Medicine 2024, October

What are the functions of the inferior vena cava

What are the functions of the inferior vena cava

The inferior vena cava is a wide vessel that forms the right and left iliac veins approximately between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. This cavity is designed to collect venous blood in the lower part of the human body

Kidney removal: indications, postoperative period, rehabilitation, nutrition, consequences

Kidney removal: indications, postoperative period, rehabilitation, nutrition, consequences

Functional features of the kidneys. Indications for kidney removal, surgery. Recovery after surgery: physical activity, clean water, diet, rehabilitation

Sports shoulder injury

Sports shoulder injury

Almost any sport is associated with injuries. The most common of them are banal bruises, sprains and dislocations, including the knee and shoulder joints. These are common injuries that are inevitable during training and competition. But still, it is dislocations that can lead to serious complications. Therefore, they must be treated immediately. But if everything is quite simple with the knee joint, then the restoration of the shoulder joint requires more time and effort

The structure and functions of human muscles

The structure and functions of human muscles

A muscle is a special structure in the human or animal body. It consists of tissue that has the ability to contract under the influence of nerve impulses

Ways and modes of transmission

Ways and modes of transmission

The world around us is inhabited by a huge number of microorganisms invisible to the human eye. Some of them do not pose any danger, while others are capable of causing various diseases. What ways and means of transmission of infection exist - a question that deserves attention

How to thin thick blood with folk remedies? Products that thin the blood. Preparations

How to thin thick blood with folk remedies? Products that thin the blood. Preparations

A golden mean is desirable in everything, and any deviation from the norm is fraught with bad consequences. This also applies to the density of blood. If it is insufficient, some he alth problems may arise, and if vice versa, others

Conflict on blood type during pregnancy

Conflict on blood type during pregnancy

Conflict on the blood type during pregnancy occurs in 18% of couples. Therefore, in order to avoid miscarriage, missed pregnancy or pathologies in the child, it is recommended to undergo the necessary studies before planning a pregnancy

Bacterium "plague bacillus": description, features and treatment of infection

Bacterium "plague bacillus": description, features and treatment of infection

There are different diseases in the world. But none of them caused such horror and fear as the plague. This disease has known no mercy since ancient times. She claimed millions of lives. Today, the disease no longer brings a huge amount of death and grief. Thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, the plague has been turned into a less dangerous disease. However, it was not possible to completely eradicate the disease. The plague bacillus (Yersinia pestis) that causes disease continues to exist in this world and infect people

Holter monitoring: description of the procedure and photo

Holter monitoring: description of the procedure and photo

Holter monitoring is a continuous recording of the work of the heart and changes in blood pressure over time. The method allows you to get a complete picture of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and is part of a set of diagnostic measures

EFI of the heart: doctor's appointment, preparation features, timing, indications, contraindications and consequences

EFI of the heart: doctor's appointment, preparation features, timing, indications, contraindications and consequences

This article will focus on the procedure of electrophysiological examination of the heart, better known as EFI. Let's talk about indications and contraindications for the procedure, as well as in what cases it is prescribed and possible consequences

Sinusitis: what is it and how to treat it?

Sinusitis: what is it and how to treat it?

Sinusitis refers to inflammation in the sinuses. But this is a common name for several diseases. Therefore, it is often required to understand: sinusitis - what is it? Find out how serious this disease is and what treatments are available

Cystitis: treatment at home

Cystitis: treatment at home

In the cold season, one of the most common diseases is cystitis. Treatment at home for this disease is quite possible. The main thing is to know how to properly implement it. Cystitis implies the development of an inflammatory process in the urinary system, and the symptoms of the disease bring significant discomfort. A person is not able to go to work and work fully in such a state

What can be a drug for cleansing the liver?

What can be a drug for cleansing the liver?

The liver is the most important indicator of human he alth. It begins to hurt when we overload it with heavy food and drugs; in a he althy state, we do not feel this organ, although it continues to diligently cleanse the body of harmful substances. How to protect your liver?

Structure and functions of the adrenal glands in the human body

Structure and functions of the adrenal glands in the human body

The adrenal glands are paired endocrine glands. They are located above the upper parts of the kidneys in the region of 11-12 thoracic vertebrae. The function of the adrenal glands in the human body is the production and release into the blood of a number of essential hormones necessary to maintain normal life

Eardrum perforation

Eardrum perforation

The tympanic membrane is a thin, elastic membrane that separates the middle ear from the external auditory canal. Its purpose is to transmit sound vibrations from the environment to the inner ear and protect it from foreign objects. In adults, it has the shape of an oval with a maximum diameter of one centimeter, while in children it is almost round

Safe dose of alcohol: consumption rates, effects on the body, possible consequences

Safe dose of alcohol: consumption rates, effects on the body, possible consequences

Alcoholic drinks are considered bad habits along with smoking and junk eating. However, even the understanding of this fact does not stop people from the temptation to knock over a glass or two. Therefore, scientists decided to approach the issue from a different angle. Namely, to find out the safe dose of alcohol for the human body

Cervical vagosympathetic blockade according to Vishnevsky

Cervical vagosympathetic blockade according to Vishnevsky

Drug blockade of the cervical vertebrae of the sympathetic trunk along with the vagus nerve is called vagosympathetic blockade. It was prescribed by Alexander Alexandrovich Vishnevsky with the intention of interrupting nerve impulses during pleuropulmonary shock due to traumatic disorders and injuries of the chest area

How to remove the hangover syndrome at home?

How to remove the hangover syndrome at home?

How to eliminate the hangover syndrome with the help of medicinal medicines and traditional medicine? Causes of the development of an unpleasant condition and its complications. How to prevent alcohol intoxication?

Sternal fracture: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Sternal fracture: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Sternal fracture is a common chest injury that accompanies traffic accidents. Attention to the symptoms of such damage may prevent more serious pathological conditions of the chest organs

Pelvicalyceal system: structure, functions, norm and deviations, symptoms of diseases

Pelvicalyceal system: structure, functions, norm and deviations, symptoms of diseases

Those who have ever done an ultrasound, could pay attention to the line in the doctor's report: PLS parameters. The pelvicalyceal system is the functional part of the kidney. This system has a complex structure, and in a he althy state it works incessantly. But problems with the pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys can lead to serious diseases

False joint after fracture. False hip joint

False joint after fracture. False hip joint

Bone healing after a fracture occurs due to the formation of "bone callus" - a loose, shapeless tissue that connects parts of a broken bone and contributes to the restoration of its integrity. But growth doesn't always go well

Functions of the stomach and structure

Functions of the stomach and structure

Nutrition is a process necessary to ensure the vital activity of the human body. The stomach plays one of the main roles in this process. The functions of the stomach are the accumulation of food mass, its partial processing and further promotion to the intestine, where the absorption of nutrients takes place

Symptomatic hypertension: types, diagnosis, symptoms, causes and treatment

Symptomatic hypertension: types, diagnosis, symptoms, causes and treatment

Many people have high blood pressure (BP). This symptom signals hypertension. In almost 90% of patients, this is an independent disease. It is associated with a violation of the cerebral regulation of vascular tone. In all other cases, hypertension appears as a result of a disease of some organ. In this case, it is called symptomatic, or secondary, hypertension

What is furunculosis? The reasons for its appearance

What is furunculosis? The reasons for its appearance

Furunculosis is called an inflammatory purulent disease, the cause of which is most often staphylococcus aureus. It can appear on the body as one formation, or several on any part of the body

Why does the pressure jump? Possible causes and features of assistance

Why does the pressure jump? Possible causes and features of assistance

Despite the fact that unstable pressure is most often a concern for older people, this problem is increasingly occurring in younger patients. If the pressure jumps slightly, which in no way affects the general well-being, there is nothing to worry about. But in cases where a change in indicators on the tonometer is accompanied by a deterioration in he alth, one cannot do without the help of specialists

CT of the lungs: indications for the procedure, preparation, result

CT of the lungs: indications for the procedure, preparation, result

Currently, there are effective methods for diagnosing lung diseases. One such method is computed tomography (CT scan of the lungs). How is the examination carried out? What does it show? Are there any contraindications? Is it possible to prescribe a CT scan of the lungs to children?

Muscles of the tongue. Language: anatomy, photo

Muscles of the tongue. Language: anatomy, photo

An organ made up of 16 muscles completely riddled with blood vessels that never sleeps. What is this about? It is the human language through which we are able to enjoy the taste of food. Moreover, it also helps to speak clearly and understandably, because it is the language that is involved in the formation of all vowels and even some consonants. How does he do it? Due to the special arrangement of the muscles of the tongue

Good speech therapist in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Center for speech therapy and defectology

Good speech therapist in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Center for speech therapy and defectology

Disappointing statistics suggest that almost all children, and even some adults, have certain problems with the correct development of speech

Tonometers: which one is better? Reviews. Blood pressure monitors

Tonometers: which one is better? Reviews. Blood pressure monitors

How to choose blood pressure monitors? Which is better? Reviews about these devices. Useful tips for correct and accurate pressure measurement

"Electronics" - a he alth resort in Sochi (Khosta): description, conditions, prices, reviews

"Electronics" - a he alth resort in Sochi (Khosta): description, conditions, prices, reviews

When choosing a place to stay, you have to pay attention to many factors. Visitor reviews play a huge role. What can you say about the sanatorium "Electronics" in Sochi? How good is this place to stay? Are visitors satisfied with their visit?

Sanatoriums in the suburbs. Inexpensive treatment and rest in the suburbs. Reviews

Sanatoriums in the suburbs. Inexpensive treatment and rest in the suburbs. Reviews

Everyone needs rest to recuperate, to get a boost of energy. Today, many of our compatriots fly to distant foreign resorts. However, you can have a great rest in Russia, for example, in the suburbs of our capital. In addition, sanatoriums in the Moscow region will help you combine excellent rest with treatment

Novosibirsk city hospital: diagnostic center. Maternity hospital at city hospital No. 1 in Novosibirsk. City hospital reviews (Novosibirsk)

Novosibirsk city hospital: diagnostic center. Maternity hospital at city hospital No. 1 in Novosibirsk. City hospital reviews (Novosibirsk)

A city hospital in any metropolis, especially one like Novosibirsk, is the face of medicine in the region. The he alth of citizens and residents of the region depends on the quality of training of doctors, the level of prevention and treatment of diseases, the comfort of stay. If the range of services is not wide enough, and the training of doctors is low, then the region can easily be left without qualified workers. This will directly affect the local economy. It is important that residents of the metropolis can always receive quality assistance

Blood Rh factor: definition, features and decoding

Blood Rh factor: definition, features and decoding

Progress gives knowledge, and it, as they say, is power. Of course, knowing all the information about yourself and your he alth is a necessary condition for a comfortable life. At the same time, doctors often encounter a situation where a person has no idea what his blood type and Rh are. We will examine in detail why it is important for everyone and future parents to know in particular

The main factors characterizing the human endocrine system

The main factors characterizing the human endocrine system

This article characterizes the endocrine system by a number of factors. Among them, a description of the organs of the system, key functions and basic principles of its operation

Ellagic acid: where it is contained, application, reviews

Ellagic acid: where it is contained, application, reviews

Ellagic acid is a fairly rare substance. It is part of some types of fruits, berries and nuts. This compound is able to rejuvenate the body, it also has anti-cancer properties. Where is this substance found? And is it really helpful? We will consider these questions in the article

Respiratory masks (photo). How to wear a respiratory mask correctly?

Respiratory masks (photo). How to wear a respiratory mask correctly?

In recent years, the number of people using respiratory masks on city streets, in the subway, hospitals has increased dramatically. Doctors say that this is due to the epidemic of bird and swine flu, as well as Ebola, the consequences of which were actively discussed in the media. Despite the fact that there are more people who prefer such a means of protection, it is still impossible to call this phenomenon a mass one

Revitalization complex - what is it?

Revitalization complex - what is it?

Often, young, inexperienced mothers ask the pediatrician if their child is developing normally. It will not be difficult for a specialist to evaluate physiological parameters, because there are certain norms and indicators for this

Description of the sanatorium "Rainbow" (Naberezhnye Chelny)

Description of the sanatorium "Rainbow" (Naberezhnye Chelny)

Sanatorium "Rainbow" (Naberezhnye Chelny) first opened its doors in 1986. The last renovation took place in 2008. Today, the Raduga sanatorium is a modern complex with residential buildings, a cozy restaurant, medical departments, sports grounds, a swimming pool and a beach area

Description of the sanatorium "Imeretinsky" in Adler

Description of the sanatorium "Imeretinsky" in Adler

Sanatorium "Imeretinsky" (Sochi) is a modern hotel located on the Black Sea coast, where guests are offered a comfortable stay and various types of he alth programs. The guesthouse is located within walking distance from the Olympic Park

Structure and physiology of the otolithic apparatus

Structure and physiology of the otolithic apparatus

To understand the secret of the dexterity of some and the reason for the clumsiness of other people, the study of the structure and function of the organs of balance will help. Understanding the basics of vestibuloreception - the perception of one's body in space, will give an answer on how to improve coordination of movements and whether it is possible to develop dexterity