Diseases of the spine are almost always characterized by discomfort in the area of the back and chest. Occasionally, shortness of breath, breathing problems, excessive fatigue, pain in the heart area may occur. To diagnose the pathology that provoked the occurrence of such negative symptoms, an x-ray of the thoracic spine is performed. This examination technique has been widely used by doctors for over 150 years. What the result of the examination looks like, you can see in the photo of the x-ray of the thoracic spine.

Indications for implementation
It is advised to take an x-ray of the thoracic spine if there is even the slightest discomfort in the back area during sports (turns and tilts of the torso).
In the number of symptoms in whichrecommend x-rays, the following are included:
- persistent discomfort in the sternum, arms and legs;
- infectious diseases;
- spinal injury;
- suspicion of the appearance of malignant or benign formations;
- scoliosis;
- pathologies of congenital type.
X-ray of the thoracic spine must be carried out after surgery aimed at regenerating the performance of the spine.

What can be seen on an x-ray of the thoracic spine?
X-ray is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods and allows you to accurately identify the affected areas. The procedure guarantees the detection of pathologies not only in the spine itself, but also in nearby departments.
X-ray of the thoracic spine in two projections is performed to detect the shape and structure of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. During the examination, various kinds of vertebral curvature are found.
In addition, thanks to radiography, there is an opportunity to detect a number of diseases of the thoracic spine:
- pathological deformities of bone tissue;
- incorrect placement of vertebrae;
- curvature, and as a result, a decrease in joint mobility;
- negative consequences provoked by dislocations and fractures;
- diseases of bone tissue;
- various disorders in the discs located between the vertebrae;
- metastases;
- osteoporosis.

Preparatory stage
Having figured out what the X-ray of the thoracic spine shows, you can proceed to perform manipulations to prepare for the X-ray.
During preparation, observe several rules:
- A special diet is recommended two days before the procedure. This diet food involves the rejection of bakery products, dairy products, milk, fresh cabbage, potatoes, beans. It is forbidden to eat foods that provide an increase in flatulence.
- If there are problems with flatulence, doctors advise taking activated charcoal a couple of days before performing an x-ray, one tablet three times a day.
- The last meal on the eve of the study should be no later than 19:00.
- An enema can be used to cleanse the intestines on the day of the procedure. This is required due to the fact that numerous gases prevent the free passage of X-rays. As a result, the thoracic x-ray photo is fuzzy, and it is rather difficult to determine the diagnosis.

Execution technology
A characteristic feature of the procedure is the performance of x-rays from three sides: side, back and front.
Performing an x-ray of the thoracic spine is quite simple. The patient removes the top and gets rid of all accessories, after which he lies on his back or side. In addition, an examination with an inclination angle of 45degrees.
In most cases, to obtain an accurate picture of the condition of the spine, at least 5 images are required, which are performed over 25 minutes. Under no circumstances should the patient move while taking the images, as even the slightest change in position can distort the final result and complicate the diagnosis.
Performing X-rays with Functional Tests
A diagnostic feature is to perform an x-ray in a lateral projection during flexion and extension, when the patient is in a supine position.
Selection of functional samples is carried out on an individual basis. Most often, this procedure is performed to diagnose diseases of the lumbar and cervical spine. Since the sternum is inactive, it is very rarely examined using this technique.

Transcript of results
After performing the thoracic spine in two projections (if necessary, in three), the radiologist analyzes the obtained images, makes a certain conclusion, and then sends the images to a specialist such as a vertebrologist. It is this doctor who makes the final diagnosis and prescribes the required treatment.
If during the procedure a kyphosis of the sternum was detected in a patient, then the upper and lower vertebrae in the pictures have a deformed appearance: they overlap each other, and the discs between the vertebrae are absolutely not visible. When pneumonia is diagnosed, the picture can be seena special basal shape, which outwardly resembles the wings of a butterfly, this also indicates venous congestion in the area of the small circle.
Performing an x-ray of the thoracic and lumbar spine is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:
- bearing period;
- obesity - in this situation, the pictures are not clear enough;
- excessive activity of the patient, when he is simply unable to lie still during the procedure;
- if studies have been conducted during the last 4 hours during which barium suspension was used;
- a series of spinal injuries.

Children X-rayed
Today, an X-ray of the cervicothoracic spine is considered one of the simplest and most affordable procedures for diagnosing various diseases in children. But before performing this procedure, you need to consult a pediatrician.
A child under the age of 12 is x-rayed in the presence of one of the parents. In childhood, this procedure is most often performed to identify diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchi, lungs and heart. A well-timed X-ray makes it possible to detect malignant tumors at an early stage, in addition, pathologies of the skeletal system are detected.
As for infants, they are advised to refuse this procedure, it is preferable to perform ultrasound, MRI, echocardiogram. But, unfortunately, the price for these services is quite high and according tonot everyone can afford it.

Survey Harm Reduction
During an X-ray, a person receives radiation in the amount of 0.03-0.7 mSv, that is, this amount of radiation is not enough to harm he alth, but it is still better not to accumulate it.
To prevent possible harm to he alth, after each x-ray, the doctor must record in the patient's record how much radiation he received. Based on this information, the next dose of radiation will be calculated and its increase or decrease will be determined.
In addition, it is possible to reduce the negative effects of radiation on the body by adjusting the diet. It is recommended to add seafood, dairy products, walnuts and carrots to the menu. Such nutrition will contribute to the removal of part of the radionuclides from the body, thus reducing the negative consequences of diagnostics.
The price of an X-ray of the thoracic spine varies depending on the selected clinic and the complexity of the diagnosis. Many patients insist on having the procedure in private clinics, because there you don’t have to sit in queues for a long time and you can be sure that the equipment is working. But it is natural that the procedure in such a clinic will require additional financial costs.
As a rule, the cost of the procedure varies from 1200 to 4000 rubles.