A steam-moist inhaler is necessary for people who want to have clean skin, as well as for colds of the upper respiratory tract. Inhalations perfectly help to cope with a runny nose and dry cough, moisturizing the nasal passages and bronchi. After inhalation of medicinal decoctions, a noticeable improvement occurs, so the procedures are recommended for both children and adults.
There are several varieties of household steam inhaler. This is a simple plastic or metal bowl with nozzles for inhalation through the mouth and nose, as well as an electric counterpart, which is more often used for cosmetic purposes to clean the sebaceous glands and skin pores under the influence of hot steam.
Ease of use
You can, of course, use a pot with a decoction of medicinal herbs heated over a fire, over which you need to bend over, covered with a towel, and inhale the vapors. At the same time, it is easy to get burned, experience terrible inconvenience, and there is always a danger of pouring boiling water on yourself. It's impossible for a child to do this.do, so let's turn your attention to modern convenient inhalers that have proven their effectiveness.

The steam-moist inhaler is light, made of heat-resistant material. It consists of a bowl into which hot decoction is poured, tightly closed and safe, an adapter and a mask for the nose and mouth. When you have a cold, you need to breathe herbs through your nose, and when you cough, you need to breathe through your mouth.
The household device is used for inhalation with a solution of baking soda, medicines or herbal decoctions. Hot steam moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, activates the functions of the ciliated epithelium, improves blood flow and thins the accumulated mucus.

When dry cough acts moisturizing, facilitates sputum discharge when wet. Under the influence of high temperature, the medicine is absorbed faster, thereby bringing recovery closer.
Cosmetic effect
Hot steam has a sauna effect. The pores of the skin open perfectly, so it is no longer superficial, as with a simple wash, but a deeper cleansing of the face from deposits of the sebaceous glands and sweating.

Improves blood circulation, the face becomes fresh and he althy. The skin becomes elastic and tender, like a baby's. It is activated with blood flow and metabolism, which contributes to the regeneration of the skin after damage and residual effects from inflammatory processes.
Facial steam baths help relieve nervousstress, relax all the cells of the body, bringing a feeling of satisfaction and bliss. After the bath, the mood rises and sleep improves.
However, even such a safe procedure has contraindications. Do not use hot steam for hypertension, tonsillitis, coronary heart disease and the presence of blood in the sputum when coughing.