An informative way to study the state of internal organs is a copogram. With the help of this examination, it is possible to identify violations of metabolic processes, the work of the intestines and stomach, and then prescribe the necessary treatment. The copogram gives the opportunity to detect s alt crystals, in particular oxalates. Crystals are fragments of cellular formations that have undergone destruction in the process of digestive activity. In the feces, it is possible to fix special crystals, which are usually found in sputum in bronchial asthma. In medicine, they are known as Charcot-Leiden crystals.

What are Charcot-Leiden crystals
Charcot-Leiden crystals are smooth, colorless particles in the form of rhombuses, detected by microscopic examination of sputum in patients with bronchial asthma or asthmatic bronchitis. Also characteristic of allergic conditions, eosinophilic infiltrates in the lungs, pulmonary fluke. These formations are recorded in cases where there are many eosinophils in the feces, whichassociated with the presence of amoebic dysentery, some helminthiases, or the intestinal form of Loeffler's syndrome. These crystals were first discovered in patients with leukemia.

Types of crystals
Feces are formed in the area of the large intestine and contain mainly the remnants of food consumed, bacteria, water and other impurities. To study this biological material, an analysis is carried out - a coprogram. The interpretation of the data obtained as a result of the examination makes it possible to identify the presence of several groups of formations, which are particles of cells destroyed during the digestive process.
There are several types of crystals:
- Epithelial. This type of crystals is the remains of epithelial cells that are broken down under the influence of digestive tract enzymes. A small accumulation of these formations does not cause concern, an increased level indicates inflammation of the colonic mucosa.
- Charcot-Leiden crystals in feces. This type of crystals is formed from cells involved in an allergic reaction and indicates the presence of a helminthic invasion. Intestinal parasites are accepted by the body as a foreign object, so the immune system directs its forces to eliminate the abnormal factor with the help of eosinophil cells.
- Triple phosphates. These particles appear as a result of an accelerated reaction of excretion of intestinal contents, mainly found during massive bleeding of the digestive tract, when bilirubin loses its ability to turn intostercobilin due to the rapid evacuation of intestinal contents.
- Hematoidin crystals. This type is a fragment of erythrocytes split under the influence of hydrochloric acid of the stomach. They appear with massive bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, and, as a rule, appear in combination with tarry, black stools, called melena.
- Oxalates. Crystals in the feces of this origin have no diagnostic value and are found against the background of low acidity of gastric juice, as well as due to prolonged use of vegetarian food.
In the absence of free hydrochloric acid, calcium oxalate is transformed into calcium chloride and is detected by the formation of crystals that precipitate in feces.

Causes of oscalates
The causes of the appearance of oxalates in the feces can be:
- prolonged use of plant foods;
- disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract;
- reducing the acidity of gastric juice.
Symptoms and manifestations
The clinical picture in the presence of Charcot-Leiden crystals in the feces of a child and an adult is not very pronounced and basically resembles diseases of the gastrointestinal tract against the background of low acidity.
The patient may complain of lack of appetite and frequent belching, bad smell and taste in the mouth, occasional constipation. Signs of a pathological condition include intestinal disorders (the consistency may be dense), nausea, vomitingafter eating. May be disturbed by increased flatulence and disorders of the digestive tract. In the feces, undigested elements of the food taken are found.

Possible complications if left untreated
The presence of oxalates and Charcot-Leiden crystals in feces indicates serious diseases that require treatment. The formation of crystalline fractions indicates the ongoing process of cell destruction, which indicates a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. The neglect of the condition can lead to the development of viral and fungal infections. Pathology increases the likelihood of infection, since the body slows down the process of splitting, as well as the assimilation of ingested food. Digestibility disorders lead to allergic reactions, reduced immunity.
When Charcot-Leiden crystals are found in the feces, the doctor should determine the tactics of treatment and the further course of therapy based on laboratory and instrumental studies. Self-medication, various folk methods and diets can aggravate the condition and lead to serious consequences.
Examination of feces is an informative way to identify a number of diseases, the symptoms of which a doctor detects in a patient after a personal examination and consultation. Copogram or examination of feces allows you to identify diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, ureter, liver, to detect the presence of oncological pathologies.
Research makes it possible to identify:
- failure of acid-forming andenzymatic activity of the stomach, pancreas and intestines;
- violations in the process of evacuation of juice from the stomach and intestines;
- pathological changes in the intestinal and stomach microflora;
- inflammatory processes of internal organs and systems.
With the help of this analysis, it is possible to clarify whether there are Charcot crystals in the feces, what type they are, what is the reason for their appearance. Treatment is based on stool test results.

How to take feces for analysis?
If there are suspicions of crystals in the feces of an adult, then in order to accurately determine them, the patient must adhere to certain rules.
The patient needs to follow a diet for a few days before passing feces. Meat, fish dishes, fatty and spicy foods, foods that change the color of feces (beets, carrots, paprika), as well as foods high in iron, carbonated drinks should be excluded from the daily diet. You should also find out if the patient has taken antiparasitic drugs such as Carbarson, Tetracycline, Paromomycin, Metronidazole, and Diiodohydroxyquine (iodoquinol) in the past 15 days.
For analysis, feces are taken after a spontaneous act of emptying into a transparent and clean vessel. The required amount for the study is approximately 5 g. The analysis must be carried out no later than 8-9 hours after defecation.
It is not allowed to take a test after using rectal suppositories, using castor oil,certain drugs and enemas. Feces contaminated with menstrual flow and urine are unsuitable for the study. Before taking the analysis, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures of the perineum.
To accurately determine the crystals in the feces of infants, it is not allowed to take material for research from the surface of diapers or the skin.

Survey steps
First of all, before diagnosing an organism for crystals, stool analysis begins with a visual assessment. Define:
- Quantity. The indicator depends on the composition of the food taken, on the contractions of the intestinal walls. With enteritis, when one of the sections of the small intestine is inflamed, an increase in the amount of excreted feces is recorded.
- Consistency. Density depends on the presence of fats and vegetable fiber. The stool can be formed or unformed. A thick consistency happens with constipation, oncological diseases of the large intestine, loose stools - with cholera.
- Color of feces. The stool may have shades of brown. The indicator is affected by food colorings, drugs. With prolonged use of iron medicines, feces turn black.
- Smell. Should not be harsh.
- Shape. Most of the feces are in the shape of a cylinder.
- Slime. The presence of mucus in a small amount is considered normal.
- Blood impurity. The indicator often indicates cancer.
After a microscopic examination withusing fecal emulsion. Feces are mixed with physiological saline until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the laboratory assistant prepares 4 preparations.
The first of them is designed to detect pathogenic particles and helminth eggs, the second - to detect starch, the third - with sudan, to determine the presence of neutral fats, and the last, fourth - to differentiate fats. Contents are evaluated using a microscope. Crystal formations are found in helminthic invasions.

Treatment of pathology
When crystals are found in the feces of a child, treatment is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis after finding out the cause of the formations.
Medical therapy is applied. Drugs are prescribed based on the cause of the pathological condition. Effective herbal medicine and diet therapy, which must be applied only with the permission of the doctor.
Remember, the detection of Charcot-Leiden crystals in feces indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body. It is necessary to undergo diagnostic procedures and identify the cause of the condition. This will allow you to properly organize therapeutic therapy, avoiding further complications. Stay he althy!