Scar on the lip: how to remove the scar?

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Scar on the lip: how to remove the scar?
Scar on the lip: how to remove the scar?

Video: Scar on the lip: how to remove the scar?

Video: Scar on the lip: how to remove the scar?
Video: Animasi lucu 07 | Tipe-tipe Orang Sahur 2024, October

A scar is a formation that consists of connective tissues and is formed in the process of healing an injured area of the skin. It can remain on any part of the body, and lips are no exception. Such formations can cause complexes in a person, as well as cause inconvenience and deform the contour of the lips. It is much easier to get a scar on the lip than in other areas, but to get rid of it, you will have to make a lot of effort. Both folk remedies and medical and cosmetic interventions will help with this.

scar on lip
scar on lip


A scar can cause inconvenience to its owner and become a real problem, so the question of how to remove a scar on the lip is quite natural. In some cases, there is no way to do without the intervention of surgeons.

It is very easy to damage the delicate skin of the lips, there are several main reasons why scarring can occur:

  1. Suturing at the site of traumatic injury. After even a small blow during the fallthe thin skin of the lips is easily dissected. In this case, the surgeon stitches it together with special threads, which subsequently leave a scar.
  2. Autumn often leaves a scar on the lip after herpes, it is also called a cold. More than 9/10 of the world's population suffers from this virus. It is activated if a person's immunity decreases, as a result of which rashes may appear on the lips. The healing time can take up to 1.5 weeks, and if bacteria get into the wound, it will take even longer. After full recovery, scarring may form at the site of the rash.
  3. Scars after piercing. Violation of the integrity of the skin cannot go unnoticed, if the puncture site becomes inflamed, a scar may remain.
  4. Bite. Even the most calm and peaceful pets can injure their owner by accidentally biting or simply playing. And even in the case of a small injury, there is a chance of getting a scar due to the bacteria that got into the wound along with the saliva of the animal.
  5. Mechanical damage. Even a small blow that leaves a small scratch can turn into a scar.
  6. Tattoo. It is now one of the favorite beauty treatments for women because it makes you look like you are always wearing fresh makeup. This is possible due to the fact that a permanent is injected under the skin, which creates the feeling of painted lips or eyebrows. However, not all masters who provide this service are qualified enough, any violation of technology can cause sad consequences in the form of scars. Also, the appearance of problems after a tattoo canbe related to the characteristics of the skin.
Red lips
Red lips

What are scars

In order to successfully remove the scar on the lip, you need to find out what kind it belongs to. Scars are:

  • Atrophic. Such lesions look like depressions that form due to insufficient collagen production.
  • Kellioid. They have the appearance of a growth on the skin surface, slightly raised, and they can also increase in size.
  • Hypertrophic. Such scars rise above the skin. They are very bright and are formed as a result of infection in the wound.
  • Normotrophic. They are on the same level with the surrounding skin, they can only be distinguished by color.
kiss lips
kiss lips

How to remove a scar

Besides the fact that scars have an unaesthetic appearance, they can also cause functional inconvenience, so their owners sooner or later have a question about how to get rid of a scar on their lip. If we are talking about a normotrophic scar, then it can not be removed, since it does not cause any inconvenience, and the difference in color will become less noticeable over time.

If the scars are keloid or hypertrophic in nature, then they will not disappear on their own. It is very difficult to get rid of them, even with the help of specialists. But atrophic scars respond well to therapy. And there are several ways to get rid of them.

open mouth
open mouth

Ointments from the pharmacy

There are several varieties of ointments that can solvethis problem. In such cases, it is recommended to use preparations prepared on the basis of natural ingredients. Such products are safe and can even remove a scar on a child’s lip. These drugs include:

  1. "Clearwin". Contains natural ingredients that can smooth out scar tissue and make it look more natural.
  2. "Kelofibrase". Ointment containing heparin and urea. Its action softens and moisturizes scar tissue and smoothes unevenness.
  3. "Dermatix". This cream smoothes the scar and moisturizes the skin. Due to which the sensation of itching and pain disappears.
  4. "Contractubex". The gel, which can relieve inflammation, the main component in the composition is allantoin, also contains plant extracts and heparin. Its action is based on the ability of the components to stop the growth of connective tissue.

Scar removal

Scar removal is a very delicate process that requires a professional approach. Therefore, in order not to harm the skin and achieve maximum effect, you should consult a doctor.

pink lips women
pink lips women

Traditional medicine

Treatment of a scar on the lip at home should only be done if it has appeared recently. With the help of natural natural ingredients, you can stimulate the process of repairing tissues that have only recently formed.

There are several folk methods that can help in this matter:

  1. You can whiten and smooth small scarswith fresh chopped parsley. You must first squeeze the juice, then attach to the scar. This method can be used if the scar remains after herpes, piercing or unsuccessful tattoo.
  2. Applying cocoa butter will help make the scar on the upper lip or lower lip less noticeable. To do this, a good layer of oil must be applied to the problem area and rubbed for a while.
  3. Eucalyptus oil can be used as a compress at night. This method will moisturize and soften the skin, improve blood flow.
  4. A mixture of honey and cinnamon in equal proportions will help smooth out scarred tissue and brighten the skin area. To do this, apply the mixture on the scar for 15-20 minutes.

To remove small scars after herpes, you can use the above methods, the main thing is not to forget to contact them regularly, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve results.

red lips kiss
red lips kiss

Intervention by a surgeon or cosmetologist

Many people have a question about how to remove a scar on the lip after dissection, a beautician will help with this. To restore the skin after damage, cosmetologists use several methods. The most popular and effective among them:

  • Using a laser. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of a scar. The laser beam removes the upper damaged layers of the epidermis, and the lower ones, in turn, become natural in color and are compared with the surrounding tissues. To get rid of old scars, you will need to undergo a treatment course that includes up to eight sessions. To get rid ofbumps can be sanded.
  • Applying photocorrection will help seal and stop the growth of connective tissue. It also contributes to the sealing of blood vessels, which will prevent the formation of a compacted layer. This procedure is recommended within six months of injury.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections stimulate collagen production, which helps with scar smoothing.
  • The fractional laser, through small beams, causes damage that stimulates the growth of collagen and elastane fibers. As a result, the scars above the upper lip or under the lower lip are evened out.

The use of cosmetic methods to remove scars is not cheap, but they are the most effective. After several sessions, the skin will become smoother and he althier.

lips in shavings
lips in shavings


In the event of mechanical damage resulting in scarring, especially in such a prominent place as the lips, many begin to look for ways to help get rid of unwanted changes in appearance. You can cope with a recently received scar by using ointments based on natural ingredients. They will help prevent inflammation and help wounds heal. As contraindications to the use of such drugs, the presence of an allergy to the components of the cream may act.

As for the intervention of a surgeon or cosmetologist, they can only be carried out on the recommendation of a specialist in case of severe damage to the skin.

Howprevent lip scarring

In order for the injured area of the skin to heal without consequences and the scar on the lip does not appear at all, it is necessary to properly care for it:

  • in case of a deep injury, you need to resort to surgical intervention and tighten the edges of the flesh with sutures;
  • the seam must be regularly treated with antiseptic and healing medicines;
  • with herpetic eruptions, follow the advice of a doctor and increase immunity;
  • it is strictly forbidden to remove the formed crusts from the wound;
  • carefully approach the choice of tattoo and piercing masters to avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is important to remember that lips are a very sensitive area and precautions must be taken to avoid scarring. And if the injury still appears, the damaged area must be properly looked after. This will help minimize the consequences.
