I am constantly sick, how to raise immunity? This question is very often found in search queries of various systems. In addition, it is often asked to your doctor. In fact, there are many opportunities to do this without resorting to the services of a doctor, for this you just need to carefully monitor your he alth, exercise, eat right and always be in a good mood. And if there is a need to increase the level of immunity, then you can always use special preparations or use folk remedies.
How to boost immunity? Let's look at this in more detail below.

What is immunity
A person at any age has his immunity. What it is? This concept means a combination of various body defenses that it throws to fight infections that enter it. Such a system is also represented by a large number of beneficial bacteria that can not only fight diseases, but also weaken at different stages of a person’s life and in varioussituations. It is at such moments that a person begins to look for ways to increase immunity.
There are a considerable number of signs indicating that a person's immunity is rather weak and needs to be strengthened. First of all, this is the appearance of frequent colds, weakness, severe sleep disturbances, the appearance of various rashes, as well as excess nervousness.
Research by scientists shows that immunity is a hereditary system, as it begins to form and strengthen even in the womb. However, only half of the success depends on the he alth of the parents, the remaining 50% of their immunity a person develops independently, in the course of life. How to quickly boost immunity? Let's take a look at a few powerful ways to do this below.

Signs of reduced immunity
There are a number of signs that should make a person think about maintaining their immunity in the normal range. One of them is frequent illnesses. As a rule, the human body, which has reduced immunity, very often gets sick - at least twice a year. If colds are rather difficult to tolerate, this also indicates that the immune system needs to be strengthened.
A person whose immunity is in an abnormal state often experiences problems with the skin. On his face, as a rule, peeling is formed. Often problems manifest themselves in the form of small pustules, which very often people simply do not pay attention to.
About lowthe level of immunity indicates the frequent repetition of the course of various diseases. This is especially true for problems associated with the work of the genitourinary system, as well as the respiratory tract. The constant recurrence of respiratory diseases, the frequent formation of carbuncles, boils, phlegmon is also a signal that it is time to go to the doctor for a series of tests.
If even the smallest cuts heal for a very long time, this indicates a low level of immunity. The same can be said if all kinds of allergic reactions are observed. The formation of a fungus of the skin or nail plates should also make you think about contacting a specialist to find out the true cause of the problem. Inflamed lymph nodes are also one of the means of manifesting poor immunity. If such a problem is found, it is imperative to contact an otorhinolaryngologist, who is obliged to prescribe an effective remedy for treatment, as well as vitamins necessary to maintain normal immunity or increase it.
If a person begins to feel unwell, his sleep is often interrupted, and during the day he constantly feels tired for no particular reason, then you should consult a doctor for an examination.
Exact evidence of reduced immunity is the presence of a disease such as tuberculosis. This is due to the fact that the disease cannot develop in a strong and he althy body.
Proper nutrition
How to raise the immunity of an adult? Most experts in this field recommend switching to a special diet, which includesthere will be a sufficient number of useful components that are needed to improve he alth. What food is considered the most appropriate for such a purpose?
First of all, be sure to pay attention to cereals. This product contains a considerable number of necessary elements. From cereals, special attention should be paid to buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, as well as wholemeal bread. You should also eat more protein foods, including lean meat, eggs, and legumes - a wonderful source of rare trace elements.
As for fruits and vegetables, the human body needs them in a special way at any time of the year. From this category of products, citrus fruits, persimmons, apples, peaches, apricots, various berries, horseradish, garlic, onions, as well as nuts and turnips are especially valued.
Dairy products also have a positive effect on the overall level of immunity. People who constantly eat yogurt, curdled milk, kefir and sour cream practically do not suffer from immune disorders.
Special attention should be paid to products such as lemon and honey. Even in ancient times, the ancestors knew how to raise immunity with honey. The fact is that this product has the ability to fight an infection that has already arisen in the body, and not just the ability to make the immune system stronger. The same goes for the lemon.
There is a simple folk remedy that allows you to strengthen and maintain a person's immunity at the proper level. This drink is a great answer for those who wonderquestions about how to boost immunity at home. To create it, you need to take 500 g of bee honey and a kilogram of lemons. Citrus must be doused with boiling water and, after thorough grinding, scroll through a meat grinder. Experts in the field of traditional medicine recommend that you first get the seeds from the fruits, otherwise the finished drink will give off unpleasant bitterness. After grinding, the resulting mass must be poured with liquid honey, stir everything thoroughly until smooth, pour into a jar and send for several days in a cold place. Literally in 3-4 days, the mass will become noticeably thicker - this will indicate the readiness of the product. Ready homemade medicine should be taken three times a day, one tablespoon, diluted with water.

Often the cause of reduced immunity is the lack of the proper amount of vitamins in the human body. Of course, to replenish the missing supply, you can use vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies in any city, but if possible, it is best to find all the necessary elements in nature. How to raise the immunity of an adult with their help and where to find them?
As research shows, a huge amount of vitamins and minerals useful for the body are found in vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as in fish and meat. However, when choosing products, one should not rely on how high the content of the components in their composition is, but on what elements are present in it. Researchspecialists in the field of immunology show that in order to strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to maintain normal levels of selenium and zinc in the body. Such substances can be found in legumes, nuts, liver, heart, and also in fish. Vitamin C, which is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, lingonberries, cabbage, and cranberries, has a special effect on this system. Particular attention should also be paid to sauerkraut - it is a wonderful source of this component. In addition to all this, if you have questions about how to boost immunity at home, you should pay attention to the presence of vitamins B and E in the diet - they are also very important.
It should also be understood that all useful components taken must be properly absorbed. To do this, it is imperative to start leading a he althy lifestyle, go in for sports and lose a few extra pounds, if any. In addition to all this, moderate physical activity has an excellent effect on the state of the immune system. That is why fitness classes, morning exercises, and light jogging are very important for the body.

Bad habits
It has long been no secret that bad habits, such as drinking, drugs and smoking, adversely affect the entire body. Practice shows that people who love this kind of activity have a weakened immune system, which affects their overall he alth.
How to quickly raise immunity? Sometimes it's enoughquit smoking or stop drinking alcoholic beverages. After a short time, you can notice significant improvements in he alth. According to experts, in this case, he althy sleep and cheerfulness immediately appear.
However, in spite of everything, experts still recommend drinking one type of alcohol from time to time - dry red wine. This drink favorably affects the immune system, making it stronger. However, it is also not recommended to abuse it - it is enough to drink it no more than 100 ml per day.

Many children's doctors recommend that parents develop immunity in a child by hardening his body. Unfortunately, in the modern world there is a small number of followers of this technique, and in vain. Practice shows that this procedure allows you to accustom the walls of blood vessels to sudden temperature changes. This means that the child, as an adult, will perfectly tolerate the seasonal transitions without getting sick during these periods.
How to make the hardening procedure? Implementation of this takes quite a long time. "Training" consists of a simple morning douche with water with a periodic change in its temperature. They must be produced under normal room conditions. There is an erroneous opinion among the Russian population that such a procedure must be performed for the whole body. However, in reality this is not at all the case - it is enough to do simple rubdowns from the hand to the elbow. The water temperature shouldbe variable, with a difference of about 15 degrees. It is necessary to do such douches for at least 5-7 minutes, every day, only in this case the procedure will give the desired effect.
Emotion control
Perhaps this will surprise someone, but when asking questions about how to boost immunity, many should think about what emotions they experience. It is the internal state of a person that often determines his he alth and the body's ability to fight various infectious diseases.
Practice shows that people who most often experience negative emotions and are very often exposed to stress are constantly sick and experience other problems that affect the overall he alth of the body. The recipe for solving such a problem is simple - you need to urgently take care of your mental he alth and develop the habit of treating everything as calmly as possible, no matter what happens. Practice shows that uncontrolled stress for the body is the most dangerous and significantly undermines the immune system.
Otherwise, if a person is constantly positive about any situation and is in a good mood, it is very easy for him to deal with emerging problems. Research scientists show that he althy laughter strengthens the immune system in an excellent way, normalizes blood pressure, and also affects the entire body in exactly the same way as physical activity. This phenomenon helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also improves metabolism. People who are consistently in a positive mood are less likely toexperiencing problems related to the work of the cardiovascular system.
Folk remedies
Many people are interested in how to raise immunity with folk remedies. For many years, some representatives of the Russian population have been using effective methods to strengthen the immune system, which are the preparation of special tinctures and their regular use.
An excellent example of this is a tincture of walnut leaves. To prepare it, you need to take the leaves of the tree and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. After that, the broth should be placed in a thermos and let it brew for 10-12 hours. After the specified time, you can start using the remedy for half a glass a day (for an adult).
How to boost immunity in winter? To do this, you can prepare a decoction on the needles. To do this, take a couple of tablespoons of spruce or pine needles and add a glass of boiling water to them. In this form, everything must be boiled on fire for half an hour, and then let it brew. An adult should drink such a remedy one glass a day.
What other ways are there to raise immunity with folk remedies? To prepare another type of miraculous tincture, you can use this recipe. To implement it, you need to take a small amount of rose hips (dry berries) and pour them with a liter of boiling water. You also need to add a small amount of sugar to the mass and let it boil for 8-10 minutes. After that, the fruits should be allowed to brew under the lid. After 4 hours, the decoction can bedrink. Many people replace it with tea.
If you figured out how to raise immunity with vitamins and folk remedies, then you should definitely consider options for how you can do this with the help of medications. Their use is necessary in order to get the desired effect fairly quickly and without any difficulty. However, before you start taking any drug, you should definitely consult a doctor and take a small number of tests in order not to harm your he alth.
How to boost immunity with drugs? To do this, you can use tools such as Immunorix, Amiksin IC, Immunal, as well as Immunoplus tablets. Some experts in the field of medicine recommend using injections, for which Anaferon has been recognized as an excellent solution for a long time, but this remedy can only be used for prevention. It is not suitable for the treatment of diseases associated with a decrease in immunity.
Many people mistakenly believe that by curing a cold with antibiotics, they are helping their body. However, in reality, everything is completely different. Practice shows that after a course of taking medicines with such an effect, it is necessary to take up the maintenance of immunity. How to boost immunity after illness? To do this, it is necessary to include in the daily diet a large amount of kefir, as well as other products, the action of which is aimed at developing and strengthening the immune system. Exceptof this, you must definitely take a course of homeopathic medicines, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. An excellent tool for removing toxins that have already accumulated in the human body is a bath, so you can visit such a place. Doctors also recommend spending more time outdoors and drinking enough purified water.

How to increase immunity in a child
Quite often, questions related to how to raise immunity in a child cause a lot of controversy and doubt. Specialists in the field of children's he alth explain that in order to make your baby he althy, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of wellness procedures with him, starting from childhood. One of them is hardening. Practice shows that with a regular and properly performed procedure, the child's body becomes more resistant to temperature changes, as a result of which stress does not arise in his body in the form of colds.
Also, the development of children's immunity is favorably promoted by regular walks in the fresh air and games in nature.
How to raise the child's immunity after antibiotics? Only a qualified specialist in the field of medicine can answer this question. This is due to the fact that each baby needs to improve the level of he alth with individually selected drugs.

How to boost immunity for pregnant women
The state of pregnancy is usually accompanied byweakening of the body as a result of the fact that most of its forces are spent on the birth and development of a new life. That is why very often expectant mothers have a decrease in immunity. Practice shows that you can improve your he alth by eating enough vegetables, fruits, fish and other he althy foods. In addition, experts strongly recommend that pregnant women undergo a special course of immunostimulating treatment. This is especially true for those women who were previously often exposed to colds.
How to raise the immunity of a nursing mother? To do this, you also need to continue to eat exclusively he althy foods. It is also recommended to carry out the hardening procedure, swim more often and take walks in the fresh air.
How to boost immunity with vitamins? Any pregnant woman should understand that not all vitamins and medications may be suitable for her. The same applies to breastfeeding mothers. That is why all means should be selected by a doctor. However, if feeding is not done naturally (not breastfeeding), then this rule can be neglected.

How to boost immunity in case of HIV infection
HIV infection is a phenomenon in which the human immune system is completely destroyed. Against this background, the body is easily infected with the simplest diseases, as a result of which a person dies.
In order to maintain normal immunity, the patient must definitely drink specialmedicines that are given to him free of charge at the center for the support of people with HIV and AIDS. In addition, he must maintain a he althy state of he alth by attending sports, proper nutrition and refraining from bad habits.