One of the most commonly ordered tests, both in adults and children, is a clinical or complete blood count (CBC). This is ensured by its simplicity, accessibility and high information content. For the first time, children are faced with it at birth to obtain data on the current state of he alth. Also, in infants, the norm of a clinical blood test differs from that in adult children under 16 years old.

What is a CBC
A clinical blood test is considered a standard analysis in medicine and is assigned first when contacting a medical institution. It owes its name to the fact that it belongs to general clinical research methods according to the accepted classification.
Three types of general blood testing can be distinguished:
- Narrow study (involves the study of one or two parameters).
- Standard(up to ten parameters are studied).
- Extended (more than 10 parameters are examined).
One of the main tasks of the analysis is the study of red blood cells - erythrocytes, which consist of hemoglobin, which stains the cell red, white blood cells - leukocytes that do not have a coloring pigment. In addition, the amount of hemoglobin, ESR and color index are studied.
Also, when conducting research, it must be taken into account that when deciphering a clinical blood test, the norms in children differ from those in adults. Which can be explained by differences in the body's metabolic level, the characteristics of the nervous system and the different course of diseases.

Psychological preparation for a blood test
Speaking of very young children who are not yet aware of themselves as a person, it should be noted that the responsibility in such cases lies entirely with the mother. And her state of psychological he alth is fully reflected in the state of the child, so you should not worry before the procedure, so as not to transfer this state to the baby.
From the moment a child realizes himself as an independent person, he begins to resist others, which can lead to various conflicts. In addition, children are more prone to feelings of fear than adults, which can be de alt with by adding a little good positive emotions. Also, before the analysis, you need to remain calm so as not to complicate the situation.

How to prepare your child for a clinical blood testphysiologically
Children have a mobile psyche that needs to be handled delicately, but the preparation should be not only psychological, but also physiological, in order to minimize the stress experienced by the child.
One of the requirements for a small patient before the procedure is to refuse food, that is, blood is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. But this is not such a mandatory rule as before a biochemical analysis, but you should still follow this advice.
Any physiological measures are also important, because children have a much larger blood volume in relation to the body than adults. Therefore, before visiting a doctor, it is necessary that the child sleep well, as this may affect the red blood cells. In addition, it is necessary to empty the body of toxins and other harmful substances by visiting the toilet. This can affect the quality of biological material. Also, you should not expose the child to physical exertion, in order to avoid distorting the norm of a clinical blood test in children.

Blood test transcript
Currently, all laboratories are equipped with special equipment that allows to reduce the work of laboratory assistants to a minimum. To get the result, it is enough to place the seized material in the equipment and wait for the end of the study. As a result, a leaflet with all the indications is given to the patients, but what do they mean? It is not always possible to find out from a specialist. Then people turn for help to a specialliterature or more often to resources on the Internet. They are trying to find out all the deciphered norms of a clinical blood test in children, which may differ from those in adults.
Norms for the content of various blood elements in children
Such data, reflecting the norms of the content of blood elements, are needed in order to understand in what range are the indicators necessary to determine the presence of pathology in the child's body.
The norm for a clinical blood test in children up to a year according to the parameters is:
- Colour Index 0.74 to 0.91% (ICHC);
- lymphocytes from 38.1 to 72.1% (LYM);
- eosinophils 1.1 to 6.15% (LYM);
- basophils from 0 to 1% (BAS);
- segmented neutrophils from 15.1 to 45.2%;
- stab neutrophils from 1.1 to 5.0%;
- erythrocytes from 3.61 to 4.91 x 1012 cells/l (RBC);
- reticulocytes from 3 to 12 ppm (RTC);
- leukocytes from 6.15 to 12.0 109 cells/l (WBC);
- ESR 2.0 to 2.12 mm/h (ESR);
- monocytes 2.0 to 2.12% (MON);
- nemoglobin 99 to 138 g/l (Hb);
- platelets from 180.5 to 400 x 109 cells/l (PLT).
The norm for a clinical blood test in children under 6 years old according to the parameters is:
- Colour Index 0.82 to 1.05% (MCHC);
- lymphocytes from 26.1 to 60.1% (LYM);
- eosinophils 1.1 to 6.15% (LYM);
- basophils from 0 to 1% (BAS);
- segmented neutrophils from 25.1 to 65.15%;
- stab neutrophils from 1.1 to 5.0%;
- erythrocytes from 3.51 to 4.51 x1012 cells/L (RBC);
- reticulocytes from 2 to 12 ppm (RTC);
- leukocytes from 5, 1 to 12 109 cells/l (WBC);
- ESR 2.0 to 2.10mm/hour (ESR);
- monocytes from 2.0 to 2.10% (MON);
- hemoglobin from 109 to 144 g/l (Hb);
- platelets from 180.5 to 400 x 109 cells/l (PLT).
The norm for a clinical blood test in children under 12 years old according to the parameters is:
- Colour Index 0.82 to 1.05% (MCHC);
- lymphocytes from 24.1 to 54.1% (LYM);
- eosinophils 1.11 to 6.16% (LYM);
- basophils from 0 to 1% (BAS);
- segmented neutrophils from 35.1 to 65.2%;
- stab neutrophils from 1.1 to 5.0%;
- erythrocytes from 3.5 to 4.7 x 1012 cells/l (RBC);
- reticulocytes 2 to 10.77 ppm (RTC);
- leukocytes from 4, 3 to 10 x 108 cells/l (WBC);
- ESR 2.0 to 2.09 mm/h (ESR);
- monocytes from 2.0 to 2.10% (MON);
- hemoglobin from 113 to 147 g/l (Hb);
- platelets from 155 to 379 x 109 cells/l (PLT).
The norm for a clinical blood test in children under 16 years old according to the parameters is:
- color index from 0.79 to 1% (MCHC);
- lymphocytes from 24.9 to 53.8% (LYM);
- eosinophils 1.12 to 5.1% (LYM);
- basophils 0 to 0.99% (BAS);
- segmented neutrophils from 39.9 to 64.6%;
- stabneutrophils from 1 to 5.3%;
- erythrocytes from 3.58 to 5.09 x 1011 cells per liter (RBC);
- reticulocytes 1.99 to 10.88 ppm (RTC);
- leukocytes from 4, 4 to 9, 7 x 109 cells/l (WBC);
- ESR from 2.1 to 2.13 mm/h (ESR);
- hemoglobin from 114 to 150 g/l (Hb);
- monocytes from 2.0 to 2.10% (MON);
- platelets from 157 to 390 x 109 cells/l (PLT).

Color option
Determination of this parameter is carried out only if the analysis is carried out manually, and it shows the amount of hemoglobin contained in red blood cells. In connection with the content of hemoglobin, three values of this parameter are distinguished:
Hypochromia. In this case, hemoglobin in the cell is almost absent, because of this, the cell nucleus has no color
Normochromia. This value, based on the name, corresponds to the norm of a clinical blood test in children and the color of the nucleus is slightly lighter than the color of the circle, and differs from the color of the erythrocyte body
Hyperchromia. This condition corresponds to the oversaturation of the cell with hemoglobin, and the color of the erythrocyte body cannot be distinguished from the shade of the nucleus

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
By measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR, a huge number of abnormalities can be detected. If the speed is increased in relation to the indicators of the table of norms for the clinical blood test of children, then this may indicate dehydration, starvation, or the presence ofexcessive physical activity. If the excess is significant, then this can be a sign of the development of an infection, an inflammation process, or poisoning with organic poisons. A more accurate diagnosis can be made by examining other parameters of the analysis.
Leukocytes mean all white blood cells and are subdivided into:
- Granular leukocytes.
- Not grainy.
The first group includes basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils. To the second - platelets and monocytes. An elevated white blood cell count may indicate the development of an infection, inflammation, or leukemia in the child's body. The possible presence of rubella, AIDS, measles or hepatitis viruses, radiation sickness will be indicated by a reduced content of white blood cells. A more accurate diagnosis is also performed by studying additional indicators and comparing them with the norms of a clinical blood test in children.
Lymphocytes are an inseparable part of human immunity, they are distinguished by a large number in the general blood test. There are two pathological conditions associated with the number of lymphocytes in the studied biological material:
- Lymphocytosis.
- Lymphopenia.
Lymphocytosis or an increased number of lymphocytes in comparison with the norm may indicate:
- presence of leukemia;
- poisoning caused by s alts or heavy metals;
- infections of various origins;
It is also possible due to the use of medications or substances that cause an increase in the level of lymphocytes, tofor example, honey or aloe.
Lymphopenia can be caused by:
- tuberculosis stick;
- HIV;
- chemotherapy course;
- use of radiotherapy;
- presence of radiation sickness;
- taking drugs that contain hormones;
- allergy;
- lupus.
Eosinophils are leukocytes that are susceptible to the dye eosin. This dye is able to detect this type of blood cells on a glass slide. In addition, they are capable of phagocytosis. An increased content of eosinophils in the blood indicates the presence of diseases such as:
- helminthiasis;
- autoimmune diseases;
- allergy;
- infections;
- cancerous growths.
Below normal levels can cause various origins of inflammation and sepsis, as well as heavy metal poisoning.

Basophils are the largest group of white blood cells. They are involved in the first stage of the immune response, especially during an allergic reaction. They can also carry immunoglobulin granules and prevent poisons from entering the body.
Elevated levels of basophils can reveal the following pathologies:
- nephrosis;
- anemia;
- allergy;
- myeloid leukemia;
- hypothesis;
- windmill;
- diseases of the spleen.
Reduced content of this blood element may occur due to takingsome antibiotics as an atypical reaction.
Neutrophils are white blood cells that perform a phagocytic function and die after fulfilling their purpose. In connection with the level of neutrophils, 2 pathological conditions are distinguished:
- Neutrophilia (the content of this element exceeding the norm).
- Neutropenia (the content of this element is below normal).
With neutrophilia, pathologies such as infarction of various internal organs, bacterial invasion, sepsis, leukemia, abscess are possible. Neutropenia may occur due to courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, due to genetic diseases, thyrotoxicosis, leukemia or viral invasion.
Erythrocytes are cells that contain hemoglobin. They play an important role - they deliver oxygen to tissues and remove carbon dioxide. With a lack of this formed blood element, the following pathologies may occur:
- dehydration;
- asthenia of the cardiovascular system;
- erythremia;
- renal artery stenosis.
Reduced red blood cell count is possible due to:
- insufficient protein in the diet;
- blood diseases;
- anemia;
- poisoning with organic poisons.
Medics call reticulocytes red blood cells that have not yet reached their maturity. Their content in children's blood exceeds their number in adults. This fact can be explained by the fact that the organism itself in childrenyounger, and the growth factor has a major influence.
Hemoglobin is a blood element characterized by the ability to retain and transport oxygen. This is possible due to the content of iron molecules. The increased hemoglobin content can be explained by:
- erythremia;
- congenital heart disease;
- dehydration;
- pathologies of the heart;
- diseases of the urinary system.
Reduced hemoglobin content is possible due to:
- leukemia;
- thalassemia;
- great blood loss;
- exhaustion of the body;
- iron deficiency
- vitamin deficiency.
Monocytes are the most active phagocytes of all white blood cells. There are 2 conditions depending on their amount in the blood:
- Monocytosis (above normal).
- Monocytopenia (below normal levels).
Monocytosis possible due to:
- autoimmune type diseases;
- phosphorus poisoning;
- multiple myeloma;
- lymphogranulomatosis.
Causes of monocytopenia can be:
- anemia;
- sepsis;
- use of corticosteroids;
- leukemia;
- surgical intervention.
Platelets are non-nucleated, biconcave cells that are colorless and play an important role in blood clotting. With thrombocytosis, pathologies such as:
- tuberculosis;
- cancerous tumors;
- physical overload;
- open injuries;
- wrong operation or removal of the spleen.
If your platelet count is low (thrombocytopenia), you may:
- anemia;
- DIC;
- prematurity;
- hemophilia;
- lupus;
- increased metabolism.
Despite the fact that basically all children have the same norms for the content of blood cells, the amount of which is detected during a clinical analysis, we should not forget that there are exceptions. Therefore, you should not try to independently establish diagnoses without proper education, and if you find a deviation from the norm, it is better to consult a doctor for advice.