You may not know this, but a he althy gut plays a huge role in preserving and maintaining the normal functioning of the whole organism. When this part of the digestive tract malfunctions, many different diseases occur. And this is not only the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. An unhe althy gut causes migraines and acne, rheumatic symptoms, aggressiveness, and depression. Violations in the work of this organ lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and hair, slow down metabolism, and also cause problems in the functioning of many systems of the human body, which causes quite serious pathologies. In the future, all these processes directly affect the quality of human life and the number of years allotted to him.

How to maintain a he althy gut? To do this, first of all, you need to clean it from accumulated toxins and toxins. It activatesbeneficial microflora in the gut. Proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle will help maintain this state in the future.
Current issue
Is there a need for procedures to remove toxins from our body? Gut he alth and cleansing is one of those topics that gets discussed a lot. According to many people, a clean intestine means a he althy person.

And at the same time, the quality of our life depends on the condition of this organ by 90%. Others believe that there is no need to cleanse the body at all, that it supposedly copes with this on its own. Which of them is right? In order to finally understand this issue, you need to familiarize yourself with some facts. After that, each person will be able to finally decide for himself whether the statement “a he althy intestine is a he althy person” is true.
The work of the digestive tract
As strange as it may seem at first glance, a he althy gut and he althy skin are closely related concepts. And if a person suddenly notices early wrinkles around his eyes, he begins to dislike a flabby stomach, sagging buttocks and chest, then he must understand that all these changes occur primarily due to an improper digestion process. An unsightly picture can be supplemented by dilated veins that have become noticeable prematurely.
Why are the concepts of "he althy intestines" and "he althy skin" so closely related? The fact is thatthe entry of the most important nutrients into each of the cells of the body directly depends on the work of this section of the digestive tract. If there are no interruptions in such a supply, then the whole body will remain he althy and young for many years.
However, a modern person, as a rule, does not follow a diet and consumes frankly harmful foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. In addition, various infections enter the body. Many other factors also contribute to malfunctioning of the digestive tract. In this case, maintaining a he althy stomach and intestines is unlikely to succeed. After all, the reasons described above lead to inflammation. A similar process is observed in the stomach. With inflammation of its mucous membrane, gastritis develops. After such a pathological process moves to the walls of the stomach, ulcers form on them.

Further, food enters the duodenum 12. And in this organ, the same thing happens as in the stomach. In food that is only half digested, the processes of fermentation and decay are already running. They are quite active, because the ambient temperature reaches 36.6 degrees.
After that, the food in this form is sent to the small intestine and begins to gradually disrupt its normal functioning. Further, undigested food is sent further. It passes into the large intestine. This is where the processes that contribute to the poisoning and destruction of the whole organism begin. How does this become possible? The fact is that the large intestine is covered with a dense network of blood vessels. She isand promotes the absorption of nutrients into the body. If instead of useful elements in the human digestive tract there is food that has begun to rot and fermented, then it interferes with this process. This mass is first deposited on the walls of the intestine, forming a film - "fecal scale". After some time, it will be converted into fecal stones. There is a gradual increase in the large intestine in size. The abdominal cavity begins to be a motionless bag filled with feces. The intestines compress the surrounding organs and poison them. The liver and pancreas, genitals, kidneys and gallbladder suffer from this.

If we consider a photo of a he althy intestine and a slagged one, then in the latter case you can see black zones. They are the locations of the toxins.
Some people have accumulated up to 10-12 kg of fecal stones by the age of 30. Will there be a he althy body in the absence of a he althy intestine? It is hardly possible.
Consequences of bowel dysfunction
When there is a large amount of toxins in the intestines, the kidneys and liver are the first to fight poisons entering the bloodstream. However, they subsequently become slagged, ceasing to cope with their tasks. This leads to the fact that those toxins that the intestines let into our body begin to spread along with the blood throughout the body. This causes the development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The person begins to suffer from hypertension and atherosclerosis. Himsignificantly increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks. Saturated with poisons and toxins and the brain. At the same time, memory suffers, and hearing and vision deteriorate. Further, the toxins are sent to the tissues and joints. Pathologies such as osteochondrosis and arthritis are born in them.
But sometimes the human body literally overflows with toxins. In such cases, they are released through the mucus. This is expressed in the processes of blowing the nose and expectoration. But when there are already many different slags here, their accumulations already occur in the auditory canals and maxillary sinuses. Women begin to suffer from manifestations of thrush, erosion of the mucous genital organs occurs. Skin and lungs are next. A person with slagging of the body emits a bad smell from the body, acne, pimples, rashes, eczema and allergies occur.
Ways to get rid of toxins
As you can see, the statement "a he althy intestine - a he althy person" has every reason. And today there is more and more talk about cleansing the body. And it is necessary to begin such procedures with the intestines. But what are they? There are many ways to return a he althy microflora to the intestines. However, many of them are well known to us. But it turns out that it is quite possible to clean this organ without the use of laxatives, humiliating enemas or colon therapy. Sometimes it is enough to connect the right power supply. Of course, it is impossible to get a he althy intestine in just a few days. Reviews, however, of those people who began to eatright, they say that positive results become noticeable very soon. The positive effect is manifested in the form of optimized digestion, improved skin color, a slim figure, as well as getting rid of stool problems.
Cleansing Diet
How to organize nutrition to restore intestinal he alth? There are many diets that promise to rid our body of toxins and toxins. All of them are based on certain principles. So, for 10 days (this is the approximate duration of the cleaning procedure), a person should eat only fresh foods. All of them must be of natural origin. This is not a canned or pre-processed food.

For all ten days, it is important to include in your menu the maximum amount of fruits and vegetables, herbs, nuts and greens. To achieve the desired effect will not work without the use of liquid. In this case, ordinary water is used, as well as vegetable or fruit juices. Tea must be without sugar. Sweet lovers can add some honey to it. Within ten days, you will need to completely eliminate soda and coffee from your menu. Tobacco and alcoholic products are strictly prohibited during the period of bowel cleansing. Various spices and animal fats are not used in cooking.
To get the desired result, a person must eat regularly. At the same time, he needs to adhere to a sleep schedule, get feasible physicalstress and try to avoid stressful situations. You will need to exclude bread and s alt from the diet, replacing them with he althy foods that contain a lot of vitamin C.
This bowel cleansing diet can be followed from a couple of days to a month. Moreover, the longer this period is, the more pronounced the effect will be. For 30 days, toxins and toxins may well be removed from the body completely. Next, you should organize proper nutrition for a he althy intestine. In addition, the achieved result must be consolidated by arranging three to four diet days within a month.
Preparing for cleansing
Before you start getting rid of toxins and toxins accumulated in the body, you should stop taking medicines, dietary supplements, multivitamins. In addition, you will need to exclude s alt from your diet.

It is also recommended to gradually stop consuming refined and homogenized foods in advance. The focus should be on plant-based foods.
Allowed Foods
The menu for a he althy gut should include:
- Soups. They are prepared on pre-boiled meat or fish with the addition of cereals and vegetables such as potatoes and cauliflower, zucchini and beets, carrots and fresh green peas, as well as pumpkin. All components of this dish should be well boiled or even mashed. Soups are seasoned with egg-milk mixture, cream, milk or butter. Broths are also allowed.
- Lean meat. Among them are veal and beef, turkey and chicken, as well as rabbit. The meat may be lumpy. It should be well boiled or steamed. Meat is also used to cleanse the intestines in chopped form. These are pates and cutlets, quenelles and puddings, casseroles and soufflés.
- Bread. It can be gray or white, but it must be yesterday's baked or dried.
- Fish. To improve the intestines, low-fat varieties are used - cod and pollock, hake, pike perch and carp. In this case, fish can be boiled or steamed, in the form of pieces or minced meat products.
- Grains. Dishes from them are well-boiled cereals and casseroles, puddings and cereals. All of them are served on the table with the addition of vegetable or butter.
- Vegetables. They can be raw, boiled or stewed, served pureed or chopped. For intestinal he alth, use beets and kohlrabi, pumpkin and potatoes, young green peas, herbs, tomatoes with skins removed, and cauliflower.
- Dairy and sour-milk products. They should be lean and enriched with lactobacilli or bifidobacteria.
- Fruits and berries. Fruits are allowed to be consumed non-acidic in the form of kissels, compotes and jelly. Recommend fruits and berries in a baked form. Fresh, their use is allowed in small quantities, peeled or mashed.
- Drinks. They can serve as rosehip infusion and green tea, vegetable juices (freshly prepared), as well as pure and mineral (still) water.
One day diet option
What should I be like for a he althy gut?

During the day you need to eat the following dishes:
- Breakfast. Fresh fruit or berries, bio-yogurt and herbal tea.
- Lunch. A small amount of nuts.
- Lunch. Soup and vegetable stew. It is permissible to add a little low-fat cottage cheese or fried fish. Balsamic vinegar or olive oil is used as a sauce or filling during the diet.
- Snack. Nuts or fresh fruit.
- Dinner. Its menu must be composed of dishes recommended for lunch.
Ten Day Diet
Those who want to thoroughly cleanse their intestines, the following diet is recommended:
- In the first two days, you should eat only apples, and only green varieties. In the evening, it is permissible to drink unsweetened and weakly brewed tea.
- During the third day, only cereals cooked without oil and s alt should be on the table. The menu can be enriched with fresh vegetables. During the lunch meal, it is allowed to eat steamed or boiled fish.
- On the fourth day, the menu remains the same. Only fish should be replaced with a serving of cottage cheese or a boiled egg (100 g).
- By the fifth day of the diet, you will need to prepare the following products: baked potatoes, vegetable salad and rice porridge on the water.
- On the sixth day, the menu includes oatmeal and uns alted boiled rice.
- In the diet of the seventh day, skim milk, cottage cheese, kefir appear, and on the tablethe same vegetables are put.
- The eighth day of the diet will delight us with oatmeal and apples, fruits, a couple of oranges and 200 grams of boiled fish.
- The ninth day should start with kefir, and then continue with boiled fish, ending with vegetables and boiled beef.
- The last day also starts with kefir, and after that you need to eat vegetables and citrus fruits, as well as drink unsweetened tea.
Helpful tips
Overeating also harms normal bowel function. In this case, an additional load is created not only on this organ, but also on the stomach, pancreas and liver.
It is very useful to rest from food, which is recommended for the body once a week. Daily fasting with the use of pure water alone will allow you to get an excellent therapeutic and healing effect. It becomes possible due to the process launched at this time, in which the body cleanses itself, restoring beneficial intestinal microflora.