Air is the element without which a person cannot live for more than a few minutes. But, unfortunately, not every region of Russia can boast of clean air. Visiting the forest for recreation, a person immediately feels the difference, because the clean air is breathtaking and even dizzy. And if rural residents are constantly in the fresh air, then urban people are much more difficult, which is why the analysis for the presence of harmful substances in the air has become widespread.

When is air analysis recommended?
Analysis is recommended if a person has a number of negative symptoms while in the room:
- migraine;
- insomnia;
- feeling broken in the morning;
- recurring colds;
- irritation in the mucous membrane of the eyes.
If several symptoms from this list are observed at the same time, then air analysis is simply indispensable.

Sources of air pollution
Before proceeding with the analysis of the state of air masses in a residential or working visit, it is required to familiarize yourself with the existing sources of pollution:
- Recent home renovations.
- Xylene is often used in numerous building and upholstery materials, parquet and linoleum in particular. About half of building materials in domestic markets do not meet quality standards.
- Furniture can release substances such as formaldehyde and phenol into the air. These components are quite dangerous for human life, as they provoke suffocation, allergies, headaches, sleep problems.
- Poor quality finishing materials provoke the development of an allergic reaction, as well as impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver and nervous system.
- Poor quality plastic.

Features of chemical analysis
To perform a chemical analysis of air, a gas analyzer is used, with which the following information is determined:
- name of harmful substances present in the air;
- a source that provokes the release of harmful elements into the air masses;
- if building materials are recognized as a source of harmful substances, then a climatic chamber is used, which allows to detect the concentration of the presence of certain elements in the air.
Features of laboratory researchair
In the laboratory, air analysis is performed if the pollution of the air masses is provoked not by a chemical composition, but by a microbiological one.
In this situation, the following indicators are examined:
- Total number of microorganisms. An indicator exceeding the norm indicates poor ventilation of the room and the presence of a high concentration of harmful substances.
- Mold and yeast type mushrooms. Mushrooms are transported through the air and are characterized by rapid reproduction. If the waterproofing is reduced in the room, then there is a high probability of the development and growth of fungi. And such manifestations entail various kinds of skin rashes, respiratory diseases, bronchitis.
- Staphylococcus aureus. This type of bacterium is considered the causative agent of numerous diseases: skin lesions, pneumonia, meningitis.
- Legionella. It is believed to be the cause of a severe form of pneumonia. Prefers to live in places where water stagnates for a long time.

The process of performing microbiological air testing
Performing an analysis of exhaled air for bacterial contamination, performed in several stages:
- collection of material for bacterial contamination of the room;
- storage of air mass samples collected for analysis;
- seeding and performing microorganism cultivation;
- detection of the level of bacterial pollution of air masses.
Sampling is done by adhering to the aspiration technique. During sampling from various surfaces of the room (floor, window sill), the methods of flushing, agar pouring and fingerprinting are used.

Self Analysis Technology
You can also perform an air analysis of the working area or living quarters yourself, following this plan for these purposes:
- Buy a kit to study the chemical composition of the air. The kit contains 2-3 rapid tests that allow you to identify the most common types of pollution.
- The composition of the air is being studied for the presence of carbon monoxide (a special sensor is installed in the room for this purpose). If the CO2 limit is detected, the device will generate a loud beep.
- Performing air sampling for the detection of radon in its composition. This gas is odorless and colorless, so you can only detect it yourself by using the rapid test included in the kit. The radon test is installed in the room, and after 3 days it is packaged and sent to the laboratory. If the final results are equal to 150 Bq/m3 or even more, then this is a sign of the presence of a high concentration of radon in the room.
- Detect the presence of mold spores in the room.
- Perform a dust mite test.
If any violations are observed as a result of the results, then you need to seek help from specialists, today there are a lot of companieswho analyze atmospheric air for the detection of pollutants.

Presence of formaldehyde in the air
Formaldehydes are among the elements most often found in the results of air analysis. These substances are characterized by the presence of a rather pungent odor and provoke the transformation of protein in the body. Widely used in the industrial field, during the manufacture of plastics, insulating materials, formalin.
When the vapors of these substances are inhaled, severe inflammation occurs in the nasopharyngeal mucosa, swelling of the larynx and respiratory tract develops.
Phenol in the air
Phenol is another substance hazardous to human he alth. Phenol vapor easily penetrates the skin and, being absorbed, enters the bloodstream. In the body, this substance begins to interact with proteins, causing them to coagulate and oxidize.
When phenol poisoning occurs:
- trembling;
- severe convulsions;
- increases the clearance between blood vessels;
- heart failure;
- hypothermia.
In the absence of proper therapy, even coma and death are possible.
It is noted that almost every second recorded case of severe phenol poisoning leads to death.
Given all the facts presented, it is recommended to perform an annual analysis of indoor air, and if any negative symptoms appear, go to the doctor.