Medicine 2024, October

Anatomy. common carotid artery

Anatomy. common carotid artery

The common carotid artery is a pair of vessels that supply blood to all organs and tissues of the head and neck, primarily the brain and eyes. But what do we know about her? Probably, only the thought comes to mind that by pressing with your fingers in the area where it lies (on the throat, towards the trachea), you can always easily feel the pulse

Superficial lymphatic vessel. human lymphatic vessels. Diseases of the lymphatic vessels

Superficial lymphatic vessel. human lymphatic vessels. Diseases of the lymphatic vessels

Human lymphatic vessels are represented by different structures that perform certain functions. The movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels is carried out through the cervical duct into the venous bed

Human respiratory organs. The structure and functions of the respiratory system

Human respiratory organs. The structure and functions of the respiratory system

What can be called the main indicator of the viability of people? Of course, we are talking about breathing. A person can go without food and water for a while. Without air, life activity is not possible at all

Operations on the large intestine: classification, types, indications for surgery, performance, rehabilitation and postoperative recovery treatment

Operations on the large intestine: classification, types, indications for surgery, performance, rehabilitation and postoperative recovery treatment

In surgical practice, various operations are performed on the large intestine. They differ in technique and scale. With minor lesions, endoscopic interventions are performed that do not affect the patient's condition. Intestinal cancer is an indication for the radical removal of most of the organ

Gastrostomy according to Witzel: indications for surgery

Gastrostomy according to Witzel: indications for surgery

One type of palliative surgery is the Witzel gastrostomy. This operation is indicated in cases of impossibility of enteral nutrition in a natural way. It is often performed on cancer patients with advanced stages of cancer

Tongue cleaning: description of the procedure, benefits, devices and reviews

Tongue cleaning: description of the procedure, benefits, devices and reviews

All parents constantly tell their children to brush their teeth twice a day. This habit is literally eaten from a very early age, but in fact, not everyone knows how to competently carry out hygiene measures. For example, what do you need to know about tongue cleaning?

Surgical thread: name, thickness, dimensions

Surgical thread: name, thickness, dimensions

Medicine has reached unprecedented heights, and today doctors quickly sew up and heal wounds from which until recently it was possible to die, saving the lives of patients. Not the last role in this is played by suture material - surgical threads of various types

Medical rehabilitation of the disabled

Medical rehabilitation of the disabled

Medical rehabilitation of the disabled is an extremely important set of measures. Without it, it is quite difficult to expect an improvement in the general condition of a patient with a disability group

Ciliary body (ciliary body): structure and functions. eye diagram

Ciliary body (ciliary body): structure and functions. eye diagram

What is the ciliary body and how does it take part in the process of work of the human visual organs? What functions does this organ, hidden in the depths of the eye, perform, and what pathologies are associated with it? The article discusses the structure of the ciliary or, as it is also called, the ciliary body, which will help to understand all the above issues

How to know the level of testosterone: all methods, types of tests, norm and deviation

How to know the level of testosterone: all methods, types of tests, norm and deviation

Testosterone is one of the most important male hormones. It plays an important role in the production of spermatozoa. It is also very important for the development of muscle and bone tissue, affects sexual activity. How to check testosterone levels at home. What should be the rules. How to adjust the level of the hormone in the blood

Polio: clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Polio: clinical diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Polio is an acute viral disease characterized by damage to the spinal cord or brain. The most common complications of the development of this disease in children under the age of 5 years are atrophy, as well as muscle paralysis. What are the symptoms of the disease. How is poliomyelitis diagnosed? What is the treatment

Is it possible to remove moles on the face without a scar? Is it possible to remove a mole on the face from which hair grows?

Is it possible to remove moles on the face without a scar? Is it possible to remove a mole on the face from which hair grows?

Almost all people have moles. Some of them are located on the face. Such a mole gives a woman a special attraction, and a man - sexuality. It is known that there was a fashion when young ladies specially applied "flies" to give charm. But recently, the question often arises of whether it is possible to remove moles on the face?

Medicines for the prevention of colds

Medicines for the prevention of colds

Diseases can significantly affect a person's he alth and well-being, so it is easier to prevent them if possible than to take a mountain of drugs later. What is cold prevention? How and when to carry it out, and also by what methods? Consider further

How to increase the immunity of an adult at home?

How to increase the immunity of an adult at home?

The article provides general information about what immunity is and what is responsible for it. Various ways to increase immunity at home are listed. Recommendations for adults are given to help gradually improve their he alth

How to harden at home?

How to harden at home?

The article provides hardening methods at home. Recommendations are given on how to start procedures for beginners. Also answers are given to questions about the consequences of wrong actions. Brief information about the relationship of hardening with the immune system is given

Blood analysis for protein fractions

Blood analysis for protein fractions

Any doctor knows that human plasma contains a huge amount of protein formations. During the analysis, all protein fractions contained in the blood are detected. Their number may indicate any pathologies

Foot baths: beauty and he alth

Foot baths: beauty and he alth

Beautiful legs are, first of all, he althy legs. Special baths will help you make your heels smooth and tender. We offer you some simple and proven recipes

Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida

Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida

Mushrooms of the genus Candida live in almost every person and are absolutely harmless, as long as their host's immunity is high enough. As soon as immunity decreases, as well as for a number of other reasons, the reproduction of fungi gets out of control, and they become pathogenic. What diseases are caused by Candida fungi? What are their symptoms and treatments?

Drinking plenty of water: benefit or harm, expert advice

Drinking plenty of water: benefit or harm, expert advice

Water is involved in all chemical processes of the human body without exception. The absence or deficiency of fluid reduces the functionality of a person. Dehydration sets in and vital signs deteriorate very quickly. In addition to the physical condition, dehydration also negatively affects the neuropsychic activity of a person. What happens to the body when you drink too much?

Elbow joints: structure and function

Elbow joints: structure and function

The main task of the elbow joints is to ensure the correct position of the upper limbs in space. If this function is violated, as well as under the influence of excessive load, diseases such as bursitis and enthesopathy can develop, which is fraught with serious complications. Since the elbow joints are often subject to various injuries, it is necessary to know what this can lead to

First aid for myocardial infarction

First aid for myocardial infarction

Recently, doctors are increasingly sounding the alarm: myocardial infarction has rejuvenated. Now it can happen to a forty-and even thirty-year-old person. How to recognize it and what needs to be done before the ambulance arrives?

Genetic information: recessive and dominant genes

Genetic information: recessive and dominant genes

Separate dominant and recessive genes. A dominant gene is such a sequence of nucleotides that ensures the manifestation of one or another trait, regardless of which type of gene is in the same pair (meaning a recessive or dominant gene). A recessive gene is a nucleotide sequence in which the manifestation of a trait in the phenotype is possible only if the same recessive gene is present in a pair

Zviad Arabuli: biography, reviews. Morning exercises Hadu Zviad Arabuli, prolonging life

Zviad Arabuli: biography, reviews. Morning exercises Hadu Zviad Arabuli, prolonging life

Among the variety of methods of healing the body and various training systems that strengthen muscle tone, none requires such a minimum of equipment and does not give such a high result as the gymnastics of Hadu Zviad Arabuli

General urogenital swab

General urogenital swab

Almost every visit to the gynecologist is accompanied by taking tests. Urogenital smear allows you to determine the degree of purity of the female body, the presence of inflammation and infections

Description of the drug "Vikeyra Pak". Reviews of those treated, features of the use of Viekira Pak

Description of the drug "Vikeyra Pak". Reviews of those treated, features of the use of Viekira Pak

"Vikeyra Pak" (reviews of those treated are not yet too numerous, since the drug was registered in Russia only in May 2015) is produced by an Irish manufacturer, and is packaged in the United States of America. The drug is sold officially in Russia, it can be ordered at any pharmacy

Sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk. Rest and treatment, reviews and photos of tourists

Sanatoriums in Pyatigorsk. Rest and treatment, reviews and photos of tourists

In this short article we will discuss the best resorts in Pyatigorsk, their advantages and, of course, disadvantages, reviews and much more

Best neurosurgeon in Krasnodar: list

Best neurosurgeon in Krasnodar: list

How to choose a good neurosurgeon in Krasnodar? Of course, the parameters are simple: a high level of qualification, significant experience and the presence of numerous positive reviews on the Internet. However, at the moment when the help of such a serious doctor is required, there is usually no time for a choice - you need to act quickly. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to familiarize yourself with the best neurosurgeons in Krasnodar in advance - they are listed in the list below

Leukocytes 9.9 in the blood: causes, interpretation and norms

Leukocytes 9.9 in the blood: causes, interpretation and norms

Leukocytes or "white blood" (from the Greek leiko - white and kytos - cell) are the cells of the human immune system responsible for protecting the body. Their main task is to form the so-called line of defense against viruses, bacteria, toxins, foreign bodies, waste slags

Breast removal: indications, preparation for surgery, complications

Breast removal: indications, preparation for surgery, complications

Sadly, breast cancer is considered quite common. There are statistics that in our country every year more than 50 thousand women are diagnosed with this disease

Treatment in Israel: clinics, methods, patient reviews

Treatment in Israel: clinics, methods, patient reviews

Treatment in Israel has become a kind of trend. Israel is one of the world's largest medical tourism centers. The country annually receives 30 thousand foreign patients, while the population of the country has up to 8 million people. The number of public and private medical centers in Israel is impressive. And the cost of treatment in Israel is significantly lower than in European countries

How does Israeli medicine work? Advantages and disadvantages

How does Israeli medicine work? Advantages and disadvantages

Israeli medicine has been the best in the world for many years. The cost of treatment here is much less than in the United States of America, but the quality is much higher than in any country in the world. It is not surprising that Israeli medicine attracts people from all over the world. In 2013, more than thirty thousand tourists arrived in Israel for treatment. About fifty percent of them are residents of Russia and Eastern Europe

Knee joint, replacement: surgery, rehabilitation, reviews and consequences

Knee joint, replacement: surgery, rehabilitation, reviews and consequences

If there is no effect of treatment with conventional methods, an artificial knee joint can be inserted instead of the patient. Replacing this part of the human body is a rather complicated procedure. Therefore, before the operation, careful preparation is carried out, and after it - rehabilitation

Underwater traction of the spine: description of the procedure, contraindications, effectiveness and reviews

Underwater traction of the spine: description of the procedure, contraindications, effectiveness and reviews

Today, many people are faced with diseases of the spine. They know perfectly well how unpleasant and painful these pathologies are. To combat such ailments, many methods are used, one of which is traction, or, scientifically, traction. Consider underwater traction of the spine. What is the essence of the method, in which diseases it will bring the maximum effect. In addition, we will analyze for what ailments it is worth abandoning traction

Sanatoriums of Sevastopol: where to improve your he alth and relax?

Sanatoriums of Sevastopol: where to improve your he alth and relax?

This article tells about sanatoriums of different scales in Sevastopol: from small and remote to large central ones. All of them have the necessary infrastructure for a good rest and rehabilitation. Their addresses are indicated and a description of each

24-hour blood pressure monitoring: advantages and aspects of the method

24-hour blood pressure monitoring: advantages and aspects of the method

Several years ago, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring was carried out for research purposes. But now the situation has changed. Now the monitor is put on patients for medical diagnosis of the work of the heart

The human fetus is a miracle that will eventually become a child

The human fetus is a miracle that will eventually become a child

The human fetus develops inside the mother's womb for nine months. During this time, it is fully developed from a single egg into an independent organism

Carcinogen - what is it? Exposure to carcinogens

Carcinogen - what is it? Exposure to carcinogens

Why do so many people in our country suffer from cancer? What are the causes of cancer? What carcinogens surround us at work and at home?

Lipidogram - what is it? Deciphering blood lipid profile

Lipidogram - what is it? Deciphering blood lipid profile

It is believed that every person needs to take a blood test for cholesterol from time to time. Having received a referral, the patient of the polyclinic may see the unfamiliar word “lipidogram” in it. What is this study, how is it carried out? Why is such an analysis done?

Third negative blood type

Third negative blood type

General information about blood groups, compatibility by category and Rh factor with the third negative. What is dangerous Rh-conflict of parents? What is the probability that a third negative is inherited? Physiological and psychological features of its carriers. How to determine your blood type?

Arteries of the upper limb. Vessels of the upper limb

Arteries of the upper limb. Vessels of the upper limb

To supply oxygen to the torso, head, legs and arms in the human body, a blood supply system is provided. It includes many vessels. The subclavian arteries of the upper limb originate in the mediastinum anteriorly at the level of the first rib. The left one is longer than the right one and starts from the aortic arch. Right - directly from the brachiocephalic trunk