Experts say that the so-called sciatic nerve is one of the largest in our body. If a person has discomfort in this area or severe pain, then most likely he has sciatica. This is a disease in which the sciatic nerve itself is pinched, accompanied by discomfort in the lumbosacral region or buttocks. In this article, we will consider in as much detail as possible what are the symptoms of this disease, and also tell you how the sciatic nerve is treated.

Primary symptoms
Inflammation of the sciatic nerve itself in medicine is explained by damage to the roots directly in the lumbosacral spine. Patients often complain of pain and even burning in the back, legs and lower back. There may be several reasons for this development of events, including injuries, and constant physical activity, and a hernia, and even various kinds of infections.
How is the sciatic nerve treated?
Surely everyone, when primary symptoms occur, rushes to a specialist for help. Indeed, the pain is so severe that conventional medications simply do not help withsuch a problem when the sciatic nerve is inflamed. How to treat and how to cope with discomfort?
Let's look at the traditional methods first. So, therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist and only after identifying the true cause of the disease. As a rule, bed rest, special gymnastics, therapeutic massage are prescribed. As for drugs, the drugs Ibuprofen, Ortofen, Diclofenac are considered an excellent solution. It should be noted that it is not recommended to use these funds without prior consultation.

Sciatic nerve: treatment with folk remedies
Of course, some prefer to use the recipes of our grandmothers than to use traditional medicine. So, the most popular is the method using homemade cakes. It is necessary to take a glass of the most ordinary flour and three tablespoons of any honey, gently knead the dough and roll up the cake. Then put it on the affected area and cover with polyethylene. It is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed. However, if the pain attacks do not decrease, it is better to consult a doctor. Often, advanced stages even require surgical intervention.

Preventive measures
As you know, prevention is better than cure. In order not to wonder how the sciatic nerve is treated, experts strongly recommend strengtheningback muscles. Everyone should constantly monitor their posture, in particular, the so-called "office plankton", that is, those people who spend a long time at their desk in one position. In addition, you should not allow hypothermia and do not lift weights. So that there are no questions about how the sciatic nerve is treated, doctors recommend stretching all the muscles. Yoga is a great option. It allows not only to forget about back problems, but also to keep the whole body in good shape. Stay he althy!