Body temperature is one of the main indicators of he alth. Any deviation from the generally accepted norm (36, 6) is a sign of a malfunction in the body. The fact that an increase in body temperature is a characteristic sign of the development of the inflammatory process and is the reason for going to the doctor is known to everyone. But not everyone knows what a low body temperature of 35.5 means, how it feels. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what provokes a drop in temperature, how to react to it and what to do in this case.
What does body temperature 35.5 mean?

Despite the fact that a temperature of 36.6 is considered the norm, in fact this range is much wider, and varies from 35.5 to 36.9. But at the same time, both the lower and upper indicators are borderline, and indicates thatit needs attention.
Body temperature is formed under the influence of certain factors:
- time of day (in the morning and evening the indicator slightly decreases);
- load level on internal organs and systems (during the working day the temperature is higher);
- temperature conditions of the environment (during the hot period - increases, in the cold - decreases);
- comorbidities affecting thermoregulation;
- individual features.
The human body works in accordance with the individual characteristics of each. Therefore, small deviations of temperature indicators downward for some may be the norm, and for others, a feeling of serious discomfort. Therefore, if a body temperature of 35 and 5 does not cause discomfort in a person, weakness, irritability and depression, as well as the conducted studies do not reveal any pathologies, then this condition is considered to be quite normal for this particular case.
In other cases, a short-term drop in temperature to 35 and 5 is not a dangerous phenomenon. But if the body temperature of 35.5 is fixed for a long time and causes discomfort, then this indicates a malfunction in the body that cannot be ignored. Therefore, the main reason for the decrease in the indicator should initially be identified.
Why body temperature is 35.5: reasons

The decrease in the indicator to the level of 35 and 5 may be caused by a negligent attitude towardsto your he alth. Therefore, before you panic and come up with different diagnoses for yourself, you should analyze the situation and exclude the most likely causes of this condition.
Main triggers:
- Hypocooling of the body. The temperature range from +12 to -10 degrees is the most dangerous for he alth. A long stay or inappropriate clothing for this temperature can provoke hypothermia, which will lead to a decrease in temperature.
- Long-term diet. Deficiency of essential proteins and minerals, as well as iron, can lead to the development of anemia. As a result, the metabolism in cells and tissues is disturbed, which causes a violation of the thermoregulation process. With a long stay on a strict diet, it is necessary to control the main blood parameters, a sharp decrease in hemoglobin should be a reason to restore the diet.
- Loss of energy. This condition may be due to a recent cold, flu, or rubella. Since the body spent a lot of energy to fight the infection and did not have time to recover. Also, exhaustion of forces can provoke stress, excessive physical and moral stress. Therefore, the body temperature of 35 and 5 in an adult, in this case, is a natural reaction of the body.
- Excessive passion for antipyretics. A decrease in temperature may prompt the use of paracetamol medication for influenza prophylaxis when there is nasal congestion and cough and no fever.
- Chronic fatigue. Lack of proper rest, irregularworking day, heavy physical labor leads to the fact that the body intensively expends its forces, not being able to restore them in full. All this accumulates and leads to a decrease in temperature, and if you do not pay attention to this, the figure will continue to decrease, which threatens with serious he alth consequences.
- Pregnancy. During the period of gestation, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which, combined with an increased load on the body, can cause a body temperature of 35 and 5 degrees.
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Spring beriberi can also cause a slight decrease in temperature.
- Intoxication of the body. Food or alcohol poisoning has a negative effect on general well-being, since a high concentration of toxic substances and decay products in the blood leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, which reduces the temperature index.

What causes a drop in temperature in a child?
For newborns, a decrease in body temperature is a natural phenomenon, since when a baby is born, the baby adapts to external conditions.
In other cases, a body temperature of 35.5 in a child can be triggered by the following factors:
- lack of vitamins during active periods of growth;
- hormonal changes in adolescence;
- recent cold;
- lowered immunity;
- long stay in water;
- sunstroke;
- excessive intellectual or emotional stress;
- taking antipyretics for 3 days;
- hypercooling of the body.

Often, a decrease in temperature in children under the age of 3 years is recorded at the initial stage of acute respiratory infections. This is due to the fact that the thermoregulatory system, for which the hypothalamus is responsible, is not fully formed. In this case, it is recommended to give the child a hot drink and wrap it in a warm blanket, since rubbing in this case is useless.
It is possible to detect a body temperature of 35.5 in an adult and a child by the characteristic signs of this condition. Since the thermometer is not always at hand at the right time.
Main signs of body temperature 35 and 5 degrees:
- apathy;
- irritability;
- chilly;
- lack of interest in work;
- headache;
- sluggishness;
- unreasonable fatigue;
- general weakness;
- drowsy.
In some people, a decrease in temperature may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea.
When is a low temperature a sign of illness?
Asymptomatic decrease in body temperature, which is fixed for a long time, is a dangerous harbinger. Therefore, it is necessary to pay increased attention to your he alth and, in the absence of improvement, go for a consultation with a doctor.
Worrying symptoms thatappear at a human body temperature of 35 and 5:
- permanent chills;
- memory violation;
- decrease in visual acuity;
- numbness of limbs;
- tremor of arms and legs;
- low heart rate;
- inhibited response.
The presence of at least some of the above signs indicates the development of the disease, so do not postpone the visit to the doctor,
Diseases that provoke a decrease in temperature
The cause of body temperature 35 and 5 may be a disease at an early stage of development or recently transferred. Moreover, this indicator is not constant and, if you feel worse, it can gradually decrease further.
The main diseases characterized by a decrease in temperature:
- internal bleeding;
- hormonal failure;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- parasitic infection;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hypoglycemia;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- depression;
- liver pathology;
- sepsis;
- pneumonia;
- oncological diseases;
- blood pressure fluctuations;
- CNS disorders.
In this case, it is impossible to determine on your own why the body temperature is 35.5 and what disease provokes a decrease. To do this, it is necessary to conduct additional studies, such as x-rays, diuresis, analysis of feces, blood, urine, measurement of blood pressure and pulse. And only by comparing the received data can the cause of this state.
Decreased hemoglobin level,erythrocytes indicates that the development of anemia contributed to the decrease in temperature. Discolored stools, combined with weight loss, lack of appetite, yellowing of the sclera and skin, confirm that liver dysfunction is the root cause.
When diseases of the thyroid gland disturbed the balance of hormones in the body. This feature leads to metabolic disorders, which provokes a failure of the thermoregulatory process.
The combination of a low temperature with constant thirst, dry mouth and frequent urination suggests that diabetes is the cause of an adult body temperature of 35.5.
How to correctly fix the deviation from the norm

Most often, mercury and electronic thermometers are used to measure body temperature. But both devices work with an error, which should be taken into account when measuring. Using an electronic thermometer, you should measure the temperature three times with a frequency of 15 minutes. Mercury also show errors within 0.2-0.3 degrees, so they should be kept for at least 10 minutes.
The first temperature measurement should take into account general well-being, stress, fatigue, the likelihood of hypothermia, the use of antipyretics.
If, after proper rest and warming measures applied, the temperature does not return to normal levels, then several additional measurements should be taken to identify the presence of a deviation.
Correctperforming a measurement procedure implies following some recommendations, which will help to obtain the most accurate information.
- Measuring at the same time for 3-5 days.
- Measuring procedure is recommended to be carried out with the same thermometer.
- Set the thermometer in the same place throughout these days.
If the same indicator of body temperature is set for the entire period - 35.5, then we can judge about problems in the body. Based on this, you should consult a doctor to identify the root cause of the temperature deviation.
What to do first
If the decrease in temperature is caused by stress, overwork and other factors not related to a serious illness, then certain measures must be taken to stabilize the condition.
- Take a warm bath or warm your feet in the basin.
- Dry them dry, put on woolen socks.
- Drink hot herbal tea and eat well.
- Go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket.
- Sleep well so that the body can fully rest.
What to do, the body temperature of 35.5 is fixed for a long period, despite the measures taken to stabilize? Violation of the process of thermoregulation leads to a slowdown in the body's metabolism. As a result, internal organs and systems work in conditions that are not comfortable for them, since they do not receive the necessary amount of nutrition.
This threatens to serioushe alth complications, therefore, a lower temperature cannot be ignored. You should visit a doctor and identify the cause of this deviation.
How to normalize the state in the future?
If the provoking factor in lowering the temperature is diet, unbalanced diet, low hemoglobin, weakened immunity, then you need to enrich your diet with he althy foods.
First of all, you should make up for the lack of vitamin C in the body. To do this, you can use ascorbic acid, which can be found in a pharmacy or increase the consumption of citrus fruits, sauerkraut, broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries.
Apricots, nuts, raisins, as well as infusions of medicinal herbs: hawthorn, echinacea, ginseng, motherwort and ginger root will also help regulate heat transfer in the body.
If anemia develops, which provokes a body temperature of 35 and 5, you should focus on iron-containing foods: spinach, apples, beef liver, lentils, white beans.

List of products to quickly return body temperature to normal levels:
- Dark chocolate. The body spends a lot of energy on processing this product, which contributes to the strengthening of digestive processes. This product is especially relevant for hypothermia.
- Hot chicken broth. Nutrient liquid helps to replenish the expended strength of the body, and thereby normalizes thermoregulatory processes.
- Potatoes. Highthe starch content in the product allows you to quickly stabilize body temperature.
- Cayenne pepper. This spice can cause a burning sensation, which favorably affects metabolic processes. In addition, for its processing, the body activates additional energy, which helps to return the body temperature to normal levels.
- Peanut and brown rice. Both of these components are characterized by a high content of carbohydrates, the processing of which the body needs to spend a lot of energy, which favorably affects the stabilization of the temperature.

To avoid such a situation in the future, certain preventive measures must be observed:
- Enrich your diet with he althy foods and reduce your intake of unhe althy foods.
- Quit smoking, alcohol.
- Go to bed before midnight.
- Night sleep should not be less than 8 hours.
- Alternate physical and mental stress with full periods of rest.
- Ventilate rooms regularly.
- Temper the body by pouring cold water on it.
- Wear clothes for the season, avoiding hypothermia.
- Have a daily walk in the fresh air for 20-30 minutes.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Get used to being positive.
A body temperature of 35.5 is the main sign that the body is not able to independently withstand the internaland external negative influences. Ignoring this symptom leads to further deterioration of the situation. Therefore, only careful attention to your he alth will help to avoid serious complications later.