Medicine 2024, October

Breathing tube: types and purpose

Breathing tube: types and purpose

How to choose a snorkel for scuba diving? If you are a beginner swimmer, then this device should not be in the first place among swimming accessories. Additional accessories will be more useful for professional divers or those who decide to expand their knowledge of deep sea diving. In such cases, in order to feel comfortable in the water, a breathing tube for swimming is indispensable

Physiological and reparative regeneration. Types, methods of reparative regeneration

Physiological and reparative regeneration. Types, methods of reparative regeneration

Surprisingly, if the lizard's tail falls off, then the missing part of it will re-form from the rest. In some cases, reparative regeneration is so perfect that the entire multicellular organism is restored from only a small fragment of tissue

Cuboid bone of the foot: photo, where is it located?

Cuboid bone of the foot: photo, where is it located?

Despite the fact that the cuboid bone is located in the area of the outer part of the foot, its fractures separately from the joint are quite rare. Among skeletal injuries, cuboid fractures account for 0.14%, foot bones - 2.5%

Glossopharyngeal nerve: description, structure and functions

Glossopharyngeal nerve: description, structure and functions

Glossopharyngeal nerve is part of the IX pair of all nerves of the skull. Has several different types of fibers. In the article, we will consider its functions, structure, as well as common diseases

Computed tomography of the head: reviews of the procedure

Computed tomography of the head: reviews of the procedure

It is far from always possible to make a diagnosis based on the patient's complaints alone, especially if problems are observed from the nervous system. To investigate her condition allows computed tomography (tomogram) of the head. This is one of the modern methods of medical diagnostics, which is suitable for patients of different age categories

TCDG of the vessels of the head and neck: features and decoding

TCDG of the vessels of the head and neck: features and decoding

Oxygen and other important elements for life through the arteries and veins enter the brain cells of the head and other organs. Nutrient deficiency negatively affects the state of the human body. Ultrasound dopplerography (dopplerography of the cervical vessels, ultrasound, doppleroscopy of cerebral vessels, dopplerography of cerebral vessels, transcranial dopplerography) is a non-invasive method for analyzing blood flow

Head and neck veins - anatomy

Head and neck veins - anatomy

As you know, the brain needs a certain amount of nutrients and oxygen to function properly. This explains the presence of a developed network of arteries that carry blood to the tissues. Timely outflow of fluid is very important, so it is worth examining the main veins of the head and neck

Ultrasonography of the renal arteries: description, features and recommendations

Ultrasonography of the renal arteries: description, features and recommendations

The full name of the study of ultrasound of the renal arteries sounds like "ultrasound triplex Doppler." This is a modern method of diagnosing, which is used to establish a violation of blood flow in the vessels. The effect is based on the reflection of an ultrasonic wave from red blood cells, which allows you to see the vessels in action from the inside

The effect of copper on the human body: signs of poisoning, symptoms, treatment

The effect of copper on the human body: signs of poisoning, symptoms, treatment

The action of copper is extremely important in the human body - extends to the functioning of blood vessels. Copper is responsible for the condition of the skin, the development of immunity and other reactions. The biochemistry of copper consists in its participation in enzymatic reactions as a catalyzing component

Departments of the large intestine, its structure and functions

Departments of the large intestine, its structure and functions

The human digestive system is quite complex and has several departments that perform various important functions. And the large intestine is no exception, because it helps, among other things, get rid of most of the body's waste products

Resection of the sigmoid colon: indications for surgery, features, consequences

Resection of the sigmoid colon: indications for surgery, features, consequences

Resection of the sigmoid colon is performed for injuries and tumors that damage the large intestine. In most cases, such surgery is carried out urgently. There are several ways to carry out this operation. Most often it is done by the Mikulich or Hartmann method

Urine density. Deciphering the general analysis of urine

Urine density. Deciphering the general analysis of urine

Complete urinalysis can detect organ malfunction by determining the general properties of urine and microscopy of urinary sediment. The analysis is prescribed in the event of diseases of the urinary system, to determine the dynamics of the course of the disease and control it

MRI: contraindications to the procedure

MRI: contraindications to the procedure

Despite the high diagnostic value, in some cases it is better to refuse such an examination as an MRI. Contraindications to the examination are relative and absolute. Most often they are associated with the presence of foreign metal in the body and some conditions of the body

CT of the heart and coronary arteries - features, description of the procedure and indications

CT of the heart and coronary arteries - features, description of the procedure and indications

The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body, so its work must be constantly monitored in order to timely detect malfunctions in its functioning and begin treatment in the presence of any diseases. Today, there are a huge number of different research methods. Among them, the most effective is CT of the heart

MRI with contrast: feedback, preparation. How is an MRI of the brain done with contrast?

MRI with contrast: feedback, preparation. How is an MRI of the brain done with contrast?

The possibilities of modern medicine make it possible to detect brain tumors at the very initial stages. MRI with contrast is one of the main methods for diagnosing these and similar pathologies. The study is not accompanied by radiation exposure to the body and is performed very quickly

CT coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart: description, studies, indications and contraindications, reviews

CT coronary angiography of the vessels of the heart: description, studies, indications and contraindications, reviews

What is coronary angiography? Varieties of the procedure - standard, selective, MSCT. Benefits of CT coronary angiography. indications for the procedure. Contraindications - absolute and relative. How to prepare for the examination? How is it carried out?

APTT increased: why is this happening? Increased APTT during pregnancy

APTT increased: why is this happening? Increased APTT during pregnancy

APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) is a very important indicator of blood clotting, which allows you to determine the risk of blood clots or bleeding

Platelet hemostasis: stages, symptoms, causes and consequences

Platelet hemostasis: stages, symptoms, causes and consequences

The human body is a very complex and interesting device, consisting of several general biological systems. The platelet link of hemostasis is only a part of the systems whose duties include control over the vital components and structures of the body

Products of lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation and coronary heart disease

Products of lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation and coronary heart disease

The study of lipid peroxidation made it possible to explain the pathophysiology of diseases such as atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease, highlight the links in this process and develop drugs

Medical metal spatula: overview, types and description

Medical metal spatula: overview, types and description

Medical metal spatula is often used for speech therapy massage, sound production. This device has other uses as well. For example, they are used when examining a patient, as well as for cosmetic purposes

Popular veterinary clinics (Izhevsk)

Popular veterinary clinics (Izhevsk)

Multipurpose veterinary clinics (Izhevsk) "Great Bear", "Bim", "Irbis" are considered quite popular and frequently visited, because clinics are equipped with the necessary equipment and high-quality medicines for the treatment and diagnosis of pets

Why does a person get drunk? The principle of action of alcoholic beverages on the body

Why does a person get drunk? The principle of action of alcoholic beverages on the body

It just so happened, but for many millennia, people associate any holiday with drinking alcohol. Proponents of a he althy lifestyle will not agree with this, and yet the majority of the inhabitants of our planet drink alcohol, and some quite often

"Langes" (syrup): instructions for children, reviews

"Langes" (syrup): instructions for children, reviews

Cough is a natural reaction of the body to an irritant. It can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory system, allergies, irritation of the larynx, nasopharyngeal mucosa, penetration of a foreign body, and other factors. Modern pharmacology has more than a dozen different drugs for the treatment of this symptom. Today's article will introduce you to one of those: "Langes" - cough syrup

Skin irritation: what to do?

Skin irritation: what to do?

In the modern world, a person is constantly exposed to aggressive environmental factors, so it is very difficult to maintain your physical condition in excellent shape. Often we do not understand what causes skin irritation and how to deal with it. Essential assistance in such a situation can only be provided by a qualified specialist

Blastocyst transfer in IVF. Feelings of successful blastocyst transfer

Blastocyst transfer in IVF. Feelings of successful blastocyst transfer

During in vitro fertilization, the female body undergoes hormonal correction. One important step in this scheme is the transfer of the blastocyst. It is about him that will be discussed in the article. You will learn how blastocyst transfer occurs in cryoprotocol, short protocol or long protocol. Also find out what sensations a woman may experience after him

How to breathe with a cold through a nebulizer? The most effective drugs, features of use

How to breathe with a cold through a nebulizer? The most effective drugs, features of use

Treatment with a nebulizer can be started at any stage of a runny nose. Such procedures effectively eliminate snot and allow you not to resort to the use of potent drugs. It is useful for a runny nose to breathe saline through a nebulizer for both adults and children

Silicone tube: applications and properties

Silicone tube: applications and properties

The silicone tube is made of reliable material - silicone, which remains operational at any critical temperatures, resistant to boiling water, sea water, alcohols, mineral oils, acids and alkalis

Reasons why iron in the blood is elevated

Reasons why iron in the blood is elevated

Microelements are necessary for the human body, they are involved in all processes of its life. Today we will talk about iron. Without this element, which is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells, it will be impossible to supply tissues and organs with oxygen. Iron deficiency contributes to the development of very serious diseases

Cadmium: impact on the human body. Heavy metal poisoning

Cadmium: impact on the human body. Heavy metal poisoning

What is cadmium? It is a heavy metal that comes from the smelting of other metals such as zinc, copper or lead. It is widely used for the manufacture of nickel-cadmium batteries. In addition, cigarette smoke also contains such an element. As a result of continuous exposure to cadmium, very serious diseases of the lungs and kidneys occur

Why is urine pink after beets?

Why is urine pink after beets?

Many people believe that pink urine after eating beets is normal. Others are of the opinion that urine should not change color after taking such a vegetable, and this condition indicates a violation of the functioning of the body

Pain in the bladder in men: description, causes and features of treatment

Pain in the bladder in men: description, causes and features of treatment

The bladder is the main organ of the body's excretory system. Its purpose is the accumulation of urine for its subsequent excretion. Quite often, pain occurs in it, which may indicate the presence of any pathological process. Usually pain in the bladder in men is accompanied by diseases such as urolithiasis, cystitis, tumors, prostatitis and injuries

Osteosynthesis - what is it? Surgical reposition of bone fragments using various fixation structures

Osteosynthesis - what is it? Surgical reposition of bone fragments using various fixation structures

Connection of broken bones with the help of surgery has accelerated both the treatment process and the rehabilitation of patients with complex fractures. For the first time, such a procedure as osteosynthesis of bones was carried out back in the 19th century, but due to the occurrence of very serious complications of a purulent nature, doctors were forced to stop doing it. Resumed attempts after the introduction of antiseptic and aseptic treatment into practice

Exocrine and endocrine glands. The structure and functions of the endocrine system

Exocrine and endocrine glands. The structure and functions of the endocrine system

Humoral regulation, exocrine and endocrine glands - these are the concepts that you will learn about from this article. Together with the nervous system, they ensure the coordinated work of the whole organism. How does this happen?

Structure and life cycle of the dysentery amoeba

Structure and life cycle of the dysentery amoeba

Dysenteric amoeba is the simplest unicellular organism. However, despite its harmless size, it poses a serious threat to humans. You will learn about the features of the structure and life of an amoeba of this species from our article

Perforation of the nasal septum: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Perforation of the nasal septum: causes, symptoms, treatments and consequences

Perforation of the nasal septum is a through hole in the nasal septum (its bone or cartilaginous part), which occurs against the background of its mechanical damage or ongoing disease processes. For a long period, such a pathology may not manifest itself, but all this time the likelihood of breathing problems or infection increases

Squamous epithelium: functional and diagnostic value

Squamous epithelium: functional and diagnostic value

Epithelial tissue makes up the bulk of the human body, because it lines all organs, forms the glands of external and internal secretion, as well as the basis of the skin. In addition, due to the high degree of regeneration, it protects the underlying layers from damage

Goblet cell: structural features, naming options and location

Goblet cell: structural features, naming options and location

Variants of the names of the goblet cell. Locations and functions of goblet cells. goblet cell antibodies

Paranasal sinuses: anatomy, possible pathologies and diseases

Paranasal sinuses: anatomy, possible pathologies and diseases

Paranasal sinuses are appendages of the nasal cavity, represented by bony recesses in the skull, covered from the inside with a mucous membrane. They are connected to the oral cavity and serve to moisten, clean and warm the inhaled air. In this material, I would like to describe the anatomy of such appendages

Surgery - what is it? Types and stages of surgical operations

Surgery - what is it? Types and stages of surgical operations

Surgical operations were performed even before our era. Today, specialists in their field can not only cure almost all diseases, but also operate bloodlessly, weld tissues with a laser and transplant faces

Self-absorbable sutures: types, healing time

Self-absorbable sutures: types, healing time

Varieties of seams. When are self-absorbable sutures used? The most popular self-absorbable threads, their dissolution time, as well as areas of application. When are self-absorbable sutures needed?