood pressure monitor has now become universally accepted. But in some cases, the question arises of how to use a mechanical tonometer. It turns out that the use of a mechanical apparatus is indicated for people with vascular atherosclerosis and the elderly. In all cases where the blood vessels are insensitive to electronic devices, it is the mechanical apparatus that should be used

Palatine arches: structure, types of diseases and treatment

Palatine arches: structure, types of diseases and treatment

There are several palatal arches. These include: anterior, palatoglossal, posterior, palatopharyngeal. Niches are formed between the arches, in which the palatine tonsils (right and left) are located. On the back wall of the pharynx are accumulations of lymphoid tissue in the form of grains or granules. With the development of many viral diseases, severe sore throat occurs. There are several common diseases that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant symptom

Digital examination of the rectum: description of the technique

Digital examination of the rectum: description of the technique

Digital rectal examination is one of the simplest and most informative diagnostic methods. With its help, many pathological processes are revealed, and the degree of preparation of the rectum for endoscopic examination is also assessed

Tachysystolic form of atrial fibrillation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences and advice from cardiologists

Tachysystolic form of atrial fibrillation: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, consequences and advice from cardiologists

Tachysystolic form of atrial fibrillation, otherwise known as "atrial fibrillation", is a failure of the heart rhythm, as a result of which the heart rate becomes more than 90 beats per minute. Fibrillation occurs when each individual muscle fiber of the heart chamber begins to contract actively and randomly. As a result, this leads to a violation of blood flow

Massage of the carotid sinus: indications, technique and description of the procedure

Massage of the carotid sinus: indications, technique and description of the procedure

The carotid sinus is the most important node that provides nutrition to the brain and central nervous system. It is a concentration of nerve cells, and also contains receptor zones that regulate the functioning of the heart. Massage of the carotid sinus is often used in medicine to diagnose a variety of diseases of the nervous system

Main artery: definition, purpose, structure, normal operation and pathological changes, methods for their diagnosis and treatment

Main artery: definition, purpose, structure, normal operation and pathological changes, methods for their diagnosis and treatment

The main artery is the main blood vessel that delivers blood to various parts of the human body. It originates from the aorta and goes through the body, adhering to the structure of the skeleton, that is, along the bones

Traction therapy: indications, pros and cons

Traction therapy: indications, pros and cons

Patients with back problems may hear about the term traction therapy, but not everyone knows what it is. But this is an effective tool for stretching the spine. And the need for this arises in a large number of people around the world. Stretching is performed only on special equipment and only under the close supervision of doctors. But what is this therapy and what is its essence? Is there any benefit or is it all a myth? Issues that require investigation

Vertical EOS: description, provisions, deviations

Vertical EOS: description, provisions, deviations

To diagnose heart disease and determine the efficiency of the functioning of the organ, they resort to a large number of methods, including the determination of EOS. This abbreviation stands for the indicator of the electrical axis of the human heart

Romberg's pose: photo. Instability in the Romberg position

Romberg's pose: photo. Instability in the Romberg position

Almost everyone who has been to a neurologist has been tested for Romberg's posture, but why this is done - few doctors will explain, while using medical terminology, intelligibly and simply without even trying to speak

HBS analysis: how it is done, what it shows, deciphering the results

HBS analysis: how it is done, what it shows, deciphering the results

Hepatitis B is an extremely dangerous disease that affects the liver cells and sooner or later leads to the destruction of the organ. For the purpose of timely diagnosis of pathology, doctors prescribe an analysis of Hbs. This is a laboratory test that detects both antigens and antibodies produced by the body

Family Therapy: Benefits and Types

Family Therapy: Benefits and Types

Family therapy is an indispensable tool in a situation where the family is in danger of destruction. This can happen in anyone's life, and you don't even have to be guilty. Many note that everyday life is filled with conflicts, and people cannot come to a mutual understanding so characteristic of the first time. Family therapy helps to find a common language, jointly cope with problems and avoid the collapse of the social unit

Meniscus of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment of injuries

Meniscus of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment of injuries

Injury to the meniscus of the knee joint often occurs in men and athletes. Surgical treatment will be the most effective. But in special cases, you can use folk remedies

Rheological properties of blood - what is it?

Rheological properties of blood - what is it?

The area of mechanics that studies the features of deformation and flow of real continuous media, one of the representatives of which are non-Newtonian fluids with structural viscosity, is rheology. In this article, we consider the rheological properties of blood. What is it, it will become clear

The best remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases is a compressor inhaler

The best remedy for the treatment of respiratory diseases is a compressor inhaler

Every day there are more and more new technologies and developments that solve many problems and make our life more comfortable. But there are also such devices that also bring great he alth benefits, but can there be anything more important than it? One of these marvels of technology is a compressor inhaler, or nebulizer

Compressor nebulizer Microlife: review, description, specifications and reviews

Compressor nebulizer Microlife: review, description, specifications and reviews

Modern nebulizers have proven to be effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Experts agree that the Microlife device is one of the most highly effective devices. The device has many positive characteristics, which will be discussed in this article

Compressor nebulizer Omron (inhaler): reviews

Compressor nebulizer Omron (inhaler): reviews

In recent years, diseases of the upper respiratory tract have become very common, not only among adults. Most doctors believe that inhalation is the best treatment for such diseases

Sputum examination: research objectives and methods

Sputum examination: research objectives and methods

Sputum examination allows you to establish the nature of the disease of the respiratory organs, and in some cases to determine its causes. There are various ways to analyze

Pain receptors: location, features of the nervous system

Pain receptors: location, features of the nervous system

Pain is the greatest evolutionary mechanism that allows a person to notice danger in time and respond to it. Pain receptors are special cells that are responsible for receiving information and then transmitting it to the brain in the pain center. You can read more about where these nerve cells are located and how they work in this article

Temporary way to stop bleeding - arterial and venous

Temporary way to stop bleeding - arterial and venous

Temporary way to stop bleeding is used to provide first aid for injuries and other damage to blood vessels

Mercury poisoning from a thermometer: symptoms, consequences, treatment

Mercury poisoning from a thermometer: symptoms, consequences, treatment

Mercury thermometers are in every home. How dangerous are they and what are the consequences of mercury poisoning from a thermometer?

Types of bleeding, first aid for bleeding. What to do with bleeding

Types of bleeding, first aid for bleeding. What to do with bleeding

In order to quickly and competently provide first aid in case of accidents, you need to have knowledge. What are the types of bleeding, first aid for bleeding

How to improve memory and brain function. Memory training games. Vitamins that improve memory

How to improve memory and brain function. Memory training games. Vitamins that improve memory

Scientists say that after thirty years the ability of the human brain to perceive the new sharply fades. And memory problems await us already in the fifth decade. To maintain efficiency for many years, improve memory and develop thinking, there are many ways

Methods of hardening the body and skin functions. Methods and rules for hardening the body of a child and an adult

Methods of hardening the body and skin functions. Methods and rules for hardening the body of a child and an adult

Hardening of the body can be started at any age. Its methods are diverse and suitable for both infants and older people suffering from chronic diseases. How to start the procedure? What is best for a small child? Who can't swim in the hole? You need to start hardening gradually, with simple methods, such as rubbing with a hot towel, walking barefoot or taking air baths

Compressor inhaler LD-211C Little Doctor: instructions, reviews

Compressor inhaler LD-211C Little Doctor: instructions, reviews

Compressor inhaler is an indispensable assistant in the treatment of various respiratory diseases. It can be purchased for home use and used by both children and adult family members. The LD-211C inhaler is one of the most popular models of such devices. With simple design, easy operation, this inhaler is deservedly favored by a large number of customers

Trachea and bronchi: functions and diseases

Trachea and bronchi: functions and diseases

It is important for our body not only to get the necessary nutrients, but also to get the right portion of oxygen. At the same time, such organs of the respiratory system as the trachea and bronchi are important and perform the main tasks. Often they undergo various pathological changes, and therefore it is especially worth protecting them from childhood

The shape of the human chest. The shape of the chest in children

The shape of the human chest. The shape of the chest in children

Evolution has ensured the protection of the most important organs of the human body by the chest. In the chest cavity there are organs without which we cannot exist even for a few minutes. A rigid bone frame not only protects, but also fixes them in a permanent position, ensuring stable operation and our satisfactory condition

Protein in urine: the norm and causes of deviation

Protein in urine: the norm and causes of deviation

The most common and simple analysis that a doctor prescribes for suspected pathology of internal organs is a urine test. It can show the level of sugar, the presence of white blood cells and protein. Normally, there should not be any proteins in the urine - everyone knows this. But there are also exceptions. Protein in the urine of a child is often associated with improper sampling of material for analysis, in the urine of a woman - with pregnancy. But in the urine of a man, protein can be detected after training in the gym

"Cuckoo" with sinusitis: a treatment procedure

"Cuckoo" with sinusitis: a treatment procedure

In the autumn-winter period, many people suffer from sinusitis. This pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus. This is a serious disease that requires complex adequate treatment

Therapeutic blockade for hernia of the lumbar spine

Therapeutic blockade for hernia of the lumbar spine

Hernia of the lumbar spine periodically causes severe back pain. The priority task of physicians is to eliminate acute discomfort. Only after getting rid of negative feelings, you can take further treatment. Perfectly eliminates the pain of the blockade with a hernia of the lumbar spine. What is this procedure? And how effective is it?

Method of surgery to reduce the stomach, how and why it is done. Banding of the stomach

Method of surgery to reduce the stomach, how and why it is done. Banding of the stomach

Not every obese person is able to get rid of extra pounds on their own. Even the advice of professional weight loss specialists in some cases is powerless

How to determine the pH of the blood. Human blood pH: norm and deviations

How to determine the pH of the blood. Human blood pH: norm and deviations

Blood is the most important internal environment of the human body; forms its liquid connective tissue. It has the ability to very quickly renew itself by destroying old cells and instantly form new ones. You will learn about what pH and blood acidity indicators are, their norm and effect on the state of the body, as well as how to measure blood pH and regulate it with the help of diet correction, you will learn from our article