Medicine 2024, October

Plantar reflex or Babinsokgo reflex

Plantar reflex or Babinsokgo reflex

Each of us is forced to undergo a medical examination in order to monitor the state of his body. For example, the task of a neuropathologist is to determine whether everything is normal in a person with reflex reactions. To do this, knees, elbows, feet, stomach - all these areas are checked with a light tap or other special movements. What is a plantar reflex and in what case can pathology be detected?

What lowers blood pressure?

What lowers blood pressure?

Hypertension today is no surprise. Unfortunately, many people suffer from this disease in the modern world. Can you help yourself somehow? What should you do to lower your blood pressure?

Vaccination against meningococcal infection. Are vaccinations needed?

Vaccination against meningococcal infection. Are vaccinations needed?

Meningococcal disease is a disease in which multiplying bacteria can lead to serious illness. In particular, meningitis, sepsis, nasopharyngitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, or meningococcemia

How to do genetic analysis? Genetic analysis: reviews, price

How to do genetic analysis? Genetic analysis: reviews, price

It will never be superfluous to be tested for genetic diseases. Sometimes we do not even suspect what danger lies behind the complex genetic code. It's time to be prepared for the unexpected

Cerebellar pontine angle: description, possible diseases, diagnosis, treatment

Cerebellar pontine angle: description, possible diseases, diagnosis, treatment

The human brain has a complex structure. The cerebellopontine angle is located at the junction of three parts of the head organ: the pons, the medulla oblongata, and the cerebellum. Often it is here that tumor growths appear, which have a negative effect on blood vessels, the movement of cerebrospinal fluid and nerve endings

Scar on the lip: how to remove the scar?

Scar on the lip: how to remove the scar?

A scar is a formation that consists of connective tissues and is formed in the process of healing an injured area of the skin. It can remain on any part of the body, and lips are no exception. Such formations can cause complexes in a person, as well as cause inconvenience and deform the contour of the lips

Enzymes that break down alcohol in the body - features and interesting facts

Enzymes that break down alcohol in the body - features and interesting facts

Alcohol is a foreign element in the human metabolism, and when it gets inside, the body begins to fight hard and produce enzymes aimed at splitting and removing it outside. The action of these substances also causes a feeling of intoxication. So what enzymes break down alcohol?

Tetanus shot and alcohol: compatibility, possible consequences, advice from therapists

Tetanus shot and alcohol: compatibility, possible consequences, advice from therapists

After tetanus vaccination, experts constantly warn about the likely negative effects of the vaccine and its poor relationship with alcohol. However, many do not follow this advice, and end up with a tetanus shot and alcohol. In this article we will try to clarify important questions: what is tetanus and why it is undesirable to drink alcohol after a tetanus vaccination, what are the consequences of this

X-ray of the thoracic spine: doctor's appointment, procedure features, technique, indications and contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

X-ray of the thoracic spine: doctor's appointment, procedure features, technique, indications and contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Diseases of the spine are almost always characterized by discomfort in the area of the back and chest. Occasionally, shortness of breath, breathing problems, excessive fatigue, pain in the heart area may occur. To diagnose the pathology that provoked the occurrence of such negative symptoms, an x-ray of the thoracic spine is performed

Lumbar brace: description, how to put on and how to wear

Lumbar brace: description, how to put on and how to wear

In the modern world, a fairly large number of people suffer from pain in the back. To cope with the problem, medical companies are developing various medicines in the form of ointments, gels, tablets and special devices. The lumbar brace was included in the number of such funds

Air analysis for harmful substances

Air analysis for harmful substances

Air is the element without which a person cannot live for more than a few minutes. But, unfortunately, not every region of Russia can boast of clean air. Visiting the forest for recreation, a person immediately feels the difference, because the clean air is breathtaking and even dizzy

Clinical blood test norm in children: decoding

Clinical blood test norm in children: decoding

One of the most commonly ordered tests, both in adults and children, is a clinical or complete blood count (CBC). This is ensured by its simplicity, accessibility and high information content. For the first time, children are faced with it at birth to obtain data on the current state of he alth. Also, in infants, the norm of a clinical blood test differs from that in adult children under 16 years of age

Analysis for viruses: types of tests, doctor's prescription, features of the procedure, technique, indications, contraindications, interpretation, identified diseases and their tre

Analysis for viruses: types of tests, doctor's prescription, features of the procedure, technique, indications, contraindications, interpretation, identified diseases and their tre

Almost every person on Earth is a carrier of some kind of viral infection. This is due to the fact that every minute we come into contact with many harmful microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria. Viruses that parasitize in the body for a long time have a destructive effect on it. Moreover, the consequences may be such that the harm done to the body cannot be eliminated

Pain in the middle of the chest when inhaling: a description of the symptoms, causes, testing, diagnosis, treatment and consultation with a doctor

Pain in the middle of the chest when inhaling: a description of the symptoms, causes, testing, diagnosis, treatment and consultation with a doctor

Anxious sensations of pain in the chest area are often perceived as a signal of any disturbances in the functioning of the body. And, for the most part, suspicions are confirmed. This area contains many organs that are vital: the heart, for example

How to recognize an alcoholic by behavior and appearance

How to recognize an alcoholic by behavior and appearance

The insidiousness of alcohol addiction is that it takes years to develop, and it goes unnoticed. The thin line between the main stages of the development of drunkenness is erased in familiar companies, collective parties and birthdays, which are an indispensable part of our lives. How to recognize an alcoholic, if the situation has not yet become dangerous, and provide actual support to a person?

Blood gas analysis: indications, medical prescription, blood donation rules, composition and interpretation of the analysis

Blood gas analysis: indications, medical prescription, blood donation rules, composition and interpretation of the analysis

A blood test for gas composition occupies a rather important place in medicine, since it can be used to determine how much the body is saturated with air. And this, in turn, makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of therapy, as well as to diagnose a person with a primary form of hyperventilation and respiratory failure

Normoblasts in the general blood test: purpose, classification, interpretation, methods of the procedure and indications

Normoblasts in the general blood test: purpose, classification, interpretation, methods of the procedure and indications

Detection of normoblasts in the general blood test is a sign that a pathological process is present in the body. But, unfortunately, most people do not even have a clue about what normoblasts are and what the excess of their norm is fraught with

Foot taping: features, description and effectiveness

Foot taping: features, description and effectiveness

Foot taping is an innovative technique for the treatment and prevention of symptoms manifested in the form of pain and stiffness of movement. The essence of the technique is to apply elastic patches to the affected area

Blood on the MOR: where does it come from, the timing of the results, transcript, norms and deviations

Blood on the MOR: where does it come from, the timing of the results, transcript, norms and deviations

Every person knows the general and biochemical blood tests, so when a doctor sends a patient for their delivery, there are absolutely no questions. But having taken a referral from the doctor for a specific study, many are wondering: blood on the MOR, what kind of analysis is it

How to check water quality at home: all available methods

How to check water quality at home: all available methods

Every adult should drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. This is the norm that will allow your body to work like a clock. But not always the water that comes from the tap will meet the desired quality. It is in this case that you should check all the characteristics in order to protect your he alth

Blood test: norm and interpretation of results

Blood test: norm and interpretation of results

The main method for diagnosing most diseases is a blood test in the laboratory. Based on deviations from the established norm of the blood test, the attending physician makes or confirms the diagnosis and prescribes the necessary course of treatment. It allows you to identify deviations in the early stages, which will allow the doctor to prescribe treatment at the beginning of the formation of the disease. The norm and interpretation of the general blood test are a very important step in tracking the general condition of the body

Swelling under the knee: causes, symptoms, research, diagnosis and treatment

Swelling under the knee: causes, symptoms, research, diagnosis and treatment

Swelling under the knee is a reason to immediately seek help from your doctor. This is due to the fact that the knee joints perform the function of support while walking, running or jumping. It is thanks to the lower limbs that a person has the opportunity to walk, so any violations in the condition of the knee joints require timely treatment

The amazing human eye: structure and function

The amazing human eye: structure and function

The human eye, whose structure we will consider in the framework of this article, is not in vain compared to the mirror of the soul! Even the most reputable scientists who know firsthand what our vision is, do not cease to be surprised by it to this day, calling this mechanism a real miracle of nature

What to do and where to go if bitten by a tick?

What to do and where to go if bitten by a tick?

Spring is coming soon, a beautiful time of the year. But the spring mood can be destroyed in an instant! Yes, it was this period of time that was marked by the great activity of ixodid ticks in nature. What to do and where to turn if bitten by a tick?

What do ticks look like under the skin, and what danger do they pose to us?

What do ticks look like under the skin, and what danger do they pose to us?

Spring brings with it not only spring mood, but also aggressive ticks. What do ticks look like under human skin? What danger do they carry? We will answer these and other questions in our article

How to induce vomiting after eating and why do you need to do it?

How to induce vomiting after eating and why do you need to do it?

Do you know how to induce vomiting after eating? And about some of the dangers that lurk in this? Want to know more? Read the article

The eternal question: why do girls smell between their legs?

The eternal question: why do girls smell between their legs?

Why do girls smell between their legs? Why are they embarrassed about this and what can be done to ensure that your intimate smell is not questionable? We will answer these questions in our article

How to be and what to do if you broke your arm?

How to be and what to do if you broke your arm?

Injury to your limb from a fall or impact can be both a dislocation and a bruise, a sprain and, of course, a fracture. How to determine this and what to do if you break your arm?

Treatment of midge bite in nature and at home

Treatment of midge bite in nature and at home

A midge is a small fly that causes terrible trouble to a person. This happens both in spring, in summer and even in autumn. What harm does this insect bring to a person, and what is the treatment for a midge bite?

How to raise immunity with folk remedies, vitamins and medicines? Ways to increase immunity at home

How to raise immunity with folk remedies, vitamins and medicines? Ways to increase immunity at home

If there is a need to increase the level of immunity, then you can always use special preparations or use folk remedies. How to raise immunity? Consider this further in more detail

Quarantine in kindergarten. Under what conditions is it introduced and when is it canceled?

Quarantine in kindergarten. Under what conditions is it introduced and when is it canceled?

When quarantine is introduced, parents can stay at home on sick leave with their child. However, controversial issues arise when doctors refuse to issue disability certificates

Day care hospital. Full amount of necessary funds for course treatment without hospitalization

Day care hospital. Full amount of necessary funds for course treatment without hospitalization

Along with the outpatient and inpatient types of treatment, the provision of medical care in the so-called day hospitals is widespread. This is a kind of intermediate option between the outpatient clinic and inpatient treatment

Swelling of the larynx in a child: symptoms, first aid, causes, treatment

Swelling of the larynx in a child: symptoms, first aid, causes, treatment

Feeling tight, difficulty swallowing and breathing are symptoms familiar to many. There are a lot of reasons why the larynx swells and the swelling of the throat develops in an adult and a child. If emergency assistance is not provided in such a situation, tragic consequences are not excluded

Pulse while running: rules for running training, heart rate control, normal, excess beats and normalization of the heartbeat

Pulse while running: rules for running training, heart rate control, normal, excess beats and normalization of the heartbeat

Why measure your heart rate while running? This must be done in order to understand how correctly the load was selected during the training. Excessive overvoltage can even harm the body and adversely affect the functioning of internal organs

The structure of the human leg: bones and joints

The structure of the human leg: bones and joints

In our feet are the largest bones of the body. Knowledge of the skeletal system and the structure of the leg is very important in order to maintain your he alth and not lose your motor abilities

Internal and external respiration: description, indicators and functions

Internal and external respiration: description, indicators and functions

Breathing is a complex reflex continuous act. It ensures the constancy of the gas composition of the blood. It consists of three stages or links: external respiration, gas transport and tissue saturation. Failure can occur at any stage. It can lead to hypoxia and even death

Magnetic resonance therapy: reviews, contraindications. What does magnetic resonance therapy treat?

Magnetic resonance therapy: reviews, contraindications. What does magnetic resonance therapy treat?

Magnetic resonance therapy is an innovative method. With its help, it is possible to cure diseases such as arthrosis and other ailments associated with the musculoskeletal system

Sklifosovsky Research Institute (Moscow): list of services, doctors, departments, how to get there, reviews

Sklifosovsky Research Institute (Moscow): list of services, doctors, departments, how to get there, reviews

Research Institute named after Professor of Medicine Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky is widely known as the largest and wide-ranging scientific and practical medical center in Russia

Body mass index: formula for determining age

Body mass index: formula for determining age

To determine the correct ratio of body mass index, one indicator of weight is not enough. It can be explained like this. For example, with a height of 180 cm, a weight of 70 kg is considered normal, the same weight with a height of 160 cm already exceeds the norm. As a rule, the calculation takes into account several indicators at once. To indicate the norm or deviations from it, use the concept of BMI (body mass index)

Turtle bandage on the elbow joint, on the knee joint: overlay

Turtle bandage on the elbow joint, on the knee joint: overlay

Everyone is at risk of hurting their arm or leg. It can be a bruise with a violation of the integrity of the skin, bone tissue. With such injuries, the mobility of the elbow or knee joint is impaired. When an accident occurs and the joint is damaged, you need to urgently seek medical help, especially if the skin is damaged and an abrasion appears