Vaccination against meningococcal infection. Are vaccinations needed?

Vaccination against meningococcal infection. Are vaccinations needed?
Vaccination against meningococcal infection. Are vaccinations needed?

Meningococcal disease is a disease in which multiplying bacteria can lead to serious illness. In particular, meningitis, sepsis, nasopharyngitis, pneumonia, sinusitis or meningococcemia.


Meningitis is a meningococcal infection that can be of two forms: primary and secondary. In the first case, pathogenic bacteria enter the body through airborne droplets. Through the throat, and then by overcoming the blood-brain barrier - into the shell of the brain. This form of the disease can be purulent or serous.

In serous meningitis, there is an accumulation of lymphocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid. It is caused by bacteria or viruses that cause tuberculosis. In purulent meningitis, neutrophils accumulate in the cerebrospinal fluid. This happens due to bacteria. Mostly meningococci A and C. Nearly 40% of cases are due to Haemophilus influenzae B. And only 2% are due to pneumonia.

do you need vaccinations
do you need vaccinations

Secondary meningitis affects the airways, oropharynx, ears, or salivary glands. You may experience symptoms such aspneumonia or intestinal infection. Then the bacteria penetrate through the lymph and blood, causing inflammation of the brain. Secondary meningitis is caused by staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, Candida, viruses, salmonella and other pathogens.

Are there epidemics?

A surge in meningococcal infection was observed in Russia in 1968. Cases of the disease were quite frequent. Therefore, vaccination against meningococcal infection became relevant. It was a real epidemic. But thanks to vaccinations, it gradually faded away. And now this disease is not so common. For example, in 2000, there were 8 infected per 100,000 Russians.

Children are more susceptible to this disease. And the reason lies in insufficient vaccination. But nasopharyngitis can be of different etiologies, and it is sometimes quite difficult to distinguish it from another disease. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether meningitis vaccinations are needed is yes. It is better to prevent a disease from the very beginning than to treat it for a long time.

vaccination against infection
vaccination against infection

What causes meningococcal disease?

The causative agent of meningococcal infection is Neisseria meningitides bacteria. The disease can take several forms. Most often in the form of meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain). The causative agent (Vekselbaum meningococcus) is a Gram-negative diplococcus. It does not have capsules and flagella, is inactive. Does not form a dispute. The optimal temperature for bacteria growth is 37 degrees.

Where is meningococcal disease found?

Meningococcal infectionexists in all countries. But the highest incidence is in Central and West Africa. On the territory of Russia, small foci of infection broke out several times. Therefore, a meningococcal vaccine is essential to prevent the disease from becoming an epidemic.

Complications of meningitis

The disease is quite dangerous. If the vaccine against infection is not done on time, then serious complications can occur. Often they lead to death. If meningitis is not treated in time, it can lead to disability. There are several types of complications:

  • Acute cerebral, namely: cerebral edema, cerebral infarction, ventriculitis. In addition to the above, subdural effusion, occlusion, and the syndrome of inappropriate ADH excretion often occur.
  • before vaccination
    before vaccination
  • Acute extracerebral. Patients with meningitis may go into shock. DIC and hemorrhagic syndromes, hypoglycemia, dehydration, arthritis, pneumonia appear. Meningitis can also affect the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis).
  • Late complications. These include hydrocephalus, ataxia, deafness, blindness, cystic-adhesive arachnoiditis. Complications of meningitis can cause optic nerve atrophy, brain abscess, dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland. With late complications, neurological diseases appear, up to dementia. Sometimes there is diabetes. In running form - coma.

What are the vaccines?

In Russia, foreign vaccine againstmeningococcal infection "Meningo A + C". Or domestic A and C. The vaccine, which contains W-135 and Y, is given only to pilgrims leaving for Mecca. Group B meningococci are not widely used. It has low immunogenicity and has a number of antigenic determinants, which can cause side effects and complications.

complications of meningitis
complications of meningitis

To prevent inflammation of the brain, a meningococcal vaccine is given. The name may be different, since the vaccine was created far from alone: Akt-Khib, Hiberix, Tetr-Akt-Khib, Pentaxim and a number of others. You can get them mostly for free, in almost any city clinic. True, some are sold only for money and can be quite expensive.

For the prevention of pneumococcal meningitis, the Pneumo-23 vaccine is used. It is produced in France. Vaccinations are given free of charge only to children at risk. All other applicants - on a paid basis. These vaccinations reduce the risk of not only meningitis, but also a number of other diseases (sepsis, pneumonia, etc.).

When and what vaccinations are given?

The most commonly used vaccines contain polysaccharides. They are administered to children from 2 years of age. Such vaccines can protect a child for 3 years. But most often (more than 50% of cases) meningitis occurs in children under two years of age. They are vaccinated with a weak immune response. The vaccine against meningococcal infection of group A is used only for children older than one year, group C - only up to two years of age. The vaccine is given only once.

meningitis meningococcal infection
meningitis meningococcal infection

Are there meningitis vaccines for babies?

Vaccines for infants are now being worked on. Although serotype C vaccinations have already proven themselves well. Thanks to this vaccine, the incidence of meningitis is reduced by 76%. In children under two years of age - by 90%. Currently, work is underway on combination vaccines, which should contain 4 serotypes of meningococcus. You should consult your doctor before getting vaccinated. You should not choose a vaccine for a child on your own, without consulting a specialist.

Are meningococcal vaccines needed?

Vaccination against meningococcal infection is done not only for the sake of prevention, but also in the event of epidemics. Usually the A+C vaccine is used, which is administered at the risk of an epidemic. The entire population that lives in dangerous proximity to the focus of the infection is vaccinated. But the epidemic threshold in any country is different. If there are more than a certain set number of cases, then vaccination of the population is necessary.

Especially for children. The time of vaccinations is assigned according to a special vaccination calendar. According to him, they are made to children older than two years of age, adolescents and adults with a focus of meningococcal infection, which is caused by bacteria of serogroups A and C.

causative agent of meningococcal disease
causative agent of meningococcal disease

As well as individuals at increased risk of infection. Primary school students living in boarding schools and orphanages, in family hostels. The same goes forchildren from dysfunctional families where sanitary and hygienic conditions are violated. Since meningitis can get sick even from unwashed hands or fruits. Therefore, the creation of combined vaccines, especially for infants, is necessary.

Polysaccharide vaccines

As mentioned above, the A+C vaccinations are mainly used for vaccination. There is some hyperemia and soreness at the injection site (usually in 5% of those vaccinated). Somewhat less often, an elevated temperature occurs, which normalizes within 1.5 days. With some vaccines, it does not occur at all. The maximum is redness at the injection site. Vaccines are contraindicated only in people with chronic diseases or allergies to the components contained in them.

Do I need a meningococcal vaccine?

In Russia, a few years ago, compulsory vaccination against meningitis was introduced. The disease is caused by a bacterium called Haemophilus influenzae. It can cause more than just meningitis. And for example, otitis media, pneumonia and sinusitis. True, we should not forget that meningitis can be caused not only by Haemophilus influenzae, but also by many other microbes.

Vaccination against this disease is carried out in all countries of the world. Inflammation of the brain can be fatal. Vaccinations are given according to standard medical vaccination schedules at the same time as DTP. Modern vaccines contain a component of Hib infection. Haemophilus influenzae, as scientists have found, can be of six types. Type B microbes are the most dangerous for humans. Vaccinations are mainly done,containing a component of this disease in order to develop protective immunity.

Meningitis infection (Hemophilus influenzae) is very dangerous for children under 5 years of age. Then it makes no sense to get vaccinated, because with age, immunity in people develops automatically. Although it is impossible to completely protect a person from meningitis. You can only significantly reduce the risk of catching it. Pneumococcus is also capable of causing various forms of meningitis. But there are vaccines for this microbe. The most dangerous bacteria that most often cause brain inflammation are called meningococci.

vaccination against meningococcal disease
vaccination against meningococcal disease

If there was contact with a sick person

Vaccination is essential to prevent meningitis. Immunoglobulin is administered to children under 7 years of age, but no later than a week after contact with the patient. In this case, a child under 2 years of age is prescribed 1.5 ml, and older - 3 ml of the vaccine. If a person is a carrier of the disease, then chemoprophylaxis is carried out for four days. If this is an adult, he is prescribed rifampicin twice a day at 0.3 grams.

Vaccinations against meningitis are done in advance, without waiting for a person to get sick. Amoxicillin is used instead of ampicillin. It has a great effect on pathogenic bacteria. In many countries, vaccines are prescribed for everyone who has had contact with sick people. Vaccination is carried out within two days. Up to a year - from 5 to 10 mg / kg per day, from a year to 12 years - 10 mg / kg per day, or one vaccination of "Ceftriaxone" at 200 mg is done. These vaccinations provideexcellent effect not only as a prevention of meningitis, but also in contact with patients with meningococcal infection. Secondary meningitis may occur within a month. To avoid this, in the first 5 days after contact with a sick person, it is necessary to be vaccinated to prevent infection.
