Femoral artery: aneurysm and thrombosis. Thromboembolism of the femoral artery

Femoral artery: aneurysm and thrombosis. Thromboembolism of the femoral artery
Femoral artery: aneurysm and thrombosis. Thromboembolism of the femoral artery

The femoral artery is a large vessel, the main function of which is to supply blood to all parts of the lower extremities, from the thigh to the toes. Nutrients and blood flow to the lower zone of the leg through capillaries and small vessels branched off from the femoral artery. All kinds of diseases of the aorta can lead to a breakdown in the basic work of the lower extremities, abdominal and pelvic parts.

femoral artery
femoral artery

Where she is

This artery is located from the beginning of the superficial iliac aorta from the inner wall of the thigh, from where it goes to the surface. That is why it is called "femoral". It runs through the iliac-comb and femoral fossa, popliteal recess and canal. At the place where it lies on the limb, it is located near the external genital and epigastric aorta, which forms the femoral triangle and the deep artery of the thigh.

The superficial femoral artery is considered a fairly large vessel that serves to provide blood to the lower extremities, external genitalia, and inguinal nodes. Its anatomical structure is absolutely the same for all people, with the exception of imperceptible differences. To determine whereit is the femoral artery that is located, you need to examine it in the upper part of the groin - from there it protrudes outward. In this area, the vessel is very sensitive to mechanical bruises.

femoral thromboembolism
femoral thromboembolism


Such an aorta, like other vessels, is prone to ailments and the formation of anomalies. One of these pathologies can be identified - aneurysm of the femoral artery. This anomaly is considered one of the most common diseases of this vessel. Aneurysm means bulging of the membranes of the arterial passage as a result of their thinning. Visually, the disease can be detected as a vibrating bulge in the area of the vessel. An aneurysm is best seen in the groin or under the knee, where it forms on one of the processes of the vessel - the popliteal aorta.

This anomaly, as a rule, affects women more, since in men, signs of femoral artery disease are much less common. There are limited and diffuse aneurysms.

Reasons for appearance

The sources of the emergence of such a disease are factors leading to thinning of the walls of blood vessels, namely:

  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • infections;
  • exposure to tar and nicotine when smoking;
  • obesity;
  • injuries;
  • increased cholesterol intake;
  • surgery (may bleed from femoral artery);
  • hereditary factor.

Bruises and surgeries are usually referred to as "mistaken" aneurysms. In this situationswelling of the vessel as such is not noted, and the disease is expressed by a pulsating hematoma surrounded by a tightening tissue.

occlusion of the femoral artery
occlusion of the femoral artery


The beginning of the anomaly may not be felt by the patient at all, especially with small volumes of formations. However, with an increase in the tumor, a vibrating pain in the leg can be felt - it intensifies with physical exertion. Indications of an aneurysm are also spasms of the affected limb, tissue death, and swelling of the limb. Similar symptoms are associated with lack of circulation in the leg.


In diagnosing such a disease, where even the common femoral artery can be damaged, for the most part instrumental examination methods are used, however, laboratory diagnostics are also recommended in certain situations. The instrumental areas of diagnostics include: ultrasound, angiography, MRI and computed tomography. To laboratory: general and biochemical analysis of urine and blood. In addition to such studies, an examination by a vascular surgeon is also required.

bleeding from the femoral artery
bleeding from the femoral artery


So far, the only treatment for an aneurysm is surgery. Depending on the complexity of the pathology and the likely complications during the operation, one of the following methods can be used: vessel bypass, prosthetics. There is still the possibility of using the stenting method, which is considered easier for the patient. In the case of an extremely complex anomaly, brought to a serioustissue necrosis, leg amputation required.


A fairly common complication is the appearance of blood clots in the vessel, which may cause thromboembolism of the femoral artery. In addition, the occurrence of blood clots can cause them to penetrate into the vessels of the brain, resulting in their clogging, and subsequently this will only lead to a worsening of the patient's condition. Aneurysm ruptures are rare, with most cases resulting in embolism or gangrene of the leg.

superficial femoral artery
superficial femoral artery

If diagnosed in time, the development of the anomaly can be prevented, but if the situation is neglected, negative consequences are likely in the form of amputation of the leg or even death of the patient. In this regard, even with slight suspicions of a pathology, you need to undergo the necessary diagnostics.


This disease (also called thromboembolism) is a fairly common anomaly. With imperceptible thrombosis (blockage) of the vessel with particles of hematoma, fat emboli, and atherosclerotic plaques, patients at first do not observe changes. And only with a significant blockage of the vessel, the symptoms of this pathology are noticed. With a rapid blockage of the vessel, the patient instantly feels deterioration, which can later lead to tissue necrosis, amputation of the leg or death.

Clinical indicators

Thromboembolism, where the artery (femoral) is significantly blocked, is characterized by a gradual increase in pain in the leg - this can especially be seen withwalking or other physical activities. This condition is associated with an imperceptible decrease in the vessel, as well as a decrease in the blood supply to the leg, and the loss of its muscle mass. Along with this, to improve blood circulation, the collateral vessel begins to open. This usually happens below the area where the blood clot originated.

femoral artery aneurysm
femoral artery aneurysm

When examining the leg, her skin is pale, her temperature drops (it is cool to the touch). The sensitivity of the affected part of the body, where the artery (femoral) lies, decreases. Depending on the formation of the anomaly, the pulsation of the vessels can either be imperceptibly heard or not heard at all.


Carried out using instrumental methods. For this, rheography and oscillography are used. However, arteriography is considered the most informative method of instrumental diagnostics, which makes it possible to clearly determine the location of the thrombus, as well as the degree of blockage of the vessel. A referral for such an examination is given when such signs are detected during the examination: reddened or pale skin of the leg, lack of its sensitivity, pain during the period of calm. A visit to a vascular surgeon is also recommended, who will advise on what a femoral artery is and what consequences can be expected from thrombosis.

common femoral artery
common femoral artery


Treatment of thromboembolism involves drugs and surgery. With medical treatmentanticoagulants, agents with thrombolytic and antispastic action are prescribed. During surgical intervention, methods of vascular plasty, embolectomy and thrombectomy are used.

Occlusion of the femoral artery

Severe arterial occlusion is a sharp violation of the circulation of the distal part of the artery by a thrombus or embolus. The condition is considered extremely dangerous. As a result of occlusion in the aorta, the natural outflow of blood is disrupted, which leads to additional formation of clots. The process can cover collaterals, a blood clot can spread even to the venous system. The condition is reversible within 3-6 hours from the onset. At the end of this period, deep ischemia leads later to irreparable necrotic changes.
