Edema of the larynx is not a separate disease, but a rather indicative symptom that signals the development of a certain pathological process in the child's body. In fact, it is a symptom or result of some concomitant disease. This condition requires close examination by different doctors. How to remove swelling of the larynx in a child? Symptoms and treatment of the disease are described in the article.
Child's larynx: characteristics
Many parents confuse the larynx with the trachea, throat and pharynx. But it is worth remembering that the larynx is a section of the respiratory system, and not an organ. It has a rather complex structure, and also performs an important function in the body. The larynx is located on top of the trachea, about 4-6 vertebrae of the neck. Passing through the larynx, the air provokes the oscillation of the vocal cords, due to which a person can produce sounds.
The larynx consists of a large number of cartilage, ligaments, and muscle joints. Inside, this organ is covered with a mucous membrane exposed to the harmful effects of various bacteria and viruses. Laryngeal edema in children with laryngitis canoccur regardless of age. Parents should take preventive measures to prevent the development of this condition.

What is the danger of swelling?
In childhood, laryngeal edema can cause hypoxia due to excessive constriction of the respiratory organs. This condition usually occurs in infants. In the presence of infectious, traumatic and allergic diseases, young patients may experience difficulty in breathing, which can cause anaphylaxis.
Parents should be able to recognize the symptoms of this phenomenon in a timely manner and determine the exact causes of the development of the pathological condition. They should be able, if necessary, to provide first aid to their child as quickly as possible, as well as to carry out the prevention of swelling in the larynx. With incorrect and untimely assistance, an acute form of laryngeal edema can even be fatal.
Varieties of edema
Edema of the larynx in children is divided into chronic and acute. With the latter type and the rapid progression of the condition, a life-threatening condition may arise - hypoxia. It occurs due to excessive narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory organs in their upper sections, which will negatively affect not only the body as a whole, but also the child’s brain in particular.
A very common and determined cause of acute laryngeal edema is the increased sensitivity of the body to various medicines, foods, and insect bites. Allergiclaryngeal edema in children develops very quickly and requires prompt assistance. Chronic laryngeal edema in a child can occur not only in severe, but also in a mild form, causing considerable harm to the body, often leading to various pathological processes.
Infectious diseases are also considered the cause of laryngeal edema in children. Microorganisms, bacteria, fungi and viruses can provoke diseases (SARS, laryngitis, tonsillitis, influenza), which are accompanied by swelling of the larynx. They are provoked by staphylococci and streptococci, oral candidiasis.
Children may accidentally swallow foreign bodies that get stuck in the larynx or may injure the throat. Edema in children caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland, as well as other internal organs, occurs less frequently than in adults.
Diseases that can cause swelling of the larynx include the following:
- infections of bacterial and viral type: tracheitis, acute tonsillitis, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pharyngitis, abscess, as well as common colds, syphilis and tuberculosis, typhoid, measles and scarlet fever;
- allergy;
- violation of the functions of organs and vessels.
Non-inflammatory causes of excessive swelling of the larynx are varied, and they include the development of a pathological condition due to exposure to the mucous membrane of a chemical and mechanical irritant. Burning from hot foods or drinks is also a common cause.
Distinguishdiffuse and limited edema. With an ailment of the latter type, the child does not experience pain, the swelling is almost not noticeable, the patient breathes normally. Diffuse edema is characterized by excessive narrowing of the larynx, as well as possible damage to the mucous membrane of the organ. The child's breathing in this situation is much more difficult.

Signs of laryngeal edema in a child will be different for the individual stages of this process. Most often, the condition occurs at night, when the child is sleeping. This is due to altered blood circulation in the organ, respiratory rate at rest.
Minimal swelling of the larynx, accompanied by respiratory diseases, can lead to a narrowing of the lumen of the organ and a violation of the level of oxygen saturation of the body.
Swelling of the larynx can in some cases develop quite rapidly, causing the appearance of laryngospasm. Symptoms of this condition are usually very pronounced: the face may turn blue, the child has a sharp lack of oxygen, up to the development of asphyxia.
There are signs of intoxication of the body: the child becomes weak, he may experience headache and muscle pain, as well as nausea. He may complain of a feeling in the throat of a foreign object, the exact location of which is not possible to determine.

An experienced doctor can usually easily diagnose swelling of the larynx by performing a laryngoscopy or simply by examining the child's larynx visually. Endoscopy will help to examine the larynx as much as possible. Some forms of edema can cause choking and other dangerous respiratory diseases.
Stages and forms
Depending on the severity of shortness of breath and narrowing of the larynx, doctors distinguish 4 stages of this condition, which may be accompanied by regularly increasing symptoms.
- The first stage is characterized by persistent disorders, which, however, can be compensated by the body itself. Swelling of the larynx will be noticeable during a routine examination, but the child does not have the characteristic hoarseness, shortness of breath, and a deep "barking" cough. These symptoms may occur as a result of the movement of the vocal cords due to the narrowing of the organ. At this stage, the breathing process is not difficult.
- The second stage is characterized by the fact that the compensatory functions of the child cannot fully cope with the lack of oxygen. At this stage, the child has restless behavior, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, frequent deep cough, wheezing, and severe impaired breathing. Exhalation is accompanied by more active muscle movements of the abdomen and sternum. It is imperative to seek medical attention.
- At the third stage, decompensation of the resulting oxygen deficiency is noted. The child's pupils dilate significantly, the heart rate quickens. The child tends to sit down and be in a semi-vertical position. To release the flow of air, he can tilt his head back. There is pallor and subsequent cyanosis of the face and extremities. The condition is constantly progressing, the reaction to various stimuli and voices is weakexpressed, due to hypoxia in a small patient, drowsiness and apathy may develop. The child needs urgent medical attention.
- The fourth stage is characterized by the development of asphyxia in a child. In this case, the respiratory processes stop almost completely, the child has noticeable pallor of the skin. It is noteworthy that this stage can develop either gradually, or it can manifest itself as a result of a foreign object getting stuck in the throat, or its injury, bypassing the previous stages. The only way to improve the condition of the child will be emergency medical care.

Treatment of laryngeal edema in a child is aimed at restoring breathing and eliminating the causes of the developing condition. Depending on the reasons, the doctor individually chooses the method of treatment.
If edema occurs as a result of infectious diseases, medications are mainly used that will act as quickly and effectively as possible on its causative agent: antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral groups.
If edema has an allergic etiology, it is preferable to use glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines and hormonal agents.
Depending on the child's he alth, doctors may use inhalations with drugs that will dilate the bronchi, oxygen masks, and adrenaline injections.

First aid for swelling of the larynx in a child
In the event of an acute form of the pathological condition, parents inwhile waiting for medics, do the following:
- Make sure baby doesn't lie down: newborns should be held and older children should be seated in a chair or bed.
- Remove or at least unfasten clothing so that it does not put pressure on the child's chest and neck area.
- Ensure the maximum flow of clean air to the child - open the balcony door or window.
- A child's laryngeal edema may decrease due to cooling of the organ, so ice can be applied to his neck.
- When swallowing a foreign object, it is necessary to remove it quickly, without using tweezers or fingers, so as not to push the foreign body even further. The child should be laid on his stomach on his legs and lightly patted on the upper back. You can also grab your stomach tightly with your hands and sharply press it several times.

In order to prevent the development of laryngeal edema in childhood, it is necessary to regularly examine the child, constantly visit specialists. If the child does not have a tendency to develop allergies, he does not suffer from chronic infectious diseases, special preventive measures are not necessary. For allergies, parents should always carry appropriate antihistamines for their child in their bag, following the doctor's prescription.

In the apartment or house where the child lives, preventive measures should be to take care of him. It is important that the baby does not have access to solid foods,berries and fruits with stones, small objects that can get stuck in the larynx, disrupting the breathing process.