Cure for herpes in intimate places: pills and ointments

Cure for herpes in intimate places: pills and ointments
Cure for herpes in intimate places: pills and ointments

The cure for herpes in intimate places is of interest to many. However, to date, pharmacists have not developed such a drug that can completely get rid of the virus. According to WHO, herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the second most common disease after the flu. At the same time, about 90% of the population of modern megacities in all countries of the world is infected, although relapses are observed only in 5-12%.

Every year the numbers continue to grow. This is especially true of such a variety as genital herpes (that is, one that occurs in intimate places). During the last decade, the number of detected cases has increased by 160% and the upward trend continues. Therefore, the search for an effective drug is the most important issue.

antiviral drugs for herpes
antiviral drugs for herpes

When to start treatment

When the first symptoms appear, a doctor prescribes a cure for herpes in intimate places in men. But everything is not so simple, since at present even a single clinical classificationthe herpes simplex virus does not exist. In a simplified form, we can say that the disease is divided into primary and recurrent. Both forms may be symptomatic or asymptomatic.

The incubation period for primary infection is 1 to 10 days. Most often, this form is asymptomatic. If the first signs appear, then the disease lasts 18-24 days. At the same time, the intensity of manifestations increases in the first week.

Even before the moment when lesions appear on the skin with characteristic rashes in the form of bubbles, there are burning sensations, itching, paresthesia (as if goosebumps run through the skin). Everything is complicated by the fact that such symptoms appear in the genital area, that is, in the most sensitive area. This makes you look for a cure for herpes in intimate places, forever eliminating such a scourge. But there is simply no such drug on the market.

As for the recurrent form, in the acute stage it is less pronounced, that is, most often the duration of the period when the main symptoms appear is half as long (up to 15 days). And here the asymptomatic form is more often observed.

Features of therapy

Before determining the best cure for herpes in intimate places, you should understand the characteristics of the disease and how to treat it. From this point of view, the genital recurrent herpetic infection (RHI) deserves special attention, which recurs many times over many years, which seriously reduces the quality of life of patients.

As noted, the disease manifests itself in strongpain, burning, itching, urinary dysfunction. With frequent repetitions, all this can cause insomnia, neurotic pathologies, and the patient's performance will decrease.

The drug "Acyclovir"
The drug "Acyclovir"

RGI, including genital, remains common. At the same time, the herpes simplex virus mutates, more and more new variants appear. Often they are already resistant to the action of traditional drugs such as Acyclovir. If we add the long course of the disease, it becomes clear why pharmacists devote so much time to the search for new drugs against GID.

Today, researchers believe that in order to find an effective cure for herpes in intimate places, you need to pay more attention to the causes of the pathology. They have not been fully elucidated, as well as the mechanism of self-regulation of the local immune system.

Traditional treatment

During the last decades, a specific treatment regimen has been developed for both acute and chronic forms of herpes during an exacerbation.

The main 2 tasks that are set in such cases:

  1. Suppressing the replication of the virus, that is, it needs to stop spreading, capturing all new sites.
  2. Strengthening the immune response - it is necessary to ensure that the body provides itself with full protection.

In this regard, there are currently 2 main treatment options - episodic and suppressive.

In the first case, we are talking about what a person takesmedicine for herpes in intimate places in tablets. This is done when the process is in the acute phase, which reduces the likelihood of relapse, reduces the duration of the exacerbation.

But at the same time, such therapy is effective only at the very beginning of the disease at the prodromal stage, when rashes have not yet appeared (or in the first couple of days of their appearance). In the recurrent form, such treatment is effective for patients who rarely have rashes, no more than once every six months.

The episodic treatment also includes the so-called stop-dose method, when the antiviral drug is taken once, but at the maximum possible dosage when the first symptoms of the prodromal phase appear.

The suppressive method is also called the preventive method. It is used mainly for patients with a relapsing form, if the cases of re-exacerbation occur more than once every six months. It is also relevant when planning a pregnancy or in the presence of a pronounced pain syndrome.

Antiviral therapy

The main drugs that have an antiviral effect in genital herpes are Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Panavir and some of their analogues.

The drug "Panavir"
The drug "Panavir"

The doctor prescribes the scheme for the use of drugs. Such funds are produced in various forms - in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories, injections.

Until recently, Acyclovir was considered the best drug, recommended for a single dose at a dosage of 800 mg, and then for 10 days at 200 mg5 times a day.

With suppressive therapy, its dosage is reduced, but the duration of the course of treatment is increased. Aciclovir is indicated even during pregnancy as it does not affect the fetus.

However, modern research shows that the resistance of the virus to this drug is increasing. It will be more effective to use it together with other means - for example, injections of alloferons, antiviral drugs in the form of ointments, creams and gels.

As a rule, the sexual partner is also treated.

"Allokin-Alpha" and its features

In recent years, in addition to traditional antiviral agents, drugs from the group of alloferons are prescribed. These are antiviral drugs of natural origin. Their active ingredients are derived from the cells of the immune system of certain insects.

The drug "Allokin-Alpha"
The drug "Allokin-Alpha"

It works like this: the active ingredient enhances the recognition of viral antigens by the elements of the body's natural defenses - neutrophils, natural killers and other cells, which usually repel the "outsider" invasion.

One of the most effective drugs in this group is the Russian Allokin-Alpha. It is administered as a subcutaneous injection at the dosage indicated by the doctor.

"Tromantadine" and its properties

This preparation is an ointment for external use. The active substance is tromantadine chloride. Has antiviral activity only against herpes viruses 1and 2 types, as well as encircling form.

It removes their characteristic external manifestations and lengthens the duration of remission. The drug has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to its component. Side effects are also associated with it, which can manifest as redness and a rash at the site of application of the ointment.

The drug is allowed during pregnancy and lactation.

"Fenistil Penciclovir" and its properties

If you need to find a cure for herpes in intimate places in ointments or in the form of a gel, you should try Fenistil Penciclovir.

This is a gel that does not have anti-allergic properties (unlike the usual "Fenistil"), and belongs to a different group of drugs. Its active ingredient is penciclovir, which has antiviral activity.

The drug "Fenistil Pencivir"
The drug "Fenistil Pencivir"

Gel is effective against herpes viruses type 1 and 2. "Penciclovir" blocks their replication (reproduction).

The only contraindication to use is hypersensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components. Since the product is designed for external use, it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Immunomodulatory Therapy

In recent years, immunomodulatory therapy for herpes has gained particular importance. Interferon preparations are used for it. Their action is aimed at increasing immunity, which is especially important in the recurrent form of herpes.

However, inthe period of exacerbation of the disease, the processes occurring in the body limit their effect. Therefore, it is useless to take such drugs at this time. They are prescribed no earlier than the 14th day for acute primary herpes or the 7th day for an exacerbation of a recurrent form of the disease.

When carrying out such therapy, gel "Viferon" is used. Specific immunoglobulins also play an important role, for example, "Immunoglobulin" normal human or "Intraglobin". Both are given as an injection 1-3 days apart.

Gel "Viferon"
Gel "Viferon"

As part of immunomodulatory therapy, vitamin complexes are also prescribed.

Spray in immunomodulating therapy

Although, mainly, medicines for herpes in intimate places in tablets and ointments are used to treat the disease, there is one drug in the form of a spray that is used in complex immunomodulatory therapy.

This is "Epigen Intim", the main active ingredient of which is activated glycyrrhizic acid. The latter is of natural origin, it is obtained from the licorice root. This acid has a complex effect. That is, it is not only an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent, but also relieves itching and provides tissue regeneration.

The remedy is effective against herpes virus types 1 and 2, papillomavirus and shingles. Can be used during pregnancy.

Other drugs

In case of severe pain, the doctor may prescribe additional non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs. It can be "Ketorolac" or "Ibuprofen". The latter is marketed under various trade names such as Nurofen.

Drug "Nurofen"
Drug "Nurofen"

To relieve itching, antihistamines can be used, for example, "Tavegil" (although it belongs to the first generation drugs), "Claritin", "Histafen".

If there is a threat of penetration of a secondary infection, antibacterial ointments (zinc and oxolinic) are recommended.

In addition to the basic medical treatment, various phytotherapeutic methods, such as UHF or magnetotherapy, can be used. Such procedures are carried out only during remission.

Treatment with folk methods

The use of folk remedies for genital herpes is quite possible, but only as an additional therapy, since they usually relieve only the symptoms, and do not eliminate the very cause.

From folk remedies, tea from licorice root can be considered a cure for herpes in intimate places. It contains glycyrrhizic acid, the action of which has been described above.

Brew the remedy like this: take 2 tsp in a glass of boiling water. crushed dry root. You can drink no more than 3 glasses per day. In larger doses, licorice root leads to poisoning.

The choice of treatment regimen is the task of the doctor. It is impossible to start taking any of the described drugs without first consulting a specialist.
