Ultrasound of the small pelvis in men helps to diagnose various diseases and pathologies, starting from the first stage of development. This research method is one of the most informative, safe and non-invasive. To undergo an ultrasound examination, it is recommended that you first consult with a specialist. Before the procedure, preliminary preparation may be required, so it is worth following the recommendations of the doctor to obtain reliable results. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in men is considered screening, as well as diagnostic.

How is the procedure done?
Before starting the examination, it is recommended to prepare in advance. This procedure is not difficult at all. Ultrasound is done by a medical specialist. After the examination, the patient is given a conclusion, which indicates whether he has any abnormalities and diseases. If the patient does not follow the advice of the doctor before the procedure, then a second ultrasound may be required.

Also, pelvic ultrasound in men helps to carry out differential diagnosis, which is necessary for making an accurate and correct diagnosis. Timely conduct will contribute to the initiation of therapy and the prevention of further development of the pathology or disease, as well as the complete elimination of complications.

Ultrasound of the small pelvis in men how do they do it? The procedure is carried out according to the following scheme, which must be followed:
- The patient lies down on a special couch.
- Exposes the lower abdomen.
- The gel needed for the examination is applied to the skin of the body.
The duration of the study is no more than 20 minutes.
Pelvic ultrasound for men: what's included?
This type of diagnostic examination is considered complex, since special attention is paid during the procedure:
- Bladder. Ultrasound helps to identify pathologies and diseases that are developing intensively. The procedure should be carried out after emptying the bladder.
- Prostate, as well as the lymph nodes that are located nearby.
- Seminal vesicles.
Indications for research
Pelvic ultrasound in men is recommended only after consultation with a specialist. If the patient has any alarming signs of a disease or pathology, then it is worth not only to undergo an examination, but also to pass all the necessary tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Whatindications for ultrasound?
- Pain in the bladder area.
- Pain that is present when passing urine.
- Discomfort in the groin, near the scrotum and pubis.
- Little urine stream and frequent urination.
- Frequent visits to the toilet, mostly at night.
- Patient complains of a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying.
- There is discharge, sometimes even purulent, from the urethra.
- A man has been unable to conceive for a long time or has previously been diagnosed with infertility.
- Violation of potency.
- The age category of the patient is over 40 years old. Ultrasound recommended as a preventive measure.
- STI.
- There are abnormal urinalysis results.
Types of study
Ultrasound of the small pelvis in men is of several types, which is determined by a specialist after a preliminary examination:
- Transabdominal examination. The procedure is recommended to be done only on a full bladder. It is carried out using a sensor that is found in the abdomen, ultrasound of the pelvic organs of men. What is included in this type of procedure? It helps to determine the parameters, localization, structure of the prostate, as well as formations in it, pathological changes, certain structures of the seminal vesicles, evaluate the bladder, its contents. Then it is recommended to repeat the study, but only on an empty bubble. In this situation, it is possible to determine the residual volume of urine, because this factor helps to establishaccurately developing pathology and prescribe effective therapy.
- Transrectal examination. It is carried out using a sensor that is inserted into the patient through the anus. It helps to carefully examine the prostate, as there is a tight contact between the sensor and this organ. This type of ultrasound is also prescribed if the patient cannot accumulate the required amount of urine for the previous type of study. Transrectal ultrasound helps to thoroughly examine the seminal vesicles, ducts.
- Color Doppler study. An additional type of ultrasound, which helps to assess the blood flow of the organ under study, also pays attention to pathological areas, if any.
What diseases can be detected?
Ultrasound of the small pelvis helps to identify many pathologies even at the initial stage of development, therefore, at the first suspicion of the development of diseases, it is worth undergoing a full examination. The procedure will help the specialist to determine the types of abnormalities that occur in this part of the body:
- Infectious diseases and inflammation processes.
- Provoking factors of male infertility.
- Neoplasms, both benign and malignant.
- Causes of urolithiasis.
The purpose of this ultrasound is to determine the provoking factors that cause dysfunction of organs located directly in the pelvic area.
Preparing for the procedure
Before a pelvic ultrasound in men, preparation is required. It will depend on the typeassigned study. If you have any questions about the preparation, you should immediately consult with a specialist to avoid getting false results.

Before a pelvic ultrasound in men, preparation is carried out carefully, especially before a transabdominal examination. In this situation, it is recommended to drink a glass of water in an hour. This is necessary so that the bladder has time to fill and move the intestines out of the pelvic area. If filling has not occurred, then the urea can be filled with a catheter.

Before a transrectal examination, the patient is advised to clean the intestines. You can use an enema or cleansing laxative medicines, such as suppositories. The procedure should be carried out one hour before the ultrasound. If the patient is allergic to latex products, then it is worth informing the doctor before the examination, as a condom is put on the sensor.
Survey results
Deciphering the results of an ultrasound examination is carried out exclusively by a doctor. The specialist pays attention to such characteristic indicators as:
- Localization of each organ examined.
- Dimensions and contours of organs.
- Characteristic signs of echogenicity.
All the results obtained must be entered into the form, and then studied by the attending physician, who, on the basis of not only the studies obtained, but also the severe symptoms, prescribestreatment.
What are the research standards?
All male pelvic ultrasound results must be within acceptable limits. Any deviations will indicate that a disease or an inflammatory process is developing in the patient's body.
- The prostate and seminal vesicles are of normal shape and size.
- Any formations, cysts, tumors should be completely absent.
Prostate norms:
- Top front size - 24mm to 41mm.
- Antero-posterior size - from 16 to 23 mm.
- Cross size - from 27 to 43 mm.
The volume of this male organ should not be more than 30 cubic meters. see
As for the parameters of the seminal vesicles, they should not exceed 1 cm in transverse section.
The bladder should also be of normal size and shape. The wall thickness should not be more than 0.5 cm. In a normal condition, the patient has no stones and other pathological inclusions in the urea. After the emission of urine, its complete absence is recorded, which proceeds without deviations through the ureters into the bladder itself.
False results can cause stool or gas in the intestines, as well as incorrect body position or a wound on the abdomen.
Advantages and disadvantages of ultrasound
Benefits include:
- Non-invasive.
- Painless procedure.
- Informative research.
- Affordable and common look.
- Does not implyuse of ionized type radiation.
- Getting a clear picture of the state of tissues, structures.
- Helps to visualize violations and deviations, as well as to diagnose them at an early stage.
- Real-time imaging, which helps to monitor pathological processes and track the positive effect of the therapy received.

It is impossible to rank any negative points among the shortcomings of ultrasound, therefore, if it is prescribed to a patient, you should not refuse the study. Just how to prepare for an ultrasound of the small pelvis of a man, it is worth checking with the doctor. Any independent action can lead to negative consequences. Stay he althy!