Brilliant green antiseptic solution can be found in the first aid kit of every Russian family. This tool treats any abrasions and cuts. It is also indispensable for many skin diseases, in particular, it is used to treat chicken pox. One of the problems of this antiseptic is its bright color combined with high durability. How to wash brilliant green from skin and household items?
Removing the effects of chickenpox

Chickenpox is a disease that everyone gets sick once in a lifetime. With proper treatment, it passes without complications. Many of our compatriots believe that it is best to endure chickenpox in childhood. The main symptom of the disease is a skin rash accompanied by itching. Doctors recommend that when the first rashes appear, they should be treated with brilliant green. But now the disease has passed, but the “war paint” has remained. How to wash off brilliant green after chickenpox in a child? One of the most gentle ways is to use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). Soak a cotton swab in this antiseptic and gentlywipe stains. As the tool becomes dirty, it should be changed. If the child has recently had chickenpox, you can try to wash off the brilliant green without friction. Apply a rich cream for children on the painted areas of the skin. Leave for ten minutes, then carefully remove the cosmetic product with a cotton swab or damp cloth. Repeat if necessary.
How to remove brilliant green from the skin of an adult?

Brilliant green solution is alcohol-based. And this means that ordinary medical alcohol will help get rid of stains. You can replace it with vodka with the addition of lemon juice. Wipe stains with cotton swabs soaked in the selected liquid until they disappear completely. How to wash brilliant green off the skin if alcohol and vodka are not at hand? Wet wipes will help. It is advisable to choose those that are intended for office equipment or car interiors, which differ in the maximum alcohol content in the impregnation. Many acids are suitable for removing brilliant green. Lemon juice, table vinegar and fresh sorrel leaves are what can help get rid of unattractive stains quickly. Be careful, this method is not suitable for sensitive skin.
Aggressive ways to remove large green stains

Agree, it's very unpleasant if you treated someone's wound and accidentally spilled a brilliant green solution on yourself. How to wash brilliant green from hands if they are very dirty? Good results are obtained by treating stains with gasoline, acetoneor any other solvent. After using these products, rinse your skin thoroughly with water. Soiled hands or feet can simply be washed well with laundry soap, using a pumice stone or a hard washcloth. The most extreme way to remove brilliant green from the skin is to use bleach. Any concentrated bleach or other cleaner will work. Rinse the soiled parts of the body with it, but be careful: the probability of getting a burn is too high.
How to remove green stains from furniture?
With minimal effort, the brilliant green solution is removed from glossy surfaces. Moisten the stains liberally with any alcohol-based liquid. It can be vodka, cologne, glass cleaner. If you've just spilled some brilliant green, try to soak up the fresh drops as quickly as possible. The ideal option is a dry sponge for washing dishes. If it is not at hand, any napkin or piece of cloth that you do not mind throwing away will do. How to wash off brilliant green if it has already eaten into the surface? Try a bleach solution. The liquid is applied to the contamination, after which it is washed off with a large amount of water.
Cleaning home textiles and clothes

A real disaster is to stain your favorite sweater or sofa upholstery with green paint. You can save damaged fabric using a special factory-made stain remover. But what if you don’t have such a tool at hand? An unusual and rather risky way to remove brilliant green stains is to use soda and vinegar. Be sure to test:try this composition dotted on the least visible area of the fabric. Sprinkle the contaminated area with baking soda, then pour vinegar on top. You can observe a chemical reaction with abundant foaming and a characteristic hiss. With this treatment, the brilliant green should completely disappear. You can try cleaning white clothes with hydrogen peroxide. Moisten the stain liberally with antiseptic and leave for 5-10 minutes, then wash the clothes in the usual way.
Helpful Tips for Removing Brilliant Green

It is difficult to avoid panic if, during the skin treatment, drops of brilliant green got on blond hair. How to wash off greenery in this case? You can try using a mixture of alcohol or vodka with lemon juice. The composition is applied to dyed hair with a cotton pad and removed after a few minutes. An alternative way to remove brilliant green from hair is to use vegetable oil. Rub it generously into the stained strands and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. Spots of brilliant green solution are removed from linoleum using kerosene or gasoline. Soak a rag in the selected liquid and place it on the stained area. After 5-10 minutes, remove the cloth and rinse the floor well by adding dishwashing detergent to the water. If your hands are very dirty, you can try hand washing something without gloves. As a result of this simple procedure, the brilliant green will be washed off, and the homework will be done.
How to wash off brilliant green if the skin is sensitive? To get rid oftraces of brilliant green solution can be done naturally. This method is suitable for those who are in no hurry to return the skin to its original color in a matter of minutes. As practice shows, stains are washed off the hands in about a day during regular hygienic washing. You can speed up this process if you wash dishes and clean without gloves. If the body is dirty, it is enough to take a shower 2-3 times with a hard washcloth or scrub.