The ability of blood to clot is a protective reaction of the body during bleeding, this function is a very important indicator for maintaining a comfortable life in everyday conditions. If a blood vessel is damaged, certain blood cells create clots that stop further blood loss. Blood coagulation rates change with malfunctions in the body and with age.

However, there is also the other side of the coin - the pathology of thrombophilia, manifested in case of violations of the blood coagulation system, which increases the risk of thrombosis, varicose veins, heart attack, stroke, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (kidneys, stomach, intestines).
In a he althy state, blood should move freely through the vessels, supplying tissues with oxygen. Blood withincreased viscosity forms clots and blood clots, both inside large vessels and in small capillaries. Under such circumstances, tissues receive insufficient oxygen and begin to suffer from hypoxia. As a result, a person loses his ability to work and his condition worsens greatly. Immediate measures to reduce blood clotting are needed to relieve symptoms.

Causes of increased clotting
The main factors provoking an increase in the clotting function can be:
- Changes in hormonal background (for example, pregnancy) or hormonal diseases.
- Infections.
- Pathologies of internal organs.
- Lack of physical activity causing slow blood flow.
- Genetic abnormalities.
- Radiation dose received.
- Autoimmune disease.
- Disturbed metabolic process.
The above processes change the viscosity and the amount of chemical elements of the plasma, respectively, the natural state of such basic blood components as red blood cells and platelets is disturbed. In this condition, blood cells stick together, the ratio of liquid and cell mass is disturbed, the level of risk of possible formation of blood clots in vital organs increases. It turns out that if blood clotting is not reduced in time, it can even lead to death.

High clotting symptoms
An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor onbased on blood tests, but some symptoms can be seen without special equipment, they will be obvious to the common man:
- A large number of bruises that appear due to minor injuries and minor bruises. This is due to the increased fragility of small vessels.
- The gums begin to bleed.
- The functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (eg, intestines, spleen) is disturbed. This happens due to the lack of oxygen and other useful substances.
- Hemorrhoids increase in size and become overly sensitive, hurt.
- Venous nodules and spider veins appear on the legs.

Causes that provoke blood viscosity
A person's blood thickens for the following reasons:
- Weight gain.
- High blood sugar.
- Stressful situations.
- Bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse).
- Oncology.
- Autoimmune disease (for example: rheumatoid arthritis, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, etc.).
Medical examination of blood for clotting
Tests that reflect the ability of blood to clot and form blood clots are called coagulation tests. This is a whole list of tests that can identify all defects in the work of hemostasis. In addition, a standard complete blood count is also appropriate, because it can determine platelet counts.
Blood donated on an empty stomach (must not eat at least 8 hours beforecoming to the laboratory).

Coagulogram data and their norms
The ideal coagulogram should look something like this:
- Thrombin time is 10-17 seconds.
- Prothrombin time ― 78-142%:
- Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) - 25-37 seconds.
- Fibrogen - for adults 2-4 g/l, for newborns 1, 25-3 g/l.
- Antitrombion III ― 83-128%.
- D-dimer - no more than 243 ng/ml, for pregnant women in the last trimester up to 644 ng/ml.
- Plasminogen activity ― 80-132%.
- Protein C activity ― 70-140%.
- Free protein S - in the male half of the population 74-146%, in the female 54-123%.
- Lupus anticoagulant - negative.
Medication treatment
The attending physician prescribes individual medication depending on the results of the tests and the causes of the problem.
Standard anticoagulants are anticoagulants. They are prescribed based on the characteristics of the pathology. These could be:
- Fibrinolytics.
- Anspasmodics.
- Anti-inflammatory spectrum drugs.
To restore normal blood volume, transfusion and infusion procedures are used. Blood clots are removed surgically.
If thrombophilia is genetically transmitted, then in order to reduce blood clotting, a long course of aspirin in small doses is prescribed. However, if you are pregnant, taking aspirinstrictly prohibited!
Anti-clotting drugs should be taken strictly as directed by a doctor, and the treatment regimen itself should be regularly adjusted depending on new laboratory data that are obtained from subsequent tests. After all, taking medication to thin the blood can cause uncontrolled internal bleeding.

General recommendations available
In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, there are a lot of easily accessible ways and means that reduce blood clotting. For example:
- Drink more water: at least 1.5-2 liters per day.
- Replacing black tea with cranberry as well as grape juice, these drinks reduce platelet activity by 75%.
- You need to eat vegetables every day, mainly tomatoes and cucumbers.
- Iodine-rich sea kale and sea fish should be present in the daily diet.
- From fruit, grapefruit is the most useful, it is an excellent natural remedy for reducing blood clotting.
- Effective use of infusions (burdock, cherry, sweet cherry, St. John's wort).
- Other anti-clotting foods: dry red wine (no more than 1 glass per day), unrefined olive and linseed oils, nuts, sprouted wheat grains, bell peppers, onions, garlic and raspberry jam (a couple of spoons daily within six months).
Recommended infusions
How to reduce blood clotting with the help of folk remedies? Traditional medicine recommends the following recipesmaking tinctures:
- From chestnut. 50 g of chestnut peel (horse) is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and allowed to brew for 14-15 days in a dark place. Take 30 drops per day 30 minutes before meals, diluted with water. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, and then you need to take a break. There are contraindications: low blood pressure, gastritis, menstrual irregularities, problems with constipation. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor, because in the process of treatment there is a risk of opening internal bleeding.
- Mulberry. Mulberry roots are poured with water and brought to a boil. The course of treatment is 5 days.
- From galega officinalis. The infusion is sold in a pharmacy, ready to use. You need to take 30 drops 3 times a day, the course of admission is 1 month, 1 time per year.
- From gingo biloba. Ginkgo biloba leaves insist on alcohol. Drink 3 times a day, 0.5 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, and then a break for 7 days.
- From ginger. Ginger root is rubbed, poured with boiling water, green tea and cinnamon are added to taste. Optionally, you can add lemon or honey. You need to drink 0.5 liters of this tincture tea a day.
The above methods are good for reducing blood clotting.