Vitamins and microelements are organic substances indispensable for humans, which take part in all metabolic processes of cells and tissues, thereby contributing to the proper functioning of organs and systems. Vitamins enter the human body with food, but there are conditions in which the level of these substances is insufficient. If this is confirmed by the analysis for vitamins, specialists prescribe mono- or multivitamin complexes to correct the condition.
Features of vitamin and microelement balance
Unlike proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins are needed in very small amounts - a few hundredths of one milligram per day. More than 30 organic substances are known to be irreplaceable. Among them are well-known vitamins of group B, A, C, D, E, K.

Reducing the amount of certain organic matter in the human body is called hypovitaminosis. Long-term deficiency, which causes the development of serious changes and diseases, is called beriberi.
A blood test for vitamins is a great way to get detailed results that can be used to assess nutrient levels and, if necessary, make corrections to prevent the development of serious consequences.
The amount of some vitamins (for example, cyanocobalamin and folic acid) is determined during a biochemical blood test from a vein. Together with the vitamin level during the diagnosis, the quantitative indicators of chemicals (macro- and microelements) are also evaluated.
Indicators of the norm of vitamins
A blood test for vitamins and microelements can show results that are within the allowed limits, but in most cases (due to environmental degradation, malnutrition, stressful situations), the level of some results is below normal.
For the human body, the quantitative indicators of vitamins are within the following limits:
- retinol - 1.05-2.09 µmol/l;
- thiamine - 2, 1-4, 3 mcg/l;
- pantothenic acid - 3.2 mcg/l;
- pyridoxine - 0.3-0.5 mcg/ml;
- cyanocobalamin - 175-900 pg/l;
- ascorbic acid - 4-20 mcg/ml;
- calciferol - 25-100 ng/ml;
- tocopherol - 0.2-1.2 mcg/ml.
Indicators of the norm of trace elements
The norm for the content of basic chemical elements in the blood is as follows:
- manganese - 0.01-0.05 mcg/g;
- fluorine - 370 µmol/l;
- bromine - 17mmol/L;
- molybdenum - 0.002 mcg/g;
- iodine - 0.3-10 mcg/g;
- copper - 0.7-1.5mcg/g;
- cob alt - 0.0005-0.005mcg/g;
- selenium - 0.15-0.33mcg/g;
- zinc - 0.75-1.5mcg/ml.

Why do a survey
Any pathology or disease requires a diagnosis, and only then the necessary treatment is prescribed. Blood is a biological fluid, the parameters of which change with the development of a pathological condition. It is with a blood test that any research begins.
It allows you to evaluate the following indicators:
- hemoglobin level, which means the ability to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen;
- number of formed elements (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets);
- the presence of inflammation in the body (leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, changes in leukocyte count).
The results can determine the presence of tumors, allergic processes, anemia, inflammation. The specialist gets the opportunity to establish the stage and form of the disease, and therefore choose a therapy regimen.

Analysis for vitamins and microelements allows you to determine the chemical saturation of the body with essential substances. Values are evaluated depending on the gender and age of the patient. An analysis for vitamins is not considered a mandatory link in the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes it for certain indications.
When to get tested
Vitamin and microelement deficiency is unlikely only if a person adheres to the rules of a he althy diet, plays sports, lives in an area with a favorable environmental situation and does not have bad habits. Such a combination is unlikely in today's world.
Analysis for vitamins, doctors recommend taking 1 time per year for the following population groups:
- those who live in unfavorable ecological zones;
- children and teenagers;
- people over 50;
- those who suffer from any chronic pathologies;
- during pregnancy planning;
- while breastfeeding;
- those who devote most of their time to work and heavy physical exertion;
- people living under constant stress.
How the study is done
The material for determining the amount of vitamins and trace elements in the body can be blood, urine, skin derivatives (nails, hair). You can take tests for vitamins in any private laboratory and some narrow-profile clinics. This examination is chargeable.

The results of the quantitative indicators of the vitamin level are known in a day, but the decoding of the chemical microelement composition requires 6 working days. When donating blood, the subject must come in the morning on an empty stomach. If skin derivatives become diagnostic material, then before donating, you must read the instructions for preparing for sampling. You can take it in the samelaboratories on the eve of the diagnosis.
Vitamin D blood test
This method allows you to determine the level of absorption of ergo- or cholecalciferol by the body. In parallel, the amount of parathyroid hormone is also determined. Vitamin D analysis is indicated for the following pathologies:
- parathyroid disease;
- systemic diseases (lupus erythematosus);
- pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
- diseases of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.
Hypervitaminosis D (vitamin content in the blood is higher than normal) may be accompanied by weakness, dyspeptic manifestations (vomiting, diarrhea), loss of appetite, subfebrile body temperature. Hypovitaminosis is fraught with pathology of the thyroid gland, cirrhosis, renal failure.

Determination of the level of cyanocobalamin
Vitamin B12 test is given to patients with anemia. This organic substance affects the proper maturation of red blood cells, is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Before the diagnosis, you should stop taking medications that affect the hematopoietic system. The result may be incorrect when taking antibacterial agents and drinking alcohol.
Hypervitaminosis B12 is characteristic of tumor processes, diabetes mellitus, leukemia, chronic renal failure.
Study of tocopherol indicators
An analysis to determine the quantitative indicators of vitamin E must be taken on an empty stomach. Vitamin levels are affected by the intake of the following substances andmedical supplies:
- "Finlepsin";
- "Phenobarbital";
- ethyl alcohol;
- "Phenytoin".

Hypovitaminosis of tocopherol is observed in diseases of the pancreas, enteritis, anemia, malignant neoplasms. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body as a whole and its cells from premature aging. Tocopherol is also involved in various processes of the nervous system. Avitaminosis can lead to the development of encephalopathy, enteritis, diseases of the hematopoietic system.
Toxic trace elements
In parallel with useful and vital chemicals, those that are toxic to cells and tissues and act detrimentally on them can also enter the human body. These include:
- mercury;
- arsenic;
- lead;
- nickel;
- cadmium.
Their entry into the blood is accompanied by severe intoxication and poisoning, which are manifested by dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, blurred vision, hair loss and brittle nails, pathologies of the reproductive system.
The high level of toxic substances becomes a provoking factor for the development of malignant processes. There are a number of assays that determine the presence and quantification of these chemicals. The material for diagnosis is whole blood, urine, skin derivatives (nails,hair).
Vitamin pathologies
Hypervitaminosis can cause disturbances in the functioning of organs and body systems in the same way as vitamin deficiency. Excess levels of organic matter lead to the following disorders:
- Vitamin A - hair loss, peeling and itching of the skin, exacerbation of diseases of the liver and pancreas, bleeding gums, seborrhea.
- Vitamin D - nausea, headache, atherosclerosis, thrombotic disease, calcium leaching from bones and deposits in various organs, convulsions, paralysis.
- Vitamin E, K - hypertensive crises, bleeding disorders.
- Vitamins B-series - hypertension, atherosclerosis, violation of enzymatic processes, allergic reactions, spinal cord damage.
- Vitamin C - increased blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbance, blood clotting pathology.
- Vitamin P - the development of thrombosis.

Hypervitaminosis is not common, but uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes can provoke the development of such conditions.
Analysis for vitamins and microelements is not a whim of the attending physician. A complete picture of the state of the body with the definition of quantitative and qualitative indicators will allow you to choose the right treatment regimen in the presence of a disease or maintain the quality of he alth at a high level in those who do not have problems.