The leaders of preschool institutions are taking all measures to prevent the spread of infections. Quarantine in kindergarten is one way to protect babies from viral and parasitic diseases. Parents are concerned about the question: if the child stayed at home, then at whose expense is the sick leave paid to mom or dad.
What you need to know?
Medical official statistics are kept to control outbreaks among the population. Educational institutions are guided by the orders of the administration of the settlement. But according to their duties, kindergarten leaders are obliged to take all measures to prevent the spread of infections among babies.

The period for which quarantine is declared in kindergarten depends on the following factors:
- Depending on the type of disease: flu, colds, parasites.
- Number of patients: with influenza, the institution closes when more than 20% of children are on sick leave. With parasitic infections, one sick child already leads to quarantine.
Parents are informed of the number of the order, on the basis of which the work of the institution is stopped. Also actionsadministration should be similar at the first suspicion of infection.
Duration restrictions
The time for which quarantine will be announced in kindergarten is calculated based on the type of illness. The duration of the incubation period is important - the first symptoms appear much later than the actual transmission of the infection.

So the following terms are determined, depending on the type of illness:
- Week - for influenza, scarlet fever, viral meningitis, intestinal infection.
- Three weeks - with chickenpox, mumps, rubella.
- 10 days - for meningococcal infection.
If the kindergarten was closed for quarantine, parents are advised to carefully monitor their child. After all, he could catch the disease from a contagious baby. When the incubation period passes, clinical symptoms will appear. In such cases, doctors prescribe preventive treatment.
Baby at home. Can parents stay away from work?
Quarantine in kindergarten is an excuse for rest only for those mothers and fathers whose child is not yet 7 years old. Doctors are required to issue a sick leave at the clinic after providing a certificate from the epidemiologist. Disputable issues are de alt with by the he alth department or the Roszdravnadzor body.

Often, kindergarten workers can recommend where to apply for a certificate and sick leave due to quarantine. Payments on the sheet are similar in the situation of caring for a sick child. However, there are no restrictions on duration in the law.spelled out. While the children are at home, an allowance is given to an adult.
Sick leave payments are not the same for everyone, the amount of compensation depends on the length of service. Parents can choose who stays at home with the baby, mom or dad, depending on the benefits:
- Up to 5 years of service pay no more than 60%.
- Up to 8 years - from 80%.
- For more than 8 years of service, paid in full.
If the quarantine has been extended, payments remain.
Measures to protect he althy babies
After the group was quarantined, restrictions are imposed on visiting premises and playgrounds by other children. Epidemiologists forbid educators to create such risky situations. The rest are subject to enhanced monitoring of hygiene and sanitary rules.

All events that include mass gatherings of groups in the kindergarten are banned. These include musical performances, sports competitions. In the premises, employees are required to carry out daily wet cleaning using detergents - in the morning and in the evening.
Methods of disinfection of premises are used: quartz treatment, processing of toys and utensils in the dining room with antiseptics. The rooms are periodically ventilated during the absence of the group for walks or lunch. Concerning violations, you need to contact the head or he alth worker of the institution directly.
Controversial issues
Extension of quarantine does not affect payments and sick leave. However, there are times when there are problems with the treatingdoctor. You can solve them by talking with the head of the medical institution. If there is no result, a complaint is filed with the Ministry of He alth.
Quarantine in Moscow kindergartens is introduced periodically during epidemiological seasons. Children who attended a group where a sick child was recorded are advised to stay at home. Contact with other babies is prohibited for the incubation period. If the baby is declared he althy, they may offer to transfer to another group instead of sick leave.
During the incubation period, children may not be accepted. There is a controversial situation when a child was on vacation with his parents during the quarantine. When entering the kindergarten, educators do not have the right to refuse, they must take him to another group. But if the manager suspects that the baby has come into contact with the sick, then it is strictly forbidden to take him.
Epidemiologist's recommendations
Children prone to outbreaks are scheduled for periodic he alth checks. Newcomers are accepted into the group only after being examined by a doctor and with the presence of vaccinations. Mass events are held with a limited number of people. Mandatory informing parents about the introduction of special measures when one sick child is identified. This applies to parasitic and other dangerous infections.

Viral manifestations of influenza matter only in case of mass distribution. In quarantine, many parents neglect the isolation of the child. Kids go out into the yard, contact with he althy children. Recommended during the incubation periodobserve extreme precautions for both the patient and others.
Parents have the right not to vaccinate, but the manager will refuse to visit the kindergarten on legal grounds. Therefore, whether to vaccinate your baby or not is a personal matter for everyone. The regulations prescribe measures to protect children from epidemics. If neglect of the duties of employees is found, you should file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.