First of all, the Tonsillor device is intended for the treatment of tonsillitis. It can also be used for other diseases treated by an otolaryngologist.
The device "Tonzillor-MM" is used only in specialized offices of medical institutions. At home, use this equipment only in the presence of a specialist.
Compared to how much money a patient spends on medicines during the treatment of ENT diseases, the cost of therapy with the Tonsillor apparatus is quite moderate - from 500 to 700 rubles per procedure. The price of the Tonsillor apparatus is 80-85 thousand rubles. Therapy using this device is an alternative to surgery on the tonsils, providing a reduction in the likelihood of developing any exacerbations of the pathology.
The principle of operation of the apparatus

The basis of the therapeutic effect when using the Tonsillor apparatus is the ultraphonophoresis method. The affected areas are affectedultrasonic waves in combination with drugs.
When exposed to ultrasound, microcirculation in tissues and blood flow improves, so that cells of the immune system reach the focus of inflammation faster.
Drugs used during the procedure reach the affected area much faster than conventional antibiotic therapy.
Reviews about the device "Tonsillor" are mostly positive.
Types of impact
Impact on the tissues of the tonsils is performed in two ways: with the help of vacuum and ultrasound.
- Using the vacuum method, the tonsils are cleansed of pus and mucus.
- With ultrasound exposure, simultaneously with therapy, the inflamed area is treated with drugs. Waves during ultrasound therapy have a negative effect on all pathogens, which helps to quickly restore the affected tissues. In addition, unlike antibiotics, ultrasound treatment does not cause any addiction and consequences.
Efficiency of using the apparatus

Doctors recommend not to abandon the use of the Tonsilor apparatus for washing the lacunae of the tonsils, since its effect is characterized as follows:
- Together with the outflow of purulent mucus, the affected tonsils are simultaneously treated with bactericidal preparations.
- When using the Tonsillor apparatus, the course of treatment is reduced, and recovery occurs much faster.
- Andretraction of pus, and the supply of medicine are carried out using a special universal nozzle, which minimizes possible injuries. The package includes applicators not only for adults, but also for children.
- Improvement of the patient's condition and reduction in the size of the tonsils begin from the second session of therapy.
After treatment with the Tonsillor apparatus, the patient very quickly returns to his usual way of life, his general condition and well-being improve. This reduces the risk of re-development of angina and the occurrence of complications.
Judging by the reviews of the Tonsillor device, it can be used to prevent the development of such serious complications of chronic tonsillitis as arthritis, kidney disease, rheumatism.
Indications for use

Indications for the use of the apparatus "Tonsillor" are the following pathologies and conditions:
- The presence of purulent exudate in the tonsils.
- Frequent colds of the throat and tonsillitis, which are not amenable to drug therapy. Diseases of the ear, throat and nose: adenoids, otitis media, rhinitis, pharyngitis.
- Papillomas in the mouth, nose and pharynx.
- Ineffectiveness of antibiotic therapy.
- The presence of contraindications to surgical intervention to remove the tonsils. Such operations are not recommended for diseases of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, as well as diabetes.
Absolute contraindications to the use of the device

As with any physiotherapeutic procedures or the use of medications, there are a number of absolute contraindications for the use of the Tonsillor apparatus:
- Diseases of the autoimmune system.
- Tuberculosis in active form.
- Loss of the vessels of the heart and brain.
- Malignant tumors regardless of which organ is affected.
- Disorders of the autonomic nervous system, in which the patient may experience fainting, increased blood pressure, arrhythmia.
- Problems with blood clotting.
- Hypertensive crisis.
Relative contraindications
Relative contraindications include:
- First and last trimester of pregnancy.
- Increase in body temperature with the development of viral and infectious diseases.
- Acute upper respiratory diseases.
- Eye diseases, in particular retinal detachment, in this case, the procedures should be carried out only with the permission of the optometrist.
- During menstruation, the procedure is also prohibited.
Preparation for the procedure

No special preparatory measures are required before a therapy session with the Tonsillor apparatus. But it is advisable to come to the procedure with an empty stomach, in extreme cases, the last meal should be made no later than an hour and a half before the session.
Before the eventprocedure, the otolaryngologist should familiarize the patient with the instructions for the Tonsillor apparatus, which details how to behave during and after the session.
During treatment, the patient should sit up straight and keep his head straight so that when the medicine is administered, the purulent contents of the tonsils do not get into the throat. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, the patient may experience some unpleasant symptoms for a short time after the procedure - mild pain, which will soon disappear.
During the session, the patient's breathing should be even and continuous, otherwise the contents of the tonsils may spread into the throat.
How the procedure works

One session takes a total of 20-25 minutes. Since the doctor spends very little time on each tonsil. The course of treatment is from five to ten procedures. Judging by the reviews of the Tonsillor apparatus, relief comes literally after a few sessions of its use.
Due to the fact that the tonsils are located in the problematic part of the pharynx, and quite often touching them causes a gag reflex, in order to somewhat reduce their sensitivity, the doctor sprays a special spray. The analgesic should be selected individually for each patient, but in most cases, the usual Lidocaine is used to wash the tonsils with the Tonsillor apparatus. The discomfort caused by anesthesia is temporary and will end shortly after the procedure. The patient during the therapy session shouldunquestioningly obey your doctor.
- At the initial stage of the procedure, the doctor fixes the applicator of the apparatus on one of the tonsils, as a result of which the vacuum mode is turned on and the purulent contents are drawn out from the tonsil lacunae. It is worth noting the fact that when pulling out purulent contents from the tonsils with a conventional syringe, only the upper layers are affected, while the deep layers remain intact.
- At the second stage of the procedure, the tonsils are irrigated with an antiseptic solution, in connection with which the bacteria are destroyed and the further flow of the inflammatory process to the deeper layers is prevented.
- After the tonsils are completely cleaned and processed, ultrasound treatment is performed to finalize the result.
One session of therapy with the Tonsillor apparatus takes no more than one hour in length. During the first few procedures, patients need to learn how to breathe correctly during the session.
What to do after the procedure

Immediately after the procedure, the patient can go home. At home, it is important to keep the throat warm, and consume food and liquid only when it is warm. Eating is possible no earlier than two or three hours after the session. During this time, the irritation has time to completely disappear, and the drug is absorbed into the deeper layers of tissues.
Some time after the procedure, it is recommended to gargle with a saline solution, which you can buy at a pharmacy or prepare yourself. ForTo prepare a saline solution, mix one teaspoon of fine table s alt with a liter of warm boiled or bottled water.
Based on the reviews of the Tonsillor apparatus, in order to forever forget about such a disease as tonsillitis, it is necessary to undergo therapeutic treatment with this equipment at least twice a year.