Legs give a person a sense of stability, confidence. The expression "to stand firmly on your feet" applies not only to physical, but also to psychological he alth. This is how nature intended: the structure of the human leg is amazing. She endowed the legs with the largest bones in the body, because they have to withstand the strongest loads - the weight of the whole body. And if a person is overweight, then the load on the legs increases significantly.
The structure of the legs is quite complex. First, these are the three large bones of the pelvic region. These include the pubis, ischium, and ilium, which fuse at about eighteen years of age to form the acetabulum-the foundation for the torso and support for the legs, because this is where the head of the femur comes in. The femur can withstand a lot of weight, comparable, for example, to the weight of a car. The femur ends with the knee joint.

Describing the structure of the leg, it is necessary to tell about the amazing functions of the knee joint. There are many joints in the human body, but the knee joint is the most complex and strongest of all. The cup of the knee joint is connected only to the femur. The lower leg bone adjoins the joint, but it does not touch the calyx. Thanks to this perfect mechanism, a person can walk, run, squat.
After examining the structure of the foot, you can find that it consists of twenty-six bones that make up not only the phalanges of the fingers, but also form two arches above the sole. All the bones of the foot are in a longitudinal arrangement, they are dynamic and give the foot such flexibility, as if it were a spring in a technical device. If the foot does not spring, then its main function is impaired. Such a violation is called flat feet. Flat feet are manifested by the fact that there is no bony arch above the sole.

When considering the bone structure of the leg, it is imperative to pay attention to the cartilage. Thanks to them, the joints are protected from overload and friction. The cartilaginous heads of the bones glide because they are elastic, and the synovial fluid produced by their membrane serves as a lubricant that keeps the articular mechanism in a he althy state. The lack of this fluid limits a person in movement. In some cases, cartilage can also harden. In this case, the motor function of the joint is completely disturbed and the bones begin to grow together. This should not be allowed, it is necessary to prevent such a phenomenon in order not to lose mobility in the joints.

In conclusion, let's pay attention to the links. Ligaments are very strong connections with which the position of the joint is fixed. In whatever position the joint moves, the ligaments support it. When overloaded, they sometimes break. This is very painful. On theLigament repair takes much longer than healing a broken bone. To maintain he althy ligaments, a person needs to regularly perform exercises that warm up and strengthen them.
Tendons, although similar to ligaments, serve to attach muscles and bones, so we will consider that the structure of the leg, or rather, its bones, we have considered in full.