MRI - magnetic resonance imaging - a diagnostic procedure that helps to comprehensively examine various organs and systems of the body. One of its varieties is an MRI of the bladder - a study that interests the reader. Let's look at the characteristics, advantages of this procedure, indications for it, patient preparation, the possibilities of such a diagnosis.
Characteristics of the procedure
Most often, an MRI of the bladder is performed in a complex of magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. However, it can also be an independent procedure. For high-precision results, the study should be carried out on a magnetic high-field tomograph with a magnetic force of 1.5 Tesla. The power of the device is reflected in the informative accuracy of the results. Can be prescribed after ultrasound, CT (computed tomography) of the organ.
MRI of the bladder is characterized as safe, non-invasive (without penetration of the device through the skin, mucous membranespatient), highly informative examination. It is also painless for the patient.
The procedure is often associated with the introduction of a special contrast agent. Why is this being done? First of all, to ensure more accurate results of the study - MRI of bladder cancer. Substance-contrast allows you to more clearly and brightly show the characteristic tumor clots, real size, location of the malignant neoplasm in the picture.

Research cost
The cost of the procedure is within 5 thousand rubles. If an MRI is performed using a contrast agent, then the price can be almost doubled.
Patients note that MRI of the bladder is more expensive than MRI of all pelvic organs. What is it connected with? Although MRI of the pelvic organs is a more extensive examination, it is less accurate, more superficial. With it, it is extremely difficult to obtain a clear image of the bladder. It's all to blame - the constant fluctuation of the fluid in the body.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the bladder is a "targeted", more technically complex diagnosis. It is aimed specifically at this organ, allowing you to clearly visualize its contents and walls, adjacent lymph nodes and tissues.

Indications for testing
When can a patient have an MRI of the bladder? As a rule, the following cases become indications:
- Suspicion of tumor development -benign or malignant.
- Various anomalies of organ tissues.
- Determination of the possibility of a particular therapy. In particular, surgery, radiation treatment.
- Pathological processes in the lymph nodes. For example, their increase.
- Congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system.
- Assessing the effectiveness of the treatment prescribed to the patient.
- Monitoring the state of the tumor - assessing its growth.
- After curing cancer, a necessary preventive measure to prevent recurrence in time.

Key advantages and disadvantages of the procedure
What is the difference between MRI of the bladder in women and men from relatively similar examination methods? It's all about the undeniable advantages of magnetic resonance imaging:
- High accuracy, resolution of the resulting images. It is possible to visualize the pathology with an accuracy of 1 mm, demonstration of the thinnest sections.
- For the procedure, the action of a magnetic field is used, and not X-ray ionizing radiation. The result is that it is completely harmless to the human body. Another advantage follows from this - MRI can be repeated many times.
- The patient does not require specific complex preparation for the examination.
- Identifies a number of pathologies at an early stage, when the possibility of their cure is almost one hundred percent.
- Allows you to diagnose the degree of invasion of a cancerous tumor. What does it mean? The imaging specialist can determine the stage of the disease.
- Ultrasound examination of an organ, X-ray, computed tomography do not always provide sufficient information for an accurate diagnosis (namely, the effectiveness of therapy depends on it). On the basis of MRI images, it is possible to obtain decisive data for the conclusion.
- The location of the pelvic organs is specific. Therefore, ultrasound or CT sometimes cannot "examine" them. Qualitative changes in the tissues, clear boundaries of violations are not visible. MRI of the bladder in men and women is performed without these complications.
Based on all the indicated advantages, a significant drawback of the technique stands out - this is its high cost compared to the same ultrasound or CT.

In what uncertain cases is an examination ordered?
MRI of the bladder and kidneys can be prescribed to the patient in case of alarming non-specific symptoms, which may be the result of pathological processes both in the bladder itself and in the pelvic organs, the renal system. Also, these are signs that directly or indirectly indicate tumor processes - benign and malignant.
For women, the procedure is prescribed for indirectly suspected diseases of the uterus, ovaries, rectum, blood vessels leading to the genitourinary system. For men, an MRI is prescribed for subtle symptoms that also indicate damage to the prostate gland.
The procedure is often given to patients with abnormal congenital features of the bladder. MRI of the organ is mandatory before surgeryintervention - surgical removal of the neoplasm.
Worrying symptoms
An MRI of the bladder (with or without contrast, as directed by the specialist who referred the procedure) should be mandatory if there are a combination of symptoms:
- Painful urination.
- Difficulty passing urine.
- Urinary incontinence - day or night.
- Increase/decrease in the usual volume of excreted urine, a qualitative change in its smell and/or color.
- Blood or blood streaks in the urine.
- Pain in the groin area - both at rest and during various physical activities.
- Increased lymph nodes located in the groin.

What does an MRI of the bladder show?
The diagnostic procedure helps to identify not only the presence of many pathologies, but also to determine the stage of the disease, the nature and boundaries of organ damage.
What an MRI of the bladder shows for both women and men:
- Malignant and benign tumors affecting the organ. Note that for greater effectiveness of such a diagnosis, it is better to perform an MRI using a contrast agent.
- Congenital abnormalities in the development of the genitourinary system.
- Tissue pathologies of various nature.
- Diseases of the lymph nodes (located in the groin).
- Presence of stones in the bladder, their size, localization.
- Diverticula.
- Hernias.
- Morion's disease.
Need for procedure
MRI of the bladder is vital in these cases:
- Diagnosis of oncological diseases affecting the organ.
- Examination before radiation, chemotherapy.
- Diagnostics before choosing the tactics of surgical intervention.
- Monitoring the condition of patients who have undergone anti-cancer treatment - to assess the progression of the tumor, to prevent relapse.
Using contrast
As we have said, the contrast agent provides a more accurate diagnosis. This is especially important if cancer is suspected.
Cons of the method:
- Cost (almost doubles).
- Time-consuming (the procedure takes at least an hour).
However, the reward will be the most accurate research data. The fact is that here the contrast agent is produced on the basis of gadolinium s alts, which clearly help to present the difference between the affected and he althy tissues. Neoplasms will be brighter and faster stained due to their developed vascular network. Contrast in this way will allow you to see both the size and the boundaries of the cancerous lesion.

Note that there are few prohibitions on the procedure:
- Absolute contraindication - clipping of blood vessels. The clip is displaced by the magnetic field.
- Relative contraindication - hip replacement. May cause some noise in the image. Therefore the question ofthe advisability of an MRI is decided individually.
- Orthopedic plates for osteosynthesis, other joint endoprostheses, a pacemaker, a cochlear implant will not be an obstacle to the procedure. But you need to warn a specialist about their presence, and also have a passport for the device, the conclusion of the surgeon who implanted it, about the possibility of an MRI.
Preparing for an MRI of the bladder
Preparatory steps are easy:
- A few days before your procedure, start following the special diet prescribed by your doctor. It consists of products that do not cause gas formation. Excluded legumes, prunes, eggplant, black bread, nuts, sweet pastries.
- Increased intestinal motility may affect the results of the study. Therefore, it is also recommended to do a cleansing enema the day before the procedure.
- Before the event, you need to remove all metal objects - jewelry, piercings, glasses, dentures. Your clothes should not have metal zippers and buttons, rhinestones. It is not recommended to wear a thing that contains Lurex.
- If you have fixed dentures, tell the specialist about them. The only exception here is for the titanium material.
- The bladder must be full! Therefore, an hour or two before the event, it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of liquid, always without gas. Before the MRI, you should refrain from going to the toilet.
- If the procedure is performed with the use of contrast, then in a few hours the patient needs to undergo a test - forexclusion of the fact of an allergic reaction to a substance.
The MRI itself takes 30 minutes to 1 hour (with contrast applied). Doesn't cause any pain. Some patients, however, may be annoyed by the noise emitted by the drug. If a person suffers from claustrophobia, similar mental disorders, then you need to choose a clinic where an open-type apparatus is used. Or take a sedative.

Transcript of results
Only a specialist can make a diagnosis based on the received picture! Self-decryption of the image by a non-professional based on pictures from the Internet, of course, will be ineffective.
MRI of the bladder is the most accurate and safe examination of the organ, which has a minimum of contraindications. One of its disadvantages is the relatively high cost.