Medicine 2024, October

Excess calcium: causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, necessary treatment and medical advice

Excess calcium: causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, necessary treatment and medical advice

Hypercalcemia is a dangerous condition for the body, and even a slight excess of its value, recognized as the norm, requires attention. Excess calcium can negatively affect the functioning of most organs, including the most important ones, such as the brain, kidneys and heart

General indications for mechanical ventilation and mechanical ventilation techniques

General indications for mechanical ventilation and mechanical ventilation techniques

Artificial ventilation is performed when the patient is unable to breathe on his own. It can be divided into manual and hardware, and if even a person who has nothing to do with medicine can cope with the first type, then for the second one you need to have knowledge about medical equipment

Puerile breath is Description, diagnosis

Puerile breath is Description, diagnosis

From the medical literature, puerile breathing is one of the types of vesicular breathing in he althy children belonging to the age group from 1 to 7 years. In certain situations, similar breathing can be observed in certain categories of patients

Anatomy of the human face: structure, nerves, blood vessels, muscles

Anatomy of the human face: structure, nerves, blood vessels, muscles

To know the anatomy of the structure of the human face is necessary, first of all, for plastic surgeons and cosmetologists. This information is also necessary in order to properly perform exercises and massage to preserve youthfulness of the face without harm to he alth

Afferent pathways of the CNS. Examples

Afferent pathways of the CNS. Examples

Afferent neural pathways are classified into unconscious and conscious sensory pathways. It is with the help of them that the connection between all the integration centers located in the brain is ensured. For example, they provide a direct connection between the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex

Darsonval "Spark ST - 117": reviews. Instructions for use, description, photo

Darsonval "Spark ST - 117": reviews. Instructions for use, description, photo

Darsonval is a whole series of electrical appliances for medical and cosmetic purposes. Model "Spark ST - 117" is a professional device for home procedures. It is registered and approved by the Russian Ministry of He alth. The device is manufactured and developed taking into account all the recommendations of leading cosmetologists and doctors

How to get tested for HIV PCR?

How to get tested for HIV PCR?

PCR for HIV is a very effective test that helps to detect the infection at an early stage. It can be handed over in just 10-14 days after the alleged infection. What are the rules for donating blood for HIV by PCR. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the method. What is his credibility

Which doctor treats psoriasis: necessary tests, treatment methods

Which doctor treats psoriasis: necessary tests, treatment methods

Which doctor treats psoriasis? This is quite an appropriate question when red rashes appear on the skin with a white flaky crust, which, moreover, are very itchy. Many people think that this disease is treated by a dermatologist, but this is partly not true - psoriasis develops against the background of systemic disorders that can affect the kidneys, liver, heart, joints and psyche of the patient, therefore, along with a dermatologist, specialized doctors should also take part in the treatment of scaly lichen

Apparatus "Tonzillor": reviews, instructions, treatment effectiveness

Apparatus "Tonzillor": reviews, instructions, treatment effectiveness

First of all, the Tonsillor device is intended for the treatment of tonsillitis. It can also be used for other diseases treated by an otolaryngologist. The device "Tonsillor-MM" is used only in specialized offices of medical institutions. At home, use this equipment only in the presence of a specialist

Growth hormone somatropin: purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Growth hormone somatropin: purpose, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

The growth hormone somatropin controls the growth of internal organs and muscle tissue in the human body. It is a component of the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, increases the concentration of glucose in the blood. Growth hormone is produced by the anterior part of the pituitary gland, but it happens that the body needs additional portions of this substance. Then the person starts taking a synthetic analogue of somatropin

Temperature after "Pentax": a possible reaction of the body, medical advice

Temperature after "Pentax": a possible reaction of the body, medical advice

The "Pentaxim" or "Pentavak" vaccine is a new generation immunobiological drug that has a number of advantages over the hitherto used DTP vaccine. The advantages are that "Petaksim" is a complex and cell-free (acellular) drug, it is easily tolerated and has much fewer contraindications than cellular DPT

How the sciatic nerve is treated: tips and tricks

How the sciatic nerve is treated: tips and tricks

In this article, we will consider in as much detail as possible what are the symptoms of this disease, and also tell you how the sciatic nerve is treated

Cerebrospinal fluid. Functions

Cerebrospinal fluid. Functions

Cerebrospinal fluid (another name is CSF) is a specific fluid that is in close relationship with the spinal cord and brain. It is produced by the plexuses of the vessels of the brain. In 24 hours, about 400-600 milliliters of cerebrospinal fluid are produced. In the presence of any pathology - up to 1000. Cerebrospinal fluid is completely renewed from 6 to 8 times per day. In addition to cerebrospinal fluid, the membranes of the brain and spinal cord play an important role in the pathology of the nervous system

Palpation of the stomach: technique, norm and deviations. Anatomy of the stomach

Palpation of the stomach: technique, norm and deviations. Anatomy of the stomach

The structure of the stomach and its functional purpose. Forms and types of the stomach. Norms and possible deviations in diseases of the stomach. What is palpation of the stomach and how is it performed. Features of palpation in children

Collection, storage and disposal of honey. waste in accordance with regulatory requirements

Collection, storage and disposal of honey. waste in accordance with regulatory requirements

According to statistics, the total amount of waste coming from medical institutions is three percent. Such waste is one of the most hazardous, so the disposal process is given special attention. Waste generated in all medical departments has its own structuring and classification, taking into account which the main measures are taken

Charcot-Leiden crystals in feces: causes, methods of analysis, necessary treatment

Charcot-Leiden crystals in feces: causes, methods of analysis, necessary treatment

What are Charcot-Leiden crystals in feces. Varieties of crystals and the main reasons for their appearance. Symptoms and manifestations of the pathological condition in adults and children. Diagnosis, stages of examination and possible complications in the absence of treatment

How to clear the sinuses: effective methods, application features, reviews

How to clear the sinuses: effective methods, application features, reviews

The main causes of inflammation of the sinuses. Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease. Medicamentous treatment and treatment by folk methods. Rules and techniques for cleansing the sinuses, advantages of the procedure

Absorbent cotton wool: description, production, characteristics

Absorbent cotton wool: description, production, characteristics

Absorbent cotton is a cotton material that is free of grease and other impurities. It is easily wetted by water and is able to easily absorb it. Cotton wool is intended for production and is used in medicine. The latter must be manufactured in accordance with special requirements and standards

Body temperature 35.5: causes, norm and deviations, methods of normalization

Body temperature 35.5: causes, norm and deviations, methods of normalization

Body temperature is one of the main indicators of he alth. Any deviation from the norm (36.6) is a sign of a malfunction in the body. The fact that an increase in body temperature is a characteristic sign of the development of the inflammatory process and is the reason for going to the doctor is known to everyone. But not everyone knows what a low body temperature of 35.5 means, how it feels. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what provokes a decrease in temperature, how to react to it and what to do

Otoscopy is Performing an otoscopy

Otoscopy is Performing an otoscopy

What is otoscopy, varieties of otoscope. Indications and features of the procedure. Preparation, practical recommendations and rules. The nuances of the implementation of otoscopy in adults and children. You will learn all this from this article

Cerebral insufficiency: symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation

Cerebral insufficiency: symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation

Cerebral insufficiency (CI) is currently considered as a set of syndromes resulting from acute dysfunction of the central nervous system, usually caused by cerebral ischemia or swelling. This concept has its own semantics, both clinical and pathophysiological, which is used to describe disorders and disorders in various periods of stroke

Cure for herpes in intimate places: pills and ointments

Cure for herpes in intimate places: pills and ointments

Modern effective medicines for herpes in intimate places. Features of the therapy, practical recommendations. Traditional treatment, antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy. The use of traditional medicine as a supplement to the main treatment

Ossification nuclei: description, norm and deviations, medical advice

Ossification nuclei: description, norm and deviations, medical advice

Feature of the formation of the skeleton is the uneven and gradual growth of its growth and the distal direction from top to bottom. Those parts of the musculoskeletal system that receive the maximum axial load mature faster than others. This refers to the tubular bones with their articular ends, where the muscles are attached. Here are the ossification nuclei, which also appear as the body develops. If this happens in a timely manner by age, then the development process occurs normally

Steam inhaler for home use

Steam inhaler for home use

A steam-moist inhaler is necessary for people who want to have clean skin, as well as for colds of the upper respiratory tract. Inhalations perfectly help to cope with a runny nose and dry cough, moisturizing the nasal passages and bronchi. After inhalation of medicinal decoctions, a noticeable improvement in the condition occurs, therefore the procedures are recommended for both children and adults

How does climate affect people? Abrupt climate change, consequences

How does climate affect people? Abrupt climate change, consequences

The he alth and mental state of a person depend on many factors. One of them is the climate, it is he who has a huge impact on the human body. In this article, we will look at how climate affects people

What does an abdominal ultrasound show and how is it done?

What does an abdominal ultrasound show and how is it done?

There are situations when a doctor prescribes an abdominal ultrasound to make a diagnosis. Many patients have not even heard such a definition. Therefore, a natural question arises: what does abdominal ultrasound mean? This is a research method by which the doctor receives accurate information about the organs of the retroperitoneal space, abdominal cavity, excretory system and kidneys

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in women: doctor's appointment, procedure features, technique, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in women: doctor's appointment, procedure features, technique, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

Ultrasound examination - determination of pathological changes in tissues and organs using ultrasound. Ultrasound is based on the mechanism of echolocation, that is, the reception of signals sent and then reflected from the interfaces of tissue media with different acoustic characteristics

What should be the heartbeat of a person, the constants of cardiac activity

What should be the heartbeat of a person, the constants of cardiac activity

The work of the heart ensures the functioning of all organs of the body. Due to its contractions, the blood constantly moves to biological tissues, where it gives off oxygen and removes metabolites, carbon dioxide. Returning through the veins, it goes to the lungs, where it is again saturated with oxygen. With each new systole, this cycle maintains a continuous blood supply, which can be disturbed by arrhythmia, a decrease or increase in the heart rate

Bladder MRI: purpose, indications, preparation for diagnosis, interpretation and medical diagnosis

Bladder MRI: purpose, indications, preparation for diagnosis, interpretation and medical diagnosis

What is a Bladder MRI? How much does the examination cost? What are the indications for it? Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. What diseases can this diagnosis reveal? When is it needed? When is contrast used? What are the contraindications? How to properly prepare for the examination? Who deciphers its result?

Unwanted neoplasm is a reason to see a doctor

Unwanted neoplasm is a reason to see a doctor

During normal functioning in the body there is a constant division of cells, their renewal. It is a controlled and orderly process. Some mechanisms stimulate the growth of new cells, while others cause inhibition, blocking this process

He althy intestines - the basis of human he alth and longevity

He althy intestines - the basis of human he alth and longevity

You may not know this, but a he althy gut plays a huge role in preserving and maintaining the normal functioning of the whole organism. When this part of the digestive tract malfunctions, many different diseases occur. And this is not only the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. An unhe althy gut causes migraines and acne, rheumatic symptoms, aggressiveness and depression

How to reduce blood clotting? Causes, tests, doctor's prescription, treatment and preventive measures

How to reduce blood clotting? Causes, tests, doctor's prescription, treatment and preventive measures

The ability of blood to clot is a protective reaction of the body during bleeding, this function is a very important indicator for maintaining a comfortable life in everyday conditions. If a blood vessel is damaged, certain blood cells create clots that stop further blood loss. Blood clotting parameters change with malfunctions in the body and with age

Analysis for vitamins and trace elements

Analysis for vitamins and trace elements

Vitamins and microelements are organic substances indispensable for humans, which take part in all metabolic processes of cells and tissues, thereby contributing to the proper functioning of organs and systems. Vitamins enter the human body with food, but there are conditions in which the level of substances is insufficient. In cases where this was confirmed by an analysis for vitamins, specialists prescribe mono- or multivitamin complexes to correct the condition

CT of the adrenal glands: purpose, rules, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

CT of the adrenal glands: purpose, rules, indications, contraindications, identified diseases and their treatment

The article briefly characterizes the role of the adrenal glands, discusses the most common pathologies of the adrenal glands. An explanation of what contrast is is given. Indications for CT are listed, contraindications: relative, absolute, contraindications for CT with contrast. The process of preparation for the procedure and the procedure itself are described in detail, possible complications during CT scan with contrast are listed. Pathologies that can be detected using CT are listed. The methods of their surgical treatment are briefly described

MRI of the adrenal glands: indications for the procedure, preparation, results

MRI of the adrenal glands: indications for the procedure, preparation, results

The adrenal glands are called glands that are located above the kidneys. They consist of two layers. One of them is called cortical, and the second - cerebral. These two layers have different functional tasks

Edge effect: essence, impact on perception and examples

Edge effect: essence, impact on perception and examples

The edge effect is a phenomenon of faster memorization of the beginning and end of an informative series compared to its middle. In the article you will find examples of the use of the phenomenon in various fields, an analysis of the influence of the edge effect on a person's perception of reality

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov: contribution to medicine. Briefly for children about Pirogov's contribution to medicine

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov: contribution to medicine. Briefly for children about Pirogov's contribution to medicine

The great Russian surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov: contribution to medicine and science. Description of the life path of a great man, his scientific works, brilliant medical discoveries and interesting facts from the life of a scientist in a summary for children

How and how to wash off brilliant green?

How and how to wash off brilliant green?

Brilliant green antiseptic solution can be found in the first aid kit of every Russian family. This tool treats any abrasions and cuts. It is also indispensable for many skin diseases, in particular, it is used to treat chicken pox. One of the problems of this antiseptic is its bright color combined with high durability. How to wash brilliant green from skin and household items?

Derotational boot: description, application

Derotational boot: description, application

Any fracture is dangerous for its consequences, especially if such a nuisance has befallen an elderly person. If a hip fracture occurs, the recovery process can take a very long time. The patient is prescribed physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises, drug therapy, therapeutic massage and other procedures. The patient should take treatment very seriously, because the injury can cause prolonged depression against the background of prolonged physical discomfort

Ande inhaler: models, instructions and reviews. Nebulizer AND

Ande inhaler: models, instructions and reviews. Nebulizer AND

Today, thanks to scientific progress, the pot of hot potatoes has been replaced by a nebulizer. This is a compression medical device that can be used for both treatment and prevention of diseases. The most widely used AED inhaler on the market