Otoscopy is Performing an otoscopy

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Otoscopy is Performing an otoscopy
Otoscopy is Performing an otoscopy

Video: Otoscopy is Performing an otoscopy

Video: Otoscopy is Performing an otoscopy
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Otoscopy is a modern diagnostic procedure using an otoscope. It helps to detect diseases related to the otolaryngological field.

On the otoscope there is an optics, a video camera, a flashlight. Thanks to the device, you can get a complete picture on the monitor, enlarged several times.

Ear otoscopy
Ear otoscopy

Due to this, the device is able to identify all defects and pathologies in the structures of the hearing organ, including assessing the condition of the auricle, tympanic membrane, as well as performing a minor surgical intervention. The diagnostic procedure takes up to 15 minutes.

Otoscopy: indications

Otoscopy is a diagnostic procedure in otolaryngology. This is done using an otoscope. The technique is carried out to identify and treat diseases of the ear canal and eardrum. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to identify pathological changes in this area of the ear (as a rule, this applies to eczema or otitis media), as well as to find a foreign object.

Otoscopy of the tympanic membrane
Otoscopy of the tympanic membrane

Otoscopy is performed by an otolaryngologist. In rare casesgeneral doctor admitted. If the situation is extreme, then the procedure will be performed by an ambulance worker with a pocket device.

Indications for otoscopy are pathological changes. In particular, this applies to the following:

  • Sulfur plug.
  • The presence of purulent masses.
  • Inflammation and infection of the eardrum.
  • Injuries to the eardrum (by various objects or during a blow to the head).
  • Suspicion of eczema, otoscopy for otitis or other ear disease.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Presence of bleeding from the ear.
  • Pain and itching in the ears.
  • Presence of an alien object or suspicion of its presence.
  • Rustle and splash in the ears.

Also, an otoscopy is done to evaluate the structure of the ear canal before a hearing aid is made.

Otoscope: what is it

Previously, the examination was carried out with an ordinary funnel to widen the ear passage and a reflector worn by the doctor on his forehead. The latter is required to display the light beam from the lamp and direct it directly to the area being examined. Modern hospitals use an otoscope for diagnosis.

Otoscope device
Otoscope device

It is a small device used by an otolaryngologist in his practice. This is an apparatus designed to examine the middle, external and internal parts of the hearing organ. An otoscope is a complex optical device that has the following structure:

  1. Long handle for comfortable grip.
  2. Light source. It is xenon or halogen. More expensive devices use fiber optic.
  3. Tip in the form of a cone. It is he who is inserted into the auditory canal.


Many models of otoscopes have been developed, which are conditionally divided into several types. The device itself is similar. The only difference is the presence of additional built-in devices.

Modern otoscope
Modern otoscope

The following types of otoscopes are distinguished:

  1. Diagnostic. It has an insufflator. This is a special device that can be used to massage the eardrum.
  2. Operational. It has an open type of optics. In addition, special instruments that may be needed during the surgical operation are built in.
  3. Pneumatic. This equipment assesses the structure and condition of the tympanic membrane with high accuracy and performs tests. The housing is sealed.
  4. Portable. It has small dimensions, so that it can be stored even in your pocket. Such a device is very convenient during trips. A special clip is installed for fixing.
  5. With camera. It has very small dimensions. Allows you to display the image on the monitor. Data can be written to any device.

These are the main varieties of the device.

Preparation for otoscopy

Preparation for an otoscopy of the tympanic membrane is carried out in the doctor's office. No pre-actions are required fromperson. The only thing is that it is forbidden to use any ear drops 3 hours before the procedure.

Otoscopy: technique
Otoscopy: technique

The doctor starts with an external examination. It determines whether there are contraindications or any obstacles to the procedure. This applies to trauma, severe edema, various congenital anomalies, due to which it will not be possible to insert the device into the ear canal.

Further preparation is as follows:

  • processing instruments for disinfection;
  • eliminate sulfur plug;
  • cleansing the ears from pus, dead cell structures of the particles of the epidermis - carried out if necessary;
  • choice of funnel depending on canal diameter.

Cleaning features

Clean the ear canal in two ways - dry or rinsing. In the first case, a piece of cotton wool is taken and smeared with petroleum jelly. It is wound on an umbrella and the walls are wiped so that pus, sulfur and other secretions are removed. The washing method involves the use of a Jeanne syringe. Warm water is drawn into it and injected into the cavity. When it pours back, the place is dried with a cotton swab.

If the patient has a ruptured tympanic membrane, then washing is not performed. Otherwise, fluid may enter the middle ear, causing inflammation in it.


Otoscopy is a quick procedure. To examine the organ of hearing, the doctor sits opposite the patient. His head is slightly turned in the opposite direction from the doctor. Then do the following:

  1. Choose a funnel of the appropriate size.
  2. The conch of the ear is pulled up and back at the same time to straighten the auditory canal.
  3. The funnel is heated to body temperature, and then gently inserted into the membranous-cartilaginous region of the canal. It is forbidden to advance it into the bone zone, as this will cause pain. If the funnel is inserted incorrectly, then it will rest against the walls of the auditory canal.
  4. The doctor examines while moving the otoscope in the required direction. By the way, some people cough during these actions. This is because the device affects the vagus nerve.
  5. If necessary, tympanic membrane puncture, microsurgical operation or removal of a foreign object.

In children

Otoscopy of the ear in children is practically no different from the "adult" procedure.

otoscopy for otitis media
otoscopy for otitis media

But there are a few key points to consider:

  1. It is necessary to explain to the child all the actions before the procedure, calm him down and indicate that everything will pass without pain.
  2. Parents or authorized persons must be present near the child during the examination. The baby is placed on the hands, the legs are clamped with the knees, and the head is fixed on the chest. Hands hold tight too.
  3. You will need funnels with smaller dimensions.
  4. The direction in which the ear shell is pulled is different, which is the main feature. If adults are pulled up and back, then the child is pulled back and down at the same time.


An eardrum otoscopy is a quick, easy and painless procedure. The procedure takes only 15 minutes maximum.

Performing an otoscopy
Performing an otoscopy

No additional preparation is required from the patient. The procedure usually does not cause pain. But in children, the eardrum is more sensitive, so they may complain of discomfort. But painful sensations appear in a child and an adult only if there are pathological changes in the hearing organs. This applies to perforation, otitis media, eczema and other diseases.

Many people worry that an otoscopy can cause discomfort or pain. But at the moment it is the only diagnostic method that gives accurate results in the presence of pathological changes in the hearing organs. This method is fast and secure. The otoscopy technique is also used when a minor surgical intervention is required and for preventive purposes, if a hearing aid is selected. In addition, there are other indications, but it all depends on the attending physician.
