Anatomy of the structure of the human face - bones, muscles, nerve endings, skin, lymphatic system and much more. First of all, plastic surgeons and cosmetologists need to know it. This information is also necessary in order to properly perform exercises and massage to preserve youthfulness of the face without harm to he alth.
The structure of the skull

The appearance of a person depends almost entirely on the front of the skull. It is worth noting the fact that the structure of the male skull differs sharply from the female. So, men are characterized by a powerful bone skeleton, protruding brow ridges and small eye sockets. While in women, the bones of the face are less pronounced, and the eye sockets are rounded.
The skull consists of 23 bones, which include eight paired and seven unpaired groups. All of them can be divided into facial and brain groups.
- Facial paired bones include: lacrimal, nasal, zygomatic, palatine, as well as the bones of the upper jaw and lower nasal concha. Facial unpaired bones consist of: lattice, vomer, as well as hyoid bone and lower jaw. GroupThe facial bones are responsible for the proper functioning of the respiratory and digestive tract.
- The brain bones, like the facial bones, consist of paired and unpaired bones. They are located above the facial region and form such parts of the face: the frontal zone and tubercles, eye sockets, nasal cavities and tubercles. Paired bones include the temporal and parietal small bones, and unpaired bones include the frontal, sphenoid and occipital bones.
Anatomical features of the facial part of the skull

The human face is a complex structure that connects muscles, blood vessels, veins and nerves. In order to properly carry out all medical and cosmetic measures on the face, it is necessary to know the entire anatomy of the structure of the human face, all the muscles and nerves located on the front of the head. And also take into account their relationship with the system of lymph nodes, the structure of nerve fibers on the face and the vascular network, located in the same part.
Facial muscles
A distinctive feature of the anatomy of the structure of the muscles of the human face is that they are attached to the skin. This means that as they age, the skin also undergoes changes.
The muscles on the face can be divided into several groups, namely: mimic, chewing, neck, sublingual, oral cavity, and also responsible for eye movements. Such a division is rather arbitrary, since the same muscles can belong to one or several groups at once.
More than others, the facial part is influenced by facial muscles, which with one partattached to the skin, and the other to the bones. Their main task is to show emotions on the face, which, in turn, appear when the skin is stretched and wrinkles form.
The muscles are located on the upper, middle and lower parts of the face and represent the frontal, temporal, chin, large and small zygomatic and chewing muscles, as well as those lying around the eyes and lips, raising and lowering the corners of the lips and the upper lip, muscles nose, rhizorius and anovrotic helmet.
Most of the muscles on the face are paired, located on both sides and can be contracted separately. Over time, they begin to weaken, narrow, wrinkles appear on the skin. Special exercises for the face will help prevent wrinkles for a long time.
Functions of the muscles of the head and face

The anatomy of the muscles and bones of the human face is very well understood, just like the specific role of each muscle.
- The tendinous helmet or calvarium muscle is responsible for the movement of the muscles of the head and tendons, and also gathers the skin on the forehead into transverse folds and raises the superciliary arches.
- With the help of the occipital-frontal pyramidal muscle, the eyebrows are raised and horizontal folds are formed on the forehead. These are paired muscles, each of which is located above the eyebrow, so the eyebrows can rise and fall separately from each other.
- The temporal region muscle is responsible for jaw movements.
- The muscles of the proud are located between the superciliary arches and stretch to the forehead. With the help of them, you can wrinkle your forehead and move your eyebrows. If you strainthese muscles, a horizontal crease appears on the bridge of the nose.
- The brow pucker muscles are responsible for lifting the eyelids and moving the brows. The hypertonicity of these muscles leads to the formation of a vertical crease between the eyebrows.
- The circular muscles of the eyes are responsible for raising and lowering the eyelids.
- The nasal muscle moves the wings of the nose.
- Lacrimal muscle lifts the upper lip and wings of the nose.
- The zygoma minor and zygomaticus major muscles lift the corners of the mouth up and move them to the side when smiling.
- The circular muscle of the mouth is responsible for the movement of the lips.
- Modiolus is responsible for the work of the muscles of the mouth and forms the lower third of the facial part of the head.
- The laughter muscle stretches the corners of the mouth. In some people, dimples can be seen when this muscle contracts.
- The buccal muscle is located under the muscle of laughter. It serves to support the cheeks and stretch the corners of the mouth to the sides. Between the muscle and the cheek lies a fatty layer, with age it becomes thinner, which causes sunken cheeks.
- The triangular muscle lowers the corners of the lips when expressing sadness. The hypertonicity of this muscle gives the face a gloomy expression.
- The muscle responsible for the downward movement of the lips, thus providing a mask of disgust on the face.
- The chin muscle is a paired muscle located under the muscle of the lower lip. If there is a distance between these muscles, then a dimple appears on the chin. In addition, with the help of this muscle, you can give the face an arrogant expression by pulling the lower lip up.
In the photo of the structure of the anatomy of a person's face, you can see what each muscle is, individually and taken together.
Lymphatic structure

The anatomy of the structure of the lymph nodes of the human face suggests that they pass through the cheeks, cheekbones and chin and are divided into the following groups:
- submandibular;
- facial;
- deep and superficial parotid;
- chin.
Lymph is a transparent liquid that seeps through the thin walls of capillaries and flows through the entire body. Lymph reliably protects the body from infection, since its main task is to remove toxins and ensure the correct exchange of useful substances between the circulatory system and tissues.
Facial skin

Anatomy of the structure of human facial skin is a set of cells, the he althy state of which affects the appearance. The skin is responsible for protecting the body from external factors.
The topmost layer of the skin of the face is the epidermis, its task is to protect against negative factors. The next layer is the dermis, which consists of two layers:
- Mesh layer - responsible for the smoothness of the skin. Consists of a network of blood and lymphatic vessels, hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
- Papillary layer - concentrates nerve fibers and endings, capillaries and outgrowths.
It is the dermis that is responsible for the production of collagenand elastin, and therefore, in the formation of wrinkles, it becomes necessary to act on this particular layer of the skin.
The third and last layer is the deepest and consists of subcutaneous fat, is responsible for the preservation of nutrients that affect the condition of the entire skin. Impact on this layer should be carried out in the presence of a lack of vitamins in the body, which can be facilitated by an unhe althy complexion.
Vascular tissue of the face

On the front of the head, the vessels are a developed network, which helps wounds on the face heal quickly enough. The blood supply to the face is provided by the external arteries, which are located under the mimic muscles, passing from the neck to the face, then pass to the corners of the lips and further to the eye sockets.
Facial nerves

The anatomy of the structure of the nerves of the human face is a complex structure. Thus, the nerves of the face consist of: nuclei, capillaries, lymph nodes, processes of the nerve trunk and the space of the cortex between the cerebral hemispheres.
There is the facial nerve and the trigeminal. The facial nerve consists of: mandibular, zygomatic, temporal, cervical and buccal branches. And the trigeminal nerve is divided into: mandibular, optic and maxillary branches.
As you can see, the anatomy of the structure of the human face is a rather complex structure, but you need to know it in order to learn how to care for yourself, apply cosmetics anddo exercises for the face in order to keep it young for a long time.