Medicine 2024, October

What is called abdominal syndrome? Treatment of abdominal syndrome

What is called abdominal syndrome? Treatment of abdominal syndrome

Abdominal syndrome in medicine is commonly referred to as a set of symptoms, the main criterion for which is abdominal pain. It should be noted right away that it often does not have a direct connection with any surgical pathology, but is caused either by diseases of the organs located in the abdominal cavity, or problems with the patient's nervous system, the state of his lungs and heart. An inflammatory process in the peritoneum caused by exposure to toxic substances can also provoke the named pain

Bactericidal lamps: device and applications

Bactericidal lamps: device and applications

Bactericidal lamps are widely used in domestic conditions, in medical institutions, catering establishments and children's. How to choose lamps, what they are used for and what principle of operation they have, we will tell in the article

Functional diagnostics. Methods of functional diagnostics

Functional diagnostics. Methods of functional diagnostics

What is functional diagnostics? This is one of the sections of medical science that combines a number of diagnostic procedures that allow you to objectively assess the functionality of all organs and systems of the human body. Functional diagnostics includes the following methods: taking an electrocardiogram, echocardiography, Holter monitoring of an electrocardiogram, daily monitoring of blood pressure, and others

Burn of the hand and first aid

Burn of the hand and first aid

A burn is damage to the skin, tissues or mucous membranes as a result of traumatic exposure to hot objects, liquids, chemicals, sunlight. The mechanism of getting burns can be very different and depends on the situation

Unscheduled polio vaccination. Types of vaccines, contraindications

Unscheduled polio vaccination. Types of vaccines, contraindications

Polio is a dangerous disease that can lead to disability. How to protect a child from such a threat? The only way is through immunization. In our article, we will consider the mechanism of action of vaccinations, explain what an unscheduled vaccination against polio is. We will also talk about possible risks, existing contraindications and vaccination rules

The hormone of fear. Adrenaline in the blood. Physiology of fear

The hormone of fear. Adrenaline in the blood. Physiology of fear

Fear is a feeling that is familiar to a person from birth. To a greater or lesser extent, each of us experiences a feeling of fear almost daily. But why do we experience such an emotion, what is the mechanism for the emergence of such a state? It turns out that the cause of the formation of this feeling is the hormone of fear. Read more about the physiology of the occurrence of such an emotion in our material

Nebulizer (inhaler): description of the device and its varieties

Nebulizer (inhaler): description of the device and its varieties

Daily inhalations at home are an excellent remedy for many respiratory diseases. That is why every family should have a nebulizer (inhaler). This is a special device that is easy to use, compact and practical. You can choose an inhaler-nebulizer ultrasonic or compression. About what other types of the mentioned unit are, how to use it correctly, read the article

Pre-trip medical examinations of drivers. Carrying out pre-trip medical examinations of drivers. Do drivers need a pre-trip medical examination?

Pre-trip medical examinations of drivers. Carrying out pre-trip medical examinations of drivers. Do drivers need a pre-trip medical examination?

Pre-trip medical examination of drivers is a mandatory requirement for all employees of enterprises whose activities are related to the operation of any type of vehicle. Compliance with this condition is strictly controlled. And this is not surprising - every year, about 12 thousand road accidents are caused by drunk and sleepy drivers

Periodic medical examination, the procedure and timing of medical examinations for representatives of various professions

Periodic medical examination, the procedure and timing of medical examinations for representatives of various professions

Many professions are associated with dangerous or harmful factors that negatively affect a person's life. Some people do not have the opportunity to learn a particular craft at all for he alth reasons

Preliminary medical examination: referral, order of passage

Preliminary medical examination: referral, order of passage

In some cases, a preliminary medical examination is a prerequisite for employment. The conditions for its implementation are dictated by the established legislation

Daily Value of Magnesium for Humans

Daily Value of Magnesium for Humans

Magnesium is necessary for the normal course of many processes in the body. It comes only with food and does not accumulate. Therefore, it is necessary that a certain amount of it be received daily. The daily intake of magnesium depends on the gender of the person, age and he alth status. In today's society, mineral deficiencies are common. And magnesium deficiency is especially felt

Coronary artery. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries

Coronary artery. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries

Diseases of the heart and the associated vascular system have now become a huge problem of modern human civilization. At the same time, the more prosperous the society is in terms of living standards, the more serious the situation is in terms of the number of people suffering from coronary heart disease

Lipidogram - what is it? How to decipher the lipid profile?

Lipidogram - what is it? How to decipher the lipid profile?

Lipidogram is a blood test that allows you to find out the state of lipid (fat) metabolism in the body. This name refers to a series of blood tests for lipid metabolism

Belly massage for weight loss: types and features of execution

Belly massage for weight loss: types and features of execution

A fairly large number of people believe that only obese and pregnant women can have a voluminous belly. This is not entirely true. Sometimes this symptom may indicate disorders in the body, for example, due to poor nutrition

Skin is the largest human organ

Skin is the largest human organ

In many respects, this organ is the best: the largest, the heaviest and the most multifunctional. Where is it located and what is it called? We are talking about skin

Salivary gland ducts: definition, structure, types, functions, anatomy, physiology, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Salivary gland ducts: definition, structure, types, functions, anatomy, physiology, possible diseases and methods of treatment

Saliva plays a very important role in the process of human digestion. Its production and secretion occurs in the salivary glands, the largest of which are located near the ears, under the lower jaw and tongue. It is these glands that secrete most of the secret that enters the oral cavity through the ducts of the salivary glands. Their structure, functions, diseases and methods of treatment are presented with the article

Lauric acid and its uses

Lauric acid and its uses

Often, picking up another unknown jar of cream or baby food, we try to decipher the composition of this product, trying to find natural ingredients. Despite its clearly chemical name, lauric acid does not have any harmful effects on either the skin or the internal organs of a person

Why do you need a complete examination of the body? Full examination of the body: cost

Why do you need a complete examination of the body? Full examination of the body: cost

Every person at least once in his life, but passed the various studies assigned to him, and passed the tests. Recently, a complete examination of the body has become very popular. That is what this article will be about

Alloplant - what is it? Alloplant: price, reviews

Alloplant - what is it? Alloplant: price, reviews

"Alloplant" - what is it? It is a natural biological substance obtained from donor cadaveric material, which is treated in a special way, after which it loses its own antigenic structure. This allows you not to cause a rejection reaction when using it. With the help of this drug, the body can independently restore the functions of individual organs

Fatty liver than to treat? Fatty liver: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Fatty liver than to treat? Fatty liver: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Cirrhosis is the result of a fatty liver. How to treat this disease, what are its symptoms and diagnosis? This article provides detailed information that will help you find answers to all your questions on this topic

MRI is Magnetic resonance imaging: where to do it, how much it costs

MRI is Magnetic resonance imaging: where to do it, how much it costs

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive modern diagnostic research method that allows you to visually examine deeply located biological tissues. It is based on such a physical phenomenon as nuclear magnetic resonance

Urobilinogen in urine - what does it mean? Bilirubin and urobilinogen in urinalysis

Urobilinogen in urine - what does it mean? Bilirubin and urobilinogen in urinalysis

Most of the urobilinogen (80%) is formed from red blood cells, more precisely from bilirubin, which, in turn, is synthesized from hemoglobin. In fact, urobilinogen is a product of the utilization of red blood cells. Urobilinogen in urine - what does it mean? Normally, in a small amount, this product of the final breakdown of hemoglobin that has served its time is found in everyone. But its content in the urine in high concentrations is, most often, a sign of pathology

Functions of bile in digestion

Functions of bile in digestion

Bile is the secret of liver cells of hepatocytes. It accumulates in the small bile ducts, and then enters the common duct and through it into the gallbladder and duodenum 12. The functions of bile for the body are of great importance. One of its main functions is participation in the processes of digestion

Amylase - what is it? The rate of amylase in the blood

Amylase - what is it? The rate of amylase in the blood

Amylase - what is it and what function does it perform in the body? This definition includes a whole group of enzymes, which are united under the general name - amylase. There are three varieties of this substance: alpha, beta and gamma. For the human body, alpha-amylase is of particular importance. We'll talk about her now

NSG of the brain of newborns: decoding, norms

NSG of the brain of newborns: decoding, norms

As soon as a child is born, all his systems and organs adapt to new conditions of life, body functions that were not previously involved are activated, brain processes are activated. The most effective method for detecting the pathology of the brain and the nervous system as a whole is neurosonography (NSG) of the brain of a newborn. This method makes it possible to detect diseases of the nervous system in children from the very first days of life

Parathyroid hormones: functions, effects on the human body

Parathyroid hormones: functions, effects on the human body

Parathyroid glands, it would be more correct to call them parathyroid, is an independent paired organ of internal secretion. It consists of two pairs of small oval-shaped endocrine glands. They are located on the back surface of the thyroid gland itself at its lower and upper poles

Where to do a breath test for Helicobacter pylori. Preparation and conduct of the study

Where to do a breath test for Helicobacter pylori. Preparation and conduct of the study

Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative, spiral-shaped bacterium that can infect areas of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach and thereby provoke the development of gastritis, ulcers, duodenitis, cancers and lymphomas

Platelets: the norm in men in the blood

Platelets: the norm in men in the blood

Platelets are non-nucleated spherical cells with a diameter of 2-4 microns (micrometer). These cells, along with leukocytes and platelets, belong to the blood cells. They are called platelets. The period of maturation of platelets lasts an average of 8 days, and the duration of their presence in the bloodstream is from 9 to 11 days. The rate of platelets in men, women and children will be slightly different

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH). secretion of antidiuretic hormone

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH). secretion of antidiuretic hormone

Vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone, is produced by the hypothalamus, which is located in the posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis). This hormone provides homeostasis in the human body, maintaining water balance. So, for example, in case of dehydration of the body or massive bleeding under the influence of vasopressin, mechanisms are activated that ensure the cessation of fluid loss

PTI analysis: normal. PTI: the norm in women

PTI analysis: normal. PTI: the norm in women

In the coagulogram, in addition to the PTI analysis, other indicators are of great importance. When patients are prescribed indirect anticoagulants, PTI decreases. But for the analysis of PTI, the norm in each laboratory may differ slightly, so a standardized test was introduced - INR. Doctors use it to control the blood coagulation system when patients take anticoagulants

APTT: normal. APTT during pregnancy: normal

APTT: normal. APTT during pregnancy: normal

APTT stands for activated partial thromboplastin time. This indicator refers to the study of the blood coagulation system and reflects the internal and general coagulation pathway, i.e., this is exactly the time required for the formation of a blood clot

Amyloidosis - what is it? Amyloidosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Amyloidosis - what is it? Amyloidosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Amyloidosis - what is it? This is a disease caused by a violation of protein metabolism, in which the formation and deposition in various tissues and organs of a specific protein-polysaccharide substance - amyloid

Tactile contact is the secret weapon for harmonious relationships

Tactile contact is the secret weapon for harmonious relationships

Tactile contact is the secret weapon we get to create successful and lasting relationships. This is our language, given to us from birth. But over time, we forget about its importance. How can we return to natural communication?

Middle cerebral artery: structure, possible pathologies, diagnosis and treatment

Middle cerebral artery: structure, possible pathologies, diagnosis and treatment

The largest vessel that provides blood supply to the human brain is the middle cerebral artery, which transports oxygen and nutrients to most areas of this most important organ. Next, we will get acquainted with its structure and possible pathologies that occur when its functioning fails. In addition, we will learn how the diagnostics and study of the work of such an important brain element as the middle artery are carried out

Ultrasound of the spine (cervical): indications, interpretation of results, prices

Ultrasound of the spine (cervical): indications, interpretation of results, prices

Ultrasound is a non-invasive study of internal organs and body systems by means of ultrasound penetrating between tissues. Currently, it is extremely popular, as it is simple and informative

Frontal sinuses: location, structure, possible problems

Frontal sinuses: location, structure, possible problems

Frontitis, or frontal sinusitis, is an inflammation of the frontal sinuses. According to statistics, over the past decade, this type of pathology has been considered one of the most common in the world. Currently, more than ten percent of the population suffers from sinusitis, and about one percent of people suffer from the pathology of the frontal sinuses

How to get rid of the smell in the intimate area: causes, symptoms, possible diseases and treatment

How to get rid of the smell in the intimate area: causes, symptoms, possible diseases and treatment

Normally, a person's intimate area has a specific aroma, but some vaginal odors can indicate a serious pathology. Varieties of smell in the intimate area, the reasons for its appearance. How to get rid of bad breath in the vagina. What are the preventive measures to prevent its occurrence?

Gynecological set. Variations and sizes

Gynecological set. Variations and sizes

What is included in the basic gynecological set. Options for completing the gynecological kit: with an Ayer spatula, a Volkmann spoon, a kit with a cytobrush. The difference between the Cusco metal mirror and the mirror from the set. Choosing a gynecological set by size

Can I lie down after eating? What does it threaten

Can I lie down after eating? What does it threaten

Can I lie down after eating? What are the consequences? Is it possible to quickly walk and run after eating? In what situations and on which side is it allowed to lie after eating. How long after a meal can you take a horizontal position

Pesticide poisoning: symptoms, treatment, treatment and prevention

Pesticide poisoning: symptoms, treatment, treatment and prevention

Today, pesticides are widely used not only by agricultural workers, but also by gardeners. Summer residents who are trying to harvest a rich harvest, and housewives caring for indoor flowers, often use such chemicals. However, not all people are aware of the necessary precautions. Therefore, there are cases of pesticide poisoning. The article details this pathology